Hey there Lindsay here The Frugal crafter it is sat chat time I hope you’re having a great weekend what a week this week has been like uh quite the year I don’t know it’s been it’s been uh full and pretty fun kind of long
Um I hope your week is going well oh I do want to let you know before we get any further because this is the last day of my birthday sale in my teachable school so you can get 47 off any class use a coupon code hb47 all that
Information is in the video description now I had uh two people say there was no place to put the coupon code in and I was trying to figure out what was going on there and I think they were both maybe in the teachable app so if something happens and you’re buying a
Class and it’s like I can’t see where to put the code in and it charges You full price which has been it’s only happened like two times um during the sale just email me and I will refund you the difference so don’t even worry about it I will take care of
You just let me know um it’s really weird so I I think it’s like an app issue because I was trying to like I’m like that’s so weird because I can understand like missing the box that’s why I say click add coupon code and the information is in the video
Description but I was like that’s really weird so you know the internet there’s always weird things going on you gotta decipher and figure out and I try to figure it out myself before I open up a support ticket because it’s just so much faster that way um but anyway that’s going on through
Today so if you want to grab a class all of my uh full-length courses are lifetime access the only thing that’s not lifetime access is critique Club because that’s a monthly membership but all my other classes you buy them once and you have them so
Um if you know you have time off in January but you’re like completely busy maybe you run a ice cream parlor and that’s your job and you’re like hey this is Big Time and the ice cream parlor industry I can’t be learning how to paint right now I got you don’t worry
You can get the class on sale and you can you know work on it in January when you know you get your ice cream parlor vacation between all the ice cream probably conventions I mean I know nothing about your industry but I’m just uh just thinking about it oh it is so
Humid luckily we’ve had a couple really nice warm days but um unluckily it is so humid that like I I was just curling my hair and I’m already looking like a wolf I’m already looking like I’ve been like in the forest for you know three days scrounging around and eating berries and
Weeds and stuff it’s like they go from like uh sleek and curly to Wolfie in a matter of uh 15 minutes in this humidity but nah what the heck I wanted to wear my hair down because I’m going out tomorrow night and I’m like okay if I
Fix my hair today then I’ll have to do it again because I am a wolf I am a wolfy sketchy hobo so you know can we do my hair two days in a row no no uh I did have it pinned up earlier I should have left it pinned up but
Um we’re going out with uh a couple friends tomorrow night which will be Saturday which will be night tonight for you guys but I film this on Friday uh so I’m excited for that I’ll have to redo my hair or pin it up or something but I
Was hoping I was hoping like in the winter I can get a week out of a hairdo not so lucky uh in the summer but hey I will not trade it I love the summer so this week has been super busy and super fun um had a great day last weekend last
Sunday my college friends came over we hosted them here I was a little like you know nerve-wracked getting the house clean and ready and like honestly they saw the living room the kitchen and the garage you know and I was like I cleaned like I I cleaned everywhere just
In case somebody wanders into a room yeah I was just like oh that wasted cleaning but uh but it was good it was good we had a great time and uh yeah it’s nothing that motivates you to clean your house like having people over and it’s like do you ever the other the
Other thing that motivates you to clean your house is um like when the kids were little and if head lice was going around the school and somebody in their classroom had contracted it then the teachers would call everybody in this in the classroom and say just so you know
You know and then like that would set off like the power cleaning like I would be taking down curtains and I would be washing everything I was scrubbing everything down probably completely overreacting but um but yeah that would be very motivating and then the other
Thing that I had to deal with this week and it was very motivating in the cleaning motivation scenario was my dog got skunked and uh so it’s been a really great friend week so my miles over around a little bit my birthday was Monday that’s since the birthday sale um and the thing
Birthdays are are weird I there’s so much expectation with birthday like you’ve got to have the best day ever because your birthday you don’t want to waste it you know so you have so much expectation that oh you’re gonna have an awesome day it’s your birthday right and
Then but then so then like you know no matter what you do it’s not gonna lead up to the expectation of you gotta have a really awesome birthday so like I love the ordinary days because on an ordinary day something awesome happens you’re like whoa that’s totally awesome I
