USC we got a very special guest we in Milwaukee we in Milwaukee and I said real quick I want to say it’s from bottom of my heart I’ve been watching this guy for years he don’t know I’m watching it for years lot of tutorials I’ve been watching from him even though I’m from
Chicago but it came from him so it’s airation so his his power from YouTu it goes not Beyond Midwest beyond the nation I want to say I appreciate it because like I said that’s it’s it’s been a blessing I’ve been watching this guy for many many years um real quick
Got co-host what’s your name latata AKA melan and shots all right all right now he can introduce himself go ahead sir uh I’m Nico uh skate fam 414 Milwaukee 24 skate fam um anything with Milwaukee in it that come from that anything with Milwaukee in it that post skating
Usually be coming from me and I always tag milwauke just to show love to my city cuz I’m proud of my city but I always put the 414 in the skate fam you see skate fam is usually me all right like I said uh First Impressions is as far as the ska like
It’s turn over here man I ain’t gonna lie to you like I love JB but you got like I lived in Houston for about a year I live to Ohio I live all parts of the country and this right here I’m GNA come up here more often this this a decent
It’s decent as hell I ain’t gonna lie to um real quick I want to ask some good questions for you guys question for you first question is in this in roll SK Community even though Co happened it’s been kind of dying down because the Rings was closed Co people on SK not
Skate ring was on the uh tenis Court like you were a lot of videos what not so what now it’s coming back in the community why is videography and social media a key part in roller skating what’s your thoughts on that um I think it’s just give people
Who don’t usually see roller skating or who don’t be in a ring it expose them to it and give them a chance to see what’s going on a lot of people are into skating and think it’s fun and just don’t know that people still be skating so when you get those videos up
Everybody see it’s like oh I need to go join them oh I need to go get some skates it’s like a visual reminder that we still here and this culture is still going strong so okay it’s extremely important okay now by saying that too as
A video I can say I’ve been doing this for about three months now I feel I’m doing I’m doing all right not like this guy I thought you was doing it longer than that I wish I’m trying tell you I’m trying to get like this guy right here
Y’all know it trying to get like him n no man no no but um one thing I have noticed is even though it’s a very small group of us especially in Chicago about like at least five ones that have a big a decent name and I guess right now my
My name is it’s all right whatever but um when comes to videographers you feel it’s a bias towards certain skaters what I mean by that is if I go to a skating rink right and I see a certain skater okay I’m gonna get good content from him or you look at this SK
You never seen before you feel you want go to one you know you get good content from but that unknown person like what do you think on that is it bias or no bias we see that in other videographers you asking as far as what
The skater put out for the so let’s say if I’m I’m me right and I see a a regular come to skater ring you know he’s gonna be good content I gotta get him but I see another skater never seen him before would you rather get would
You do you have a bias towards the SC that you always see but that one that you never seen before that he’s possibly he could be good you know what I’m saying like you see a bias are you saying me personally or all well you can say you can say both it’s
Up to you oh well me personally I feel like I’m going to go get try to record whoever is comfortable in front of the camera right and if it’s a stranger that I don’t know they might not be comfortable in front of the camera or in
Front of the big light okay like I’m one of them people who you put the light on me and my feet going to run together and I’m going to trip myself right so I be trying to go to the people that I know comfortable with it first and foremost
Okay I try not to be biased but I always ask before I put out if anybody want video come up and let me know if I don’t normally record you I know you comfortable if you let me know I don’t want to just intrude on your personal
Space you know okay so let me ask you this so we so do you ask for permission or you just go in like hey we comes to like recording like okay it looks good recording them or I gotta ask them you know for consent I’ve done both I try to
Always ask but I ain’t gonna lie if somebody going too crazy it’ll just be my natural reaction to recove but if they shoot me it look like all right I’m out of there you know what I’m saying a lot of people is cool with it it’s like
95% to 5% most times people cool with it but if I don’t know I will try to ask unless I catch you in the middle of going crazy and I try to you know get a little footage but if anybody not comfortable with it always delete it
Stop right there like it you know but how do you know like if they’re uncomfortable like a signs like okay they kind of just back off or just like hey like like no like what they do typically all of that like they give you to like or they start not skating they
Start slowly slowing down and then they just coasting they’ll shoot you a look or something or they might say get me later let me practice right now like you know what I’m saying so we get that all the time I tell you like I hate to cut
You off but like that that’s how a person because like even though we’ve been doing this for three months now you know we ask people most them say yeah I want to recar quarter and then some of the best skaters I’ve seen it’s like you ask
