All right Christmas Christmas We got a little bit more into that Rowdy edit in there in a bit first of all mezman dropped the teaser for NYC volume one yesterday and it looks wild all the crew are involved you get a clear shot of the white skates and it looks like
Everyone was on their tear I’m actually pumped for this one the video drops at some point today have you seen this USD sway review Loco skates did this uh accidentally comical it starts out all smooth slick professional with some really lovely editing in it but then
Around the one minute Mark the jump Cuts come in like Jake keeps changing location his outfits keep changing it’s definitely not meant to be funny but it really made me laugh Jurgen said it reminded him of a skip from the fast show holidays are brilliant Outlet point
Of them is that you don’t have to go to work if you’ve got a job that is kind of felt like date was just trying to show off a little bit the skate was secondary it was all about just showing everybody these massive Warehouse genuinely surprised he didn’t do a shot from his
Inside one of his Teslas I’m in my Mum’s Car Broom Broom the USD sway comes with cuff bolts oh did I show you my uh fleet of cars the sway also comes with pieces of string so you can tighten up the boot oh that oh that’s just my Mansion don’t
Worry about that you should have done the last shot inside his vault with all the money he’s been raking it off rollerbate him with his gold bars and his gold-plated half bite I’m surprised there wasn’t a shot in the lowercase Gates bogs bit of an unexpected one Rosie’s with the creative direction of
Goth otter Cavern they’ve designed what I believe is their best looking skate in ages dang that looks good Kevin explains that the roses and plastic pushes collaboration was inspired by his first skate the Rosie’s Athen that’s the one that sent him on his path into the rollerblading world so he felt like it
Was a an appropriate nod it’s very clean and simple with yellow highlights and plastic pushes written on the uh grip handle things The Story Goes that Cavern was out in Naples filming he met up with Martina went for a spot of dinner had some world famous vegan lasagna chatted
A little bit about dogs do you like dogs thanks bro yeah dogs dogs like that oh dogs and then Martina was like oh cheers for all the work you’re doing enrollment and that we’d like to do a collab with you and then Kevin nearly blew the nail
Varnish off his fingers like jumping at the chance he was like yeah of course I want to do it that sounds like a great idea and uh the reason why it’s limited to 35 is because that’s the area code from where he’s from nice little touch they’ve got some merch to compliment the
Skate release as well designed by Ralph rezic who’s used the old roaches logo they should be using it way more often in their soft good side get a whole line going I think it’s really sick like I’m sure I mentioned that before that they should use it one thing I did mention
Before and I’m going to mention it again in the hope that they maybe pay attention to me I doubt it though they should re-release their trainers their trainers were dead good light they’re a shoe factory why aren’t they making shoes like that’s right I don’t know being like world famous for making pools
But now all you make is diving boards make the pools again mate you’ll be swimming in the money all right seriously though make the shoes again like if you agree with me every time they post put it in the comments make the shoes again make races great again
Like those awful Maga hats I mean because they’re definitely not going to listen to me are they but if a load of other people say it they might actually pay attention surely they’ll sell better than these howlers thank you anyway all of that Rosie’s plastic Pusher staff is in celebration of the
Release of plastic pushes free the sequel to plastic pushes too the theme of this one seems to be lanky skate it’s got some of the tallest skaters going first off you’ve got Billy Martin and who is the first kid in his school to be able to reach the top shelf you’ve got
Some bits in there from Rob Dalton cheese is so tall that he’s actually banned from Fort Park he’s like way too lanky for the right imagine him on Nemesis with his hands up in here hanging out like that’s a that’s a health and safety hazard and then you’ve
Got Chris Farm God knows how tall he is he looks absolutely massive Farmer’s actually so tall he’s become a measurement for those big redwood trees like they look them up and they go woof that one’s about like three Farmers that one the thing’s a really sick watch like
How he’s got a section in there like supporting the youth trying to push them a little bit get them a bit of exposure it’s an hour long so like in between boisterous amounts of Christmas food just whack that thing on and relax like roses have also got a new edit coming
Soon called portugalia really looking forward to it if you weren’t aware it’s Awards season so that means everyone is flying out and voting for themselves I’ve decided I’m going to throw my hand ring and do some awards as a link in the description so you can like go and vote
Now you’ve got like your more traditional like Awards in there say sodi a section of the best female skater all that kind of stuff then you’ve got less traditional Awards like I don’t know skate are most likely to win a Royal Rumble skater most likely to
Borrow money off you and then not pay it back Dylan of the Year ugliest guy these are a few of my favorite things the nominations for each award have come from my Instagram and YouTube followers done a little bit of quality control on there there’s a few
Other people I’ve added in like a few sections and stuff like that there’s also some other Awards I’ve added into the voting system and then there’s going to be even more Awards in the actual video itself so yeah I’ll do a video announcing the people’s champion and then also we’re gonna have winners
Selected by a panel of Judges looking to get the video out in the first week of Jan so until then get voting Demetrius George was obviously stoked after watching Christmas classic die hard and went full yippee-kai at this rail okay mother shout out to Nick Lomax who’s got a new
Second Skin Pro Liner the thing looks like a Fiat multiple car with one of those facehuggers attached to the back they do look very comfy they’re bound to be top quality you’re going to be sticking them inside a boot anyway so I guess it doesn’t really matter that they
Look like one of the top 10 ugliest cars ever it doesn’t look boring to me thought run and off he went to have a look why limit pro products are just like skates liners frames wheels and bearings like don’t stop there like go further go throw laces throw cough bolts
Throw like shock absorbers Chris farmer signature hat and bolo tie Nick Lomax a guy to move into Barcelona but refusing to learn Spanish Michael vitamin baseball cap with like a little bit of hair sewn into it so you make sure the Fringe is always poking out at the
