What’s up guys it’s your boy Malik Thomas and we are back with another fire video another fire event and today I am here with little twin jigs from steady rolling turkey from steady rolling mark from JB Renegade Chris from JB Renegade and this is the Roland Renegade first
Annual look if you’re not here you’re gonna hear about it but it’s a couple things I got to ask before we proceed into this fire video what what what made y’all want to start this party you know well we was actually on a road trip to
Another skate party and I got a chance to talk with the JB Renegade group about have they ever thought about doing a party and they said they was interested in doing that and we wanted to do it too so the idea came up of doing a rolling
Renegade party and we just went from there yeah um so Chris told us that him and Chuck had some in the works and the deck we our group got geeked so we was like let’s do it let’s make it happen so we’re just trying to bring like a whole
New energy something fresh to the Skate World bring skates from all over together just start a new tradition so hopefully something that can keep coming back for sure because I’ll definitely be looking for the second annual when y’all see this video y’all I’m like yeah yeah
We got to get our plane ticket to Chicago we finna slide if y’all don’t know what slide mean that means y’all just coming anyway the next question we got here is what’s the meaning behind the party like what can y’all tell me about that so the meaning behind the
Party is to bring the skaters together we got old school new school middle school you know so that’s the whole thing other groups can do this you know what I’m saying JB Renegades you know we all came together as one and like I say other groups can do this so this is the
Whole meaning of the party to bring people together all the JB skaters skaters included just to bring everybody together anything you want to import I mean uh pretty much the same thing that he said like we just wanted to have a party that was go give all skaters no matter what
Age groups or what group uh what what class or whatever like that just to come together and and just party you know what I’m saying like have a good time and I just want to tell y’all these are some solid gentlemen on the floor and off the floor they some bad rollers look
Y’all gonna see them tonight in action look I told y’all this is going to be an amazing party if you’re not here already you’re gonna hear about it stay checking on the channel at JB skate Chicago and you can also look on the YouTube channel Malik Thomas you can also follow them I
Will put their ad name down and you can also follow their group pages to stay updated for the steady rolling rolling Renegade JB Renegade the second annual like come on man y’all just gonna wish I was here but you know we’re not going to carry this on make sure you like the
Video subscribe to the channel and hit that Bell and we are out thank you gentlemen for sliding we out baby [Applause] You went to him foreign They’re playing My dreams playing My dreams Foreign Foreign Foreign Get down one two three days One two three days Hold it now Track now what but whatsoever Whatever I like to introduce y’all to Hassani let’s go Call it now Foreign Foreign Thank you foreign Because it is Thank you Foreign Tim Jones Hit me Foreign I know you’re gonna take this Expensive Foreign Thank you Foreign Foreign I ain’t ready Foreign foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Get up get down [Applause] one two three Get that it up Get down get down [Applause] this week on the track this week on a trip On a track This week on a trip this week on a track Foreign Foreign Foreign Y’all know what’s going on man y’all know what’s going on bro don’t act like you don’t know act like you know yes sir all the time all the time I don’t care where I go I’m gonna enjoy myself I appreciate you bro I did one two three guys I did awesome okay literally
Yeah oh yes I enjoy it lots of fun y’all seen the shirt real Legends I did of course you know our first annual party you know rolling Renegade okay in the house all right no it’s Luke [Applause] I’m the only one with this song
I had a great time actually okay I had a great time tonight at the rolling Renegade okay we got rappers coming in here everything was so it was bad it was it it was up it’s up and it’s gonna stay there you see the flyer 20 years of us and
Brotherhood and on the other side jvx April 21 23 so you got the X and you got the K remember that come on out hey I need my little brother man look at look at him wait wait you see the head oh no you see the wind Breakers in Chicago eggs [Applause] [Applause] on a bag but I’m not taking this coat off night yeah thank y’all Foreign I need it