Next to skate representing russia we are about to watch the best skater in the world she’s taken over that spot this season with what she has done and taking the sport to new heights camila valeeva 15 years of age from moscow the russian national champ the world junior
Champ in 2020 and the favorite for the olympic gold A talent like this comes along once in a lifetime so just sit back and enjoy her first element is the triple axel the best triple axel ever done by a woman in my opinion watch for the speed the distance efficiency plus arms over the head Magical Then watch camilla’s grade of execution through this program scored over three points in bonus for that triple axel and all of her elements scored that well Arms over the head for that triple triple in the bonus triple triples our child’s play for camila So So [Applause] perfection may not exist but it’s approached every time camila verrieva takes the ice so true terry she is worldly to be so consistent to be such a complete skater technically artistically but but also to be a steely competitor there are so many facets that go into
The making of a great skater or more specifically an olympic champion and she has every single one of them just in terms of that other world layer just to reference your other worldly reference see i i feel like she’s she’s so far beyond like a star is born i feel like she’s
Just some mythical creature that finally has let us see her for the first time like a unicorn or something oh my gosh she’s just absolutely tremendously brilliant in every possible way she never stopped emoting she went for every degree of difficulty on every technical element highest levels highest grade of
Execution and she just it’s like extra credit beyond in in her performances i asked her when i was meeting with her and we were filming her profile for the olympics what if everything to do was and she said it was to sleep so to do a triple axel that beautifully
I guess you need your rest for that triple axel over 11 points near 12 points but just check the flexibility the extension the positioning she’s just a work of art johnny it’s the extension and watch not only an incredible triple triple right here but watch the landing arms over the head very
Difficult watch the extension the line how stretched out it’s almost as if she’s doing a spiral on the end of every one of her jumps she’ll hit the most glorious position and then ooze into something else that we never thought that we needed and it just gets better and better and this is
The best i think she’s been all season and i do think she’s going to set a new record highest score ever for this short program it’s just with mileage which with time through the season you get so much more comfortable and you can add nuance and feeling to
Your performances and she’s doing that and i feel like by the olympics she’s going to be you know overweight we talk about it for the men they’re judged on a different scale for components and are allowed to quads in the short program their benchmark score is 100 points in
The short program and i think camila will get as close to that as any woman possibly could terry we talk about nathan chen in the men’s event and always say that he’s topping himself at every event camilla is the equivalent in the women’s event
No woman has ever hit the 90 mark in the short program at a major event now she has holy cow 90.45 are you kidding me and we’re not even at the olympics yeah every time she sets a personal best it is a record she holds the top numbers and it just
Keeps getting higher and higher wow