Didn’t expect that that’s great you know your birthday it’s almost like yeah it’s very weird it’s a very weird space and then you start thinking about like your age and like have you hit the midpoint of your life do you have less Life to Live than you’ve already lived and then
It sets you down the existential spiral of dread and so you know and I started off my birthday day um actually this turned out pretty good though uh Maisie had a follow-up because she they said she fractured her ankle remember I told you about that last week and um
So we had a follow-up at the orthopedist which is like the bone specialist doctor and she’s looking at the x-rays that we got done the Urgent Care and they said that’s I don’t think that’s a fracture that was a growth plate to me so what they thought was a fracture was a growth
Plate and she’s like and the way I was I was moving her ankle she would have been off the off the bench she wouldn’t have been able to tolerate that so she’s in a walking boot so now I have two pairs of useless crutches in my house because I
Couldn’t use the crutches I already had no no I’m like I need professionals brand new crutches to it they need to adjust them and teach them oh yes and they’re like identical to the crutches we already had here that another that Lila bought on a yard sale once I don’t
Know why she bought them but anyway so we have two pairs of correct and we need to borrow some crutches because call me I got you I got two pairs two of you people could get infirmed and I’m I’m here I got gachicha set crutches
Oh Lord so but anyway so yay it wasn’t fractured so that was really good news that’s how I started off my birthday and um it was pretty low-key my um my son got me a KitchenAid mixer which I was totally shocked um I think I think the
Idea might have come from his girlfriend because last year it was last year before I can’t remember but um but I taught his girlfriend’s mom how to make pizza dough and she brought her KitchenAid mixer over and I was like oh my word is so much easier to make dough
In here than doing it by hand and um uh but I didn’t think I wanted something on the counter so I didn’t really investigate buying one but they thought of it and they got me that for my birthday I was like oh my gosh kid that
Is really way too expensive for a you know 20 year old to be purchasing but um but it’s great Jason got me an art Comer um bag they saw the Jerry’s out around me you can look them up it’s like a it’s like a wheelie bag you could put a whole
French easel in and then when you stop and you fold it there’s a seat that’s that comes out of it so that was pretty cool and my sister replaced my grumbacher um travel art bag that I take everywhere that I’ve used like the last 20 years
All the zippers are breaking on it and stuff and she had one and she gave me hers it was in like pristine conditions so I was like sweet and oh this is funny um I got a I got a bunch of coffee too like bags of coffee because I love
Coffee as a gift because I love good coffee and um a lot of got me some uh some nice coffees and Maisie got she painted this plant pot and it had dirt in it and she’s like Mama this is for you for your birthday I don’t remember what I planted
Goodness so I’m gonna have the surprise plant um when it’s uh when that comes out so I’m kind of I think that’s kind of funny and I’m excited about that oh and my mother made me this gorgeous quilt it’s so I got peonies it’s it’s uh like a
Corally a corally pinky watermelon red and teal and black and it’s got butterflies and peonies on it and then the quilting like the quilting you know the stitching that they do just to attach all the layers together is done like Mom did it in a like a butterfly
Pattern and swirls it’s really pretty and I put that on the bed it was so gorgeous and then uh the other night I’m like ah it’s just too hot I’m gonna take this off because I didn’t on top of my comforter and I folded up and put it on
The back of a chair and then um oh gosh I still have to rewind a little bit so okay so a friend came back to roof down oh my gosh this is such a weird stream of Consciousness but you know you’ve been here before you’re used
To it if you haven’t been here before I apologize and my life’s probably too bright because I actually have been using the Jergens Natural Glow and I still look very pale and I’m not as pale as I look without light on it’s just too bright I’m gonna sit back here
Um so what happened okay so a friend came in from Canada from Florida and so we were chit chatting online and I knew the weather was going to be really good and I said hey why don’t we all go to the beach tomorrow and then you guys
Will come back here and we’ll have a ping pong craft night because everything’s already clean I don’t want to waste a clean house right I’m like you guys come on over we’re gonna do that and plus Tracy’s back in town and we all need to like have a good day and
It’s an ordinary day and ordinary days can be anything have we learned nothing today we’ve learned that ordinary days can be anything so every day you should wake up hop out of bed and be like what is today gonna bring I don’t know let’s have some fun and so we went to the
Beach although the beach wasn’t really the beach anymore the beach was like so narrow we went to this really close one that it was like like half of each water it was so high but we won’t swing so it didn’t really matter um and then we came back here and we had