Him I’m I’m I’m I’m all right I’m terrible but once they walk away they want to you know what I’m saying so I mean it’s it’s I se a lot what not your hometown or everywhere but what not so right now I’ve been I’ve been the star
Glenwood rink as far as like recording um pretty much all Chicago skating rinks um couple here but I’m still trying to venture off and bring the camera I travel skat but like because the camera still starting off so um but I still got to figure out what best for me all right
Um the next question is um if Rose skating wasn’t thing on social media what do you feel like the state of rad SK will be in general will be in a a bad state or like in a perfect spot we be sacred got worried about like
What do you think about that I think it’ll be less egos in it for sure like people get posted on social media and they all right testing 123 321 make sure everybody can hear me my check your cellation is activated all right can you guys hear me can you guys hear me you
Good can you hear me all right all right three two one QC what’s going on how yall doing today I got a really special guest I came Milwaukee I got my inspiration right here lot of people don’t know that you not from Chicago you got Batman you got MAA you got all these
Char now what we saying so we talked about going back to the question if social media wasn’t a thing for roll skating so if that wasn’t the Case be green well that’s a most cancellation but go ahead put that on or just so going back to the question if rad skting was a thing on social media whatsoever you have everything on social media you have music trending stuffff whatever but R game was not in that
Vicinity what would the state of Road skating be in general would be in a positive state or somewhere like somewhere negative what do you think about that I feel like it’s a thin line between positive and negative on that one because for one it’ll be a lot less
Ego you know people get a lot of followers or a lot of people telling them you good and then you see people start to act a little different sometime but on the other hand I feel like it’ll be less spreading different styles cuz everybody can’t travel so when you have
Everybody that can travel and go to different events you can pick up these Styles but a lot of people is just learning these Styles via social media right so I feel like it’s a double-edged sword on it but I feel like it’ll really be more organic if it wasn’t social
Media involved more people would come to skate and not to be seen or to be in a video or you know what I’m saying more people would do it for the love so I feel like it it being organic would always be better but you know it’s I see
The positive of both of it all right now going back to what you’re saying was now you said that there was egos key word Egos and we experienced that in a very short period of time I mean I know I experienced it he laughing but I’ve
Been skating for years me too but now being so me like a lot of guys know me in Chicago whatever and they know me go to certain session because I’m type person I’m going be straightforward I don’t care what you say um but I go go
Certain sense because egos is not a big problem but since I’m I’m in the business now and also the community it comes ego right so I’m not GNA get them my part but elaborate when you say egos what does that what do you mean by ego in the skate Community
Well something I’ve been seeing people get posted in a video here and there and then now they want to go around saying they the best skater or you have people that even when it come to videographers like oh I’m cool with this videographer I’m so big or that videographer is so
Big only they can record me nobody else can record me type stuff right um You have people that they just like just a little bit turned into a different person like they used to be cool and then they got super good at skating they walk past you not speak they feel like
Everybody got to kiss their butt or something like you know what I’m saying this little stuff but it’s life it’ll be like that in anything whether it’s good basketball players good skaters good whatever like so you know what to expect now do you feel like uh because
Of that does that do any harm to the community and as a whole because I I I believe with history you go back to many years when like let’s say civil rights we use this as a outlet for like therapy so with now social media come to
Play you feel like hey Nas we back there used to be United now we kind of like this you know back off each other now it’s ego I’m competing against you you feel like that’s the same way how you feel about that so how you feel about
That no I definitely feel like that it drive a lot of division between us especially in a social media era where everybody got an opinion and everybody feel like they opinion valid and not everybody can just see everybody else opinion before you knew everybody opinion it was just oh we here we
Skating la la la but then people post how they feel about something and now you see dang they think like that and it just divide it drive a WS between everybody old and young new skaters and older skaters good skaters bad skaters like it’s just it’s too much Division
And if everybody couldn’t voice their opinions I feel like we wouldn’t have that okay okay all right so um so real quick so before we started the uh the uh um the the questions that uh I show him the question before we started there’s one that kind of got him laughing so I’m
I want I want to ask it I think it’s a juicy one so um since I just started see he laughing again he laughing again man so um you know what I’m talking about so I just started my YouTube channel about how long been I YouTube chel like what 3 weeks two weeks
Yeah I thought I’m doing okay what not um so as faring as far as staring your brand and social media YouTube what not how hard is it to do that especially like somebody upcoming as me you know what’s your thoughts on that um funny backstory when I was