Bottom like wigs signature wigs of like your favorite Pros hairstyles I mean you could have like Robbie pits long Ginger Mane you could have like a body Hedge for Derek Henderson as well that’d be sick Henderson’s goaty while we’re at it as well I mentioned a couple of the USD
Lot there and a few of them went on a European mini tour and the edit has just come out it features the likes of Oregon Nick lymax Chris Farmer Sam Cross by now Mary Munez Abby and Michael vitzermann music and it’s Dreadful it’s absolutely awful I’d rather listen to like gravel
Being bounced off a plastic tennis racket but the skating’s good and that’s like the main part it’s great having a team video seeing them session the same spot seeing the different approaches they take the variety of styles and skills on offer there’s a bit in the video where Sam does this like state
Line from down a ledge which was uh inspired by Neo man and it is so risky it’s the kind of trick that like I actually don’t think he’ll get the credit for how dicey that was it’s also the kind of trick that I think like even though he’s done loads of dangerous
Things in his time that if his parents seen him do doing that they’d be like oh my goodness Sam like really oh come on calm it down the rails The Ledges is fine but running down the thing like oh my goodness it looked like everyone was
On good form also good to see like the skaters outside of what might be there like normal uh environment and seeing how they get on with that hopefully the tour videos become more of a frequent thing seemed to be dropping edits on a fairly regular basis at the moment first you’ve
Had Mario scale with pulses and some other best curtains in the business man it looks like that Center part’s been partnered by Moses himself Marius has just got it like top rate style really good positioning on tricks there’s something kind of like nostalgic about the way he skates and performs his
Tricks but also like brings a bit of a modern twist to it I mean that kind of sounds like I’m trying to sell furniture or something what I’m actually trying to say is it’s just a really sick edit and he’s a really sick skater so get on over
There and watch that I’ve actually done a more in-depth reaction on my uh patreon which you can join for free quid a month Link in the description the video has got my favorite sweats dance kindgrind and fishbone 360 of the year they’ve Then followed that header up
With this someone gave Danny amount a gallon of diesel for breakfast animal imagine seeing him approaching the front steps of your ass like what is this lunatic planning it’s really Rowdy really exciting but it’s it’s not just him going berserk either there’s actually some really nice Tech bits in
There loads of creative skating if I could make a comparison to anything it’s a bit like a fruit and nut Trail mixer you’ve got some crunchy numbers in there some chewy raisins some fruity bits so it’s a decent mix man I really like this song in it and I’m pretty sure it’s been
Used before somewhere else though can’t think where so if you know where it’s been used before leave that in the comments they dropped a video promoting their new gray collaboration liners with intuition and I feel like John’s Atkins improving a little bit a liner um
How about this this is a hiking Booth no it’s a liner it features John obviously Danny Mike Therese Ben the posture magazina Leon Bassin and Tommy Chung the music was a clever Choice as well because the lyrics actually say Julio them skates have also managed to find
Themselves as part of ID’s ultimate nice gift guide nice now a really cool collaborative multimedia project that I want to talk about from Edo Ira Butler Scar and lots of other people called put down the hype and Skype to put it simply and be blunt the world is like a pretty
Mad place like this year’s just been another example of that ongoing conflicts all over the world the invasion of the Ukraine it’s a pretty scary and like hate-filled place at times so as a small but important counter to that they’ve poured love and inspiration into a collaborative project
With a message about focusing more on like Humanity with a simple phrase put down the height and skate the main piece is the perfect skatepan these have been meticulously designed to withstand like the rough treatment trousers get when you go out skating they’re quick drying they’re replaceable pieces they’re made
From upcycled Surplus materials and all made to order they’re absolutely ideal for the job and made with like the lowest negative effects and also they look really good the collection also features a long sleeve and a hoodie the visuals for this have been absolutely incredible man this is an amazing
Stop-motion video there’s all sorts of action going on here can’t imagine how long that must have taken to mate the drop is run on a pre-order basis which is open now it’s going to be open until the 31st of December to get your orders in while you can did you see how tough
Ranking Mirage was the other day he was over the moon gods have recently announced the release of the Franco Morales 4 and the Aton recreational skates the FM4 is basically a reiteration of Frankie’s carbon so if you’re into that skate like you’d be pretty buzzing with this one personally
It’s like not really my kind of style but I tell you what I’ve seen a little clip of Picasso hablo like port pabs on Instagram with his trousers over them and they look pretty nice I know the trousers are like covering the skate but that little bit of sticking at the
Bottom does look quite nice like that I think the wreck skates look really nice actually and I think this is just what it’s going to be now like brands that aren’t doing it there’s probably just a little bit foolish man like if there’s an opportunity there for a brand to make
A wreck skate get into like a little bit of a different Market absolutely go for it if it’s going to be like helping fund and support this like this Venture keep doing it man there’s another fake USD account floating about and trying to scam people it’s called Salmon Nick they
Seem to be contacting people who have commented on the USD torvid saying they’ve won skates but then posting a pic of Alex brosco’s rollerblade trs’s bit of a silly one if you’ve completely Frozen your grid off and you fancy watching something a little bit Sunny make sure you check out Dark Places new
Bit their little tour of Malaga velas in there George Wilson Brad Sparky bangers from Matt Reyes and a lighter their other mates brighten up your life I hope you’ve enjoyed whatever you celebrate on the 25th if you celebrate it at all I hope you just had a nice time like
Caught up with a family relaxed ate some good food that kind a thing like cheers for all the support this year things are going to change slightly maybe depending on a few things next year a massive massive thank you to all my patrons like without you I simply couldn’t do this
Results video coming soon here’s a couple of other ones you can watch in the meantime spot your dog