A great time a bunch of friends joined us afterwards so we had a house full we’re all crafted and have a great time and then everyone’s going to leave and the last guest to leave lets the dog out just like the dog’s standing by the door
And the guest thinks oh the dog wants to go open the door off the dog goes my dog cannot be trusted to be outside off a leash because she takes off and she took off and she didn’t go far because every once in a while I’d hear a jingle jangle
And she’d be zooming down the road going the other way luckily we’re in a very very quiet neighborhood there wasn’t a lot of traffic could not get that dog to come back to us so about 1 1 30 um we uh we catch a whiff of actually I was I was asleep my
Husband catches a whiff of skunk and sees the dog slink up the driveway and so he’s like oh no she’s been skunked so he’s like it’s he’s been trying he’s been waiting up for the dog to come back because there’s no catching her she’s a collie but she just looks like a
Greyhound when she’s running she’s just she’s a short haired collie um so she is just like she’s so fast and so uh Jason gets a hold of her and is trying to figure out where she’s been hit by Skunk and he’s got little the little spray
Bottle of like peroxide and and so he tries to like hit wherever he’s been sprayed and get the baking soda on her and oh she was ripe boy and so I’m oblivious to this I am dead to the world I fall when I go to sleep I’m like I’m
Out like that I I fall asleep very fast and um the next thing I know I hear my husband standing the doorway to the bedroom going oh no no no no and I just wake up and my hands on the dog the dog is in bed with me and then the the aroma
Hits me I’m like oh my God what is that thank God I didn’t have the quilt on the bed because she would have gotten that just like skunked oh my God this dog reeked and I think it was a combination of skunk and whatever dead thing she rolled in I
Don’t know it was like a compound of four hours of just running free left her own devices in the woods it was so disgusting and um and so uh Jason got off the bed she’s not the dog’s not asleep with us uh we have one dog it
Just seems like more sometimes like like Wednesday night and so then the dog she went downstairs and she uh I think she ended up sleeping in the garage but um we flipped over Furniture put stuff in Furniture so she couldn’t cop up and we got some new chairs and we didn’t want
Her to hop up in the chairs and get them all stinky but anyway she went down to the garage because it’s cooler and we just leave the doors open in between so yesterday morning I got up and I’m like oh I need to deal with this oh oh
So like I’m trying to go to sleep and I like the smell is so bad I can’t even cope and I have a very sensitive nose I have a very very like sometimes I question whether I’m having a stroke or not or I have some brain aneurysm or
Something so I’ll be like does anybody else smell that can you smell that I smell burning plastic what is that and the last time I was smelling burning plastic intermittently for like a month and then come to find it then our furnace stopped working and there was
Like some insulation that had burned off like a wire in the back of the furnace and nobody else smelled anything so I have a very sensitive sense of smell and so yesterday morning I woke up I’m like all right I’m gonna have to deal with
This and so I made my six I make I have a cup I bought a coffee maker one before the kids came home because I’m like I’m not French pressing several presses of coffee every day so I bought an electric coffee maker and um so I’ll Brew it up to like the sixth
Point I’ll usually have like a big mug which is according to the coffee maker three cups of coffee and then I put the rest in like a mason jar in the fridge for the girls to split and because they’re teenagers you shouldn’t have that much coffee and um I had two of my
Big mugs which according to the coffee maker is six cups of coffee but I needed every ounce because I needed to de-skunk the dog but I did find something that worked really well and it was a recipe on the um on the Humane Society website and you take one quart of hydrogen
Hydrogen peroxide which thank goodness we had it Jason didn’t know we had more peroxide he thought all we had was a little squirt bottle that you know you have the medicine cabinet in case somebody scrapes their hand you just wear a little broke that on it
Um so I got the uh I got the core I got a quart of peroxide I got a big dish pan but I poured that in a quarter cup of baking soda I poured that in and a tablespoon teaspoon or tablespoon of Dawn I just scored it I didn’t measure
That I’m not dirtying a teaspoon we have enough stuff I have to deal with I’m not watching one more thing I was like goodness and so she was outside I had her hooked on her run out back and um with a hose out there and so I brought
That out there and I just I just coated air coated her head to tail and she let me so she must have just been disgusted with her own stink because it was it was bad and the dawn helped it work in there so I worked it all through it for I made
