Player called the Jammer you can always distinguish the Jammers from the other players on the track by their starred helmets it’s the