Trying to grow and get some traction to my channel I was um I was in college at the time and me and my homie like we F to do YouTube dang this my song but uh get you out there no no you good you good I’m
Like yo me and my gu said we F to do YouTube and we literally set up for days in a row just making YouTube channels I hope YouTube don’t see this and try to ban my channel because they in active now and they been cancelled but man we
Literally was like we th000 subscribers bet we tried to make a th YouTube channels and subscribe to our own channel I kid you not like we got a notebook writing down all the emails and passwords trying to get to our own own channel like it was hilarious but anyway
Um I feel like growth just come with being consistent like occasionally you get a nice little bump when you have a good video or you record somebody going extra crazy or you have a good edit but just being consistent you know you get that a follower here two followers there
And it just take time um dang him just walking past just made me lose my train of thought for a second but um what was I saying pry much be consistent um keep pushing yourself just just talk about you know about that aspect about YouTube like you know certain videos can bump
You if somebody’s going crazy what not just just stuff like that dang it is not coming to me I ain’t gonna lie like he just had like a all blue outfit on and all I saw was blue and like my bad my bad it’s all it’s all
Good don’t worry about it it I’ll say it when it come back to me it’s all good it’s all good so um now next question is Oh and before we get there I just want to go back to the other question okay go ahead go ahead about um the pros and
Cons sort of uh recording in the skate Community right and I feel like one of the biggest pros this was the whole reason I started my channel um based on skating because I just started my channel didn’t know what I was going to do I just wanted to do YouTube at first
And I happen to be at the rink and my boy Superman going super crazy like and I’m looking around like bro ain’t nobody recording this we don’t want to watch this later and I didn’t want to store all the videos on my phone and saving for 10 years I’m like I’ll just
Throw it on YouTube and let them store over there so I just started recording all the people snapping like they going want to see this they kids going want to see this later right right and I just thought it was dope to document that for them in the future right all right all
Right so um kind of wrap it up when I um and I appreciate everything I appreciate you honored to be on your channel this guy pleas trying to act humble man I’m more humble than I don’t talking about no you got it Bry but um real quick um so since
I picked up the camera what not I no it’s this one big thing and she notices we talked about this yesterday so um actually last week or so um it it feels like when I go to the skate rink now like it’s obligation to pick up the camera right here you guys
Can’t see it but we can so what do you feel like now even though you said the P for skating what not we feel like it’s more important to your heart capturing the story somebody else with the camera or you skating yourself in general we feel like it’s more important right now
Comes to you know f for me yeah like the camera recording other people or just skating just period that’s easy the camera and I feel like it shouldn’t be like that because skating really was one of my first loves like it’s therapy it’s exercise it’s good for your mental
Health like all of that wrapped into one so I feel like I kind of neglected Myself by being behind the camera too much and I lost my balance and what I would I started to do was I and I always been one that if Sten start at seven at
7 I’m gon be there at 650 like I want to be first one in and put my work in and when I start recording I’m like I got to make sure I get there on time so I put my work in and you know all the skaters
Come fashionably late so by the time they get there I’ll be sweated out got all my work in practiced what I wanted to do and now I can focus on recording and I got both in right but I definitely feel like I let recording take over too
Much of my mental space for a while and I’m trying to step back and try to balance it out better now so all you that’s coming up and want to record keep getting your skate on don’t let it hold you back for real for real yeah cuz it’s
It’s now to me I feel like I’m picking up more the camera now than I ever thought I I would I mean to me like you said consistency um I I’ll never forget this day December 15th I posted my first video I used to ask people when I lived
In Houston hey can send me some videos when I send me some videos you know I’m try my camera would not he’s like yeah use your phone use your phone yeah whatever I need an actual camera I said no just record just record just record record I’m all right yeah whatever so
Because I’m starting off it’s like I got nervous like hey can I record you can I record you like go ahead that first that first yes I went I went and just went crazy then I got myself I got my lights I got my microphone I got my my gimbal I
Got my stabilizer so because of that since then I have about I I’m like at 198 post on my page now it’s been it’s been almost what it’s two and a half months I’m not trying to overflow but it’s star to become a pass because I get
To capture moments that I want to go back like damn youing it’s man it’s tough man it’s like man I’m this day guy was going super crazy but imagine if I had that camera he be like dang he was doing like that but I I got the proof so I mean um it