Sure it was really well coated and they said don’t leave it on too long so it can bleach their fur um she’s got light fur anyway she’s got like white belly and chest and then she’s got kind of like golden like um kind of like a heathered golden uh
Pattern anyway uh so scrub that in really good and then I rinsed it kind of wetter down I shampooed her really well with that then I rinsed it all off thoroughly then I got the oatmeal gentle poppy shampoo and gave her a really thorough scrub down with that because I
Didn’t want any of the like baking soda or peroxide residue or anything on her because I thought that might make her skin itch or something so I wanted to get a really really really clean the dog’s never been cleaner um she was not crazy about that ordeal
But I think she was relieved honestly because it was awful so then I had to clean the house but the house was already Baseline quite clean from the previous company’s coming over get your crap together Lindsay cleaning and um and so it was I just you know had I went
Through I febrezed everything there wasn’t anything like I’m like I couldn’t tell I could still smell skunk and I could not tell where it was so I febrezed all the fabric did the lice cleaning you know in case you know the one when the teachers call and say there’s lice in the classroom
And you just like clean every fabric yep just febrezed everything that she could have possibly stepped or laid on and um and let that dry and then vacuum oh and then I also sprinkled baking soda all over the living room rug and the uh the area rug and the uh doormat and uh
Let that sit for a bit and then just vacuumed all that up and did a quick little mop and yeah got the I think yeah I got got all the head over how to wash my comforter obviously I Febreze my comforter put it outside to dry then I washed it and then
I hung it up to dry because it was such a nice day um and yeah it didn’t seem to be any smell left there but yeah it was just kind of it was it was it was something yesterday that was that was uh it was it was gross yet oddly satisfying you
Know because I’m like huh I really did something today you know you kind of feel good it’s kind of like that that uh that good clean tire that like well earned exhaustion that you know you get when you’re uh when you’ve done a hard thing you know uh discussing the dog
Apparently but yeah she’s everything’s fine now oh so when I went to bed though after the dog after the dog had jumped on the bed um I just took the I took the comforter off and I just threw it on the deck I’m like I can’t deal this is like I’m not
Sleeping in the same room with a skunky blanket so I threw that out uh onto the deck and um and I’m like I I I’m like is it coming in the vents what is it why does it smell so bad I was just like so
Like I felt I felt like my senses were assaulted I felt like my nose was assaulted I had like trauma I was smelling skunk or it wasn’t even around all dabs like telling the girls can you guys go in the garage and see if you smell anything I’m like can you go over
There and smell that can you smell that I’m like I can’t trust my nose I have nose trauma I don’t know what smells anymore um you gotta like sniff coffee beans and stuff so when I went back to bed after the dog had uh had jumped on the bed and
I think I was like looking for candles and I was like tucking candles under my pillow Kendall he’s like what are you talking about what is wrong with you with you and I’m like I’m like sleeping I’ve got a like a Yankee Candle I think it was
Like the I don’t know one of the fresh fresher ones and I’m like I’m like sleeping I’ve got the Yankee Candle next to my face because it smells so bad oh my God and then like maybe it’s coming through the air conditioners the air conditioner like like getting is it did
This so like where did the skunk spray did it spray like outside of her bedroom window or something why why it was so gross oh so yeah it’s like I I gotta get fully caffeinated and then I am tearing this place apart and eradicating every
Smell I can find oh it’s so grossed out but that got done and uh and then I can focus the rest of the day I’m just like I think like I don’t know maybe the chem maybe Febreze does something bad to your brain it kills the brain cells I don’t
Know but uh but yeah so the house is very clean right now so um great time to have people over the dog doesn’t smell anymore so that’s good and uh what else is on my list I don’t even know it’s been it’s been such a crazy week um
Let’s see oh my gosh you know what I think I’ve talked about pretty much everything here so this week another another thing that’s going on this week I feel like there’s just so many things lately you know because I had my class I launched my class last month the 30 days
To better painting and some people are actually the people that bought it right the day that it launched are just now coming to the end they’ve done the 30 days it’s so cool to see that growth and to hear like their observations of how their skills have improved over the over
The course of a month and it’s just so it’s very rewarding those are those moments as a teacher that you’re like yes they get it it worked for them they it’s like everything that you envisioned that a course is going to bring somebody um has brought that to them it has it is
