[Applause] This music gets your attention right away and this move side by side triple sows he doubled it Faltering on the second jump of the triple toe loop double toe Loop [Applause] Just this basic skating is some of the best in the competition right [Applause] here throw Triple Loop back outside edge takeoff very solid very Steady when they won the world title in Dortmund Germany last year they beat the defending champs Shannon Xiao of China the next day while practicing her exhibitions taana dislocated her shoulder and they could not skate in the exhibitions it took some time to to rehab that but she says she’s basically 99% healthy
Now oh there’s another gosh oh I think she hit Oh Oleg vasiliev their coach quickly out to 10 to tatiano and emergency Personnel also making their way out onto the ice my gosh Peter we’ve often talked about how dangerous this sport is but until you see something like that it it really doesn’t hit home how true that is
This is absolutely the most helpless feeling you can have as a pear skater when your feet go out from under you and you drop your partner like that it’s just it’s the most horrible feeling and right now they have to do the right thing not move herence it’s just horrible to watch the
Professional trying to ask for some help from the crowd just in uh staying quiet letting the emergency Personnel do their jobs we’ve seen uh well I I I don’t know if we’ve seen much of that level uh or at that level tomorrow mosina has been through similar situations before yena
Bea she coached her and she had a head injury a blade slicing through her head Paul babos the American skater with the head injury a par of skater we’ve seen in the past but this was a very dramatic fall and U just a Chronicle it we’re going to
Show it to you but if you don’t want to look turn away right now oh you see Terry that that lift just got away from him this is one of the most dangerous lifts because they’re both taking off forward she’s like a sail in the air and that sail it’s like catching
A gust of wind and that throws him to his heel he catches it and then the fall accelerates as she comes to the ground just brutal and Maxi marinan not knowing what to do right now along with o silv and the emergency Personnel taking taana toana after immobilizing her making sure that they
Did not move her right away and making sure that her head her neck does not move uh taking her off on a stretcher medical room has been prepared but they will take her to a local hospital here in Pittsburgh and uh certainly everyone who just witnessed that uh saying a
Prayer right now for taana back to Pittsburgh in a moment uh in pair skating but you shed them when you’re in competition if falls start to reoccur more often well definitely I think helmets will be investigated but right now I don’t see that happening if this continues on on a more regular
Basis then possibly well just a a frightening frightening incident here uh in Pittsburgh but uh it turns out to be okay at least as taana help me on and in good condition at Mercy Hospital here in the downtown area