All came from him when I I definitely appreciate it um to me personally I feel like it probably I’ll probably pick up I’ll probably keep the rooll SK before the camera because through all the dark times I’ve been through this right here on my feet is the one thing that kept me pushing
The camera yeah whatever but I mean once I got to the he not this G but like just any rink in general everything that I was going through left at the door period it’s it’s it’s no it’s no there nothing against that so um said I’m end
Off right there this is this is my song it’s Miss sneak on the track I got to get out of there hold on before you go I want to know what been challenging for you like the you feel like it’s the most challenging since you stepped into the recording
Lane I know I had to put you on the spot no it’s okay it’s okay I don’t even no question but listen I’m really talk um I would say is and she can bash with this too so we talked about egos with not like said I’m I’m I’m I’m not gonna
Go into the detail with not um but so in Chicago I’m I’m be biased I think Chicago got the best skaters I I I don’t care what y’all say I ain’t going to lie to you the degree of difficulty I feel like Chicago is the toughest you know
But skaters from there do go to crazi and because of that um it because a lot of ego like a lot of ego and it’s unfortunate because with that power you can do so much with that and since like I said before I go to certain sessions
Like the order cow like like 16 up you know they have canes on and they you know what I’m saying they they they try to get to one point other Co but guess what it’s love nobody judges you when you fall down they want to pick you up
If I go a regular session at Glenwood at a certain night it’s like you fall it’s like you know it’s like in ay tension it’s the extra stuff so to me if I’m trying to teach a new person they wouldn’t want to come back because I
Dang I feel like I gota I feel like you know the aniet to shoot up so going back to the question what you’re saying was the hardest thing was again is trying to get into the community in Chicago because I feel like now I’m inv invol in
A lot of politics now because I got the camera because the the the power I have on the camera they notice that in such a little time it’s like Dang d they come up to you why you don’t never repord me it’s it’s it’s it’s ridiculous man
But um I a go to detail but in and off it’s a lot of egos that I wish that it wasn’t like that it’s not everybody but certain people they know who they are we can talk about the things we have talk things but like I said I just want to
Make sure that we come back to the community because I seen so many people that want to skate with me and they go to a session as beginners it’s like dang no I’m okay you know it’s it’s like it’s like I’m competing against you guys mind you there’s no box score there there’s
No contracts there’s none of that we going around the circle for two hours you go home back you 9 to5 if you have a 9 to5 I know I do but um I’m see talk all day you know what I’m saying so I said Miss Nas on track you hear that
Miss n on track um all right one more one more one more he said one more he said one more so what’s your favorite thing about recording I’ll say so one thing I noticed is when I first started recording was um so I just record you know what’s you know what’s
On my phone whatever but after I started to get the um the softwares you know the editing stuff she she taught me all the stuff because she’s a she’s a Prof photographer right here she the coldest one got man y go check her out please do
So you going to teach me something I need to learn too man she I’m telling you all the stuff right here if if it wasn’t for her I be sitting there scratch my head yeah please get this woman right here please do because man she know you know what I’m
Saying but um I’m telling you editing man like one thing I have noticed is able to delete all the people who’s following able to put certain parts of the video here and there it’s like you have it’s like you have it’s like magic people don’t know that but you can make
Somebody look super bad look super cold because it’s like recording highlights because of that you can go the skate right now watch that same person it’s like dang he a’t all that for real but the power of like videographers it can make you look really good because that
So all right that’s prob my favorite part so I mean hey interesting interesting I like that question you got more question for me I don’t want to hold you up too long let’s do a part two and I’ll BR you some more I you want to
Get out there a little bit it’s my song right here right here but um like I said I appreciate everything um like I said Thank you for having me I hit him up about a month ago I told him I w’t be out here um I had some events to go to
But I said I’m here right now I’m G come back here because I feel like every time I come come to Wisconsin it’s love like it’s love the skaters is just as good out here like I come out here it’s like dang they they going H they going crazy out
Here like Lata we went to Star how was it at Star last time man go tell them tell them I mean that was my first time there so like I had a lot of fun it was a Vibe everybody there was super nice so but what about
The talent though like oh the talent yeah there was a lot of good people out there lot I knew I I knew that so I knew that they was they was cold but like the last time I went was like a last year but man they they got they gotten real
Man I’m sorry being out here in Chicago they do some work man I don’t care what y’all say but hey but I said um once again we appreciate it um thank you for having do a part two ask some better questions I know it’s be kind of some
Technical difficulties but once my set up better we have some headphones we don’t go crazy but till next time we appreciate it Qui Squad Chicago we out appreciate it