Built they’ve built their confidence and they’re experimenting with new things they want to keep that daily streak going um and they’re seeing their work their speed improved their work level up and um and it’s just it’s just good um that’s why I do World water column I think I World watercolor Sketchbook
Right here I have stocked up doing everything in this one Sketchbook so um social happy about that that’s that’s been a lot of fun I did uh during the craft night I did a I I didn’t have my world of art called a month done yet because I’ve been on the
Beach all day so I did a uh for otherworldly I did a Target day cardigan tardigrade tardigrade a water bear um and then on my birthday I’m like I’m taking as long as I want to paint a painting and I did this one right here so I’m really happy with how that came
Out and I started reading that book uh and I’m liking it so far Jeanette Walls hang the moon and that’s totally a sham I’m not halfway through that book I haven’t even cracked it uh but I thought the bookmark would look good there and I did start the last Last Werewolf but I
Haven’t gone too far but um yeah the top two the top three are library books so I gotta get uh I gotta put my skates on on those and get cracking speaking of skates I saw the cutest commercial I usually usually you know you’ve ads playing on YouTube and you
Wander in the other room you do some stuff this commercial like totally drew me in I’m not even I don’t remember what the commercial was for it was for some beverage some like I think it’s probably like a uh a wine or something but I think the commercial was kind of based
Loosely on the Barbie movie and this woman in the commercial who’s kind of the star of the commercial who was like you know wearing cute dress she had this sequin dress with a big sequence totally gorgeous but those sequins are awful because if you’ve ever had clothing with
Those really big sequins on them they just they scratch they’re awful but anyway the dress was super cute but what was the cutest were the silver roller skate she was wearing and she’s wearing these silver roller skates and she’s skating all over the place she’s having her beverage she’s hanging out with her
Friends hey how’s it going skating on back like I want silver roller skates why didn’t I hear about before I knew about that before my birthday I would have said I was like some silver roller skates I don’t know if regular people can buy them at something bespoke for that commercial but uh
But now I am determined to get some silver roller skates because my roller skates are utilitarian black speed skates that I had from when I used to work at the roller rink because when you’re on roller skates eight hours a day you need to be comfortable but I
Want some silver roller skates there’s no roller rinks around right now currently to use them in but I’m hoping that when the Gen Z kids kind of get to the entrepreneur age they’ll start opening roller rings back up again because US jet X parents brought all
Their gen Z kids to the roller rink when they were little so hopefully they’ll have some good vibes and they’ll open them back up again because you know I don’t see how they went out of style because it’s safer than trampoline parks and it’s great exercise anyone can do it any age
Um it’s a ton of fun all you need is a flat surface and probably a good insurance policy and I mean really what else do you need popsicles I mean come on roller rink expenses cannot be that bad I think probably liability insurance is the biggest thing
But silver roller skates super cute uh I hope that commercial pops on during this uh Snapchat and you’ll be able to see it’s a beautiful commercial I will appreciate a beautiful ad I also like there’s been some really funny ads too that I’ve read that I’ve really enjoyed
I love those ones that just kind of grab your attention you’re like oh that’s that’s just visually appealing it’s beautiful it’s a beautiful piece of art yes it’s selling something but it’s also a beautiful piece of art so um so oh that was so what was it talking about let’s talk about classes
Um yeah I just feel like it’s been a lot it’s between between launching that and having the French uh Retreat to mention and then uh the sale and my birthday sale which I do every year and people will wait for that sale because it’s my biggest site White Sale of the year and
Uh yeah she seems like it’s been a lot oh and then Amazon Prime day so that’s the other thing I could have looked for silver skates they probably have them because it’s Amazon so Amazon Prime day was this week and I do a wrap-up list so
I go through and I try to find the good stuff because the thing that ticks me off about Amazon is that they will like they’ll Mark the prices up prior to Prime day like a month before Prime day or so so then when they put it on sale
It will say 50 off you know it’s like that’s like I can go to Blick and buy that for that price or less right now than your Prime Day deal so a lot of the deals are not deals a lot of the stuff is just like the same old junk that’s
Just private labeled and repackaged under a different name constantly so I will hunt down find the good stuff that’s um uh high quality stuff I’ve actually used or stuff I’ve wanted to try and the only downside to this is that I will find great deals it’s like oh maybe I
Should be stocking up on this or that you know all the prices so it can kind of backfire a little bit I did sign it for Prime I got like the uh they had ran some specials and uh the deal that was offered to me was one week for 1.99 and
I’m like well there’s a Nate bargatsi um stand-up special I want to see and uh so I will sign it up for the week and I also want to catch up with The Marvelous Miss maisel um because that show’s really funny and I want to watch that and yeah so and so
Since I prime I because I want to see all the prices I want to see what the prices were for Prime members because sometimes you can’t see them unless you are a Prime member um and uh what else oh so I did buy some things which yeah uh but you know what
The two three of the things that I bought were things that I’m gonna review right off the bat because they were the only things that I recommended that I didn’t own because I’ve had my eye on them and one was the set of nine synthetic squirrel quill versus from
Gravy or grabby they were they’re regular 100 bucks and they were on sale for 45. so I grabbed those and I also grabbed the set of synthetic squirrel art Gea artigia I think is the name they’ve been on Amazon for a couple years they have really great reviews and
Um they went on sale last year for Prime day I didn’t get them and so then but then once I see a lower person like well I’m not paying 25 for that one I know it’s gonna go on sale for 20. I will wait a year I will wait a year
And I do my patients paid off and I bought those and then they had just had a two quills and I’m like I’m gonna buy those two because I love a synthetic quill um I think the technology and synthetic brushes have gotten so good that um there’s really no need to buy real
Fur brushes and support that industry that can be uh can be it’s cruel it’s a Viper it’s either they’re killing the animals for the brushes or they’re it’s a byproduct from the fur industry and those animals are not used for me they’re just there for the fur and it
Takes a lot of and they and they go through a lot of animals to do that versus like a hog brush which is like a byproduct or gelatin sizing or Ox golf things like that like they’re not killing the animals for those they’re just using up the scraps basically left
Over from the meat industry nothing’s perfect I’m not perfect I’m not telling you how to live your life you do whatever you want to do um we all have our own lines in the sand but anyway I think for the expense synthetic brushes are less expensive and now they’re performance wise have been
Getting so good so I’m hoping that these brushes are going to perform I will review those right off the bat because I did recommend them and I want people to have a chance to uh to see what they’re to see what I think of them before they decide whether they’re going to keep
Them or not I think they’re going to be really good um just from what I’ve what I’ve seen and the reviews that are online I think they’re going to be really good but I will review them first in case your weight in case you want to wait to use
Them in case you want to return them but uh if you bought them but other that’s all stuff that I have reviews on and I recommended so I felt like there were some pretty decent stuff on Prime day there was a lot of same old crap but
Yeah there was some pretty some pretty good stuff I also bought some waterproof sticker paper that’s inkjet printable because I’m thinking I might make some stickers and then cut them with my skin and cut and I don’t know what I’m gonna do with them but I’m gonna have stickers
I’ll stick them on things I guess I don’t know maybe I’ll sell some sticker packs who can say I don’t know um but I’ve been intrigued by that for a while and it’s been in my safer later cart and it went on sale for Prime day
So I didn’t recommend that one because I don’t know if it’s good I it’s kind of more of like an obviously thing that I was curious to try but they’re not that it’s not that expensive on a regular day anyway so I didn’t think it was really worth mentioning especially not having
Used it but uh but yeah just simply it’s not a lot it’s been a lot going on um but it’s been good it’s been good stuff once I got past my existential Doom of uh of turning 47 but uh you know I there’s still a chance that I have
Still have over half of my life to live you know such a weird one it’s like when I think about watercolor palettes it’s like am I going to live long enough to use all of that you know the Deep Thoughts I used to think about that too like I remember riding on the
Bus to school and my parents let me go to like Vacation Bible School in the summer and Sunday school occasionally and uh and I wasn’t quite buying what uh what the pastor was laying down and I’m like really we’re gonna go up in the sky
I don’t know about that you know so I’m thinking about what is after this what what is life you know my tiny little seven-year-old brain or whatever was like I don’t know is this it is this is what we’re doing here this is what we do
With our lives we go to school and this is it you know I was just like I’m so morbid um I guess I still own a little bit but anyway I gotta get ready for my Michael’s class and I’m teaching right after this of course that would be
Yesterday this is past Lindsay and future you and present me will be in the comments to chatting with you today so I hope you’ll leave one and we’ll talk to you soon thank you so much for watching until next time Happy Crafty happy crafting yes bye