So right now we’re live streaming and Sean one of the dearest members of the community brought this comment to my attention there’s a badass article about aggressive skating in today’s New York Times so thank you Sean for bringing that to my attention so immediately we went over to take a look at whatever
Could it be rollerblading in the national news in the mainstream media let’s take a look so if we actually go over to uh to mesmer’s profile here they posted this up and we’re gonna we’re gonna take a second right after this we’re gonna go look at the
Actual article I am on probably a half lethal dose of pre-workout right now so please just bear with me I don’t know why I do this to myself I don’t know why I do this to you but let’s keep it moving Katie Viola is in this New York
Times article along with Sebastian one of their new rippers oh can I scroll up no I can’t okay maybe I can there we go and Sebastian um anyway and so they shout out their homies shredding uh in the New York Times article and they call out New York or
I’m sorry they call out USA Today which is fantastic very nice all right so if we go over to actual New York Times which I will link to this article down in the description below but New York at more skate parks an aggressive takeover so basically this um
Article kind of goes through talking about the lore of aggressive skating and talk about you know back in the 90s and then they even talk about getting kicked out of the X Games and stuff like that um they kind of go through like the whole uh uh the whole shebang here on a
Lot of the lore of aggressive skating which is really cool and there’s a lot of they talk with Julio they mention Julio a lot um uh okay is it Kayla Dizon yeah they talk with Kayla D’s on talk about how she got into it uh you know what she likes about it Etc
Got into it during the covid pandemic and uh also talk about her big gnarly Bruises with the Super Fresh 909 setup here as well oh that’s interesting it’s like an accent Bolt enhance it’s like a nice little it’s like all black axles and then one little accent bold I dig it
With it and then a little coat of hold action uh it’s it’s definitely like them skates heavy so here we have like Bros gal SD in the house and uh they go through they actually they talk about some of the um something like the head butting we
Had some of the tensions we had with skateboarding and and all that stuff so it’s a really cool article that kind of looks at it from a an outsider’s perspective they uh you know some a couple people mentioned in chat that like it does feel a little bit chat
GPT generated in a way which I don’t know that’s probably gonna become more more and more prevalent as time goes on but yeah it talks with uh they talk with the interview uh Julio talked about um you know some of how he got into it talked about again X Games Etc they talk
About some uh some of the blading cup here Jesus Rivera getting right after it and then I thought this was kind of funny like hey who do you think that I should film next she’s like him right here I don’t know that’s what just what
Made sense in my head but anyway it’s a fun article and it’s cool it really sheds light on um sheds the light on our sport at a very high level uh and so it’s pretty cool talk with Braska too who had dyed blue hair parted neatly down the middle and wore silver and
Turquoise rings sailed across the schoolyards metal handrails and up at steep inclines with a Grace that belied is it belied the difficulty of his moves again I’ll link to uh this in the description below it’s actually pretty darn long too man it is not a short read
Which is cool it’s not like just a little snippet it’s uh it’s pretty in-depth and they go through a lot of uh the history and again talk with Julio quite a bit and it’s a good read so anyway check it out I think it’s a good thing getting skating out into the media
And Julio has been a really good about this in the past with his collaborations with Clark and weekend skateboards and Etc and getting into Zoomies the Zoomies yeah Zoomies so uh you know hats off to Julio for uh for getting into uh the public Limelight in one way or another
So strong work anyway roll bitter hope you enjoyed the video give it a thumbs up consider subscribing I’ll see you in the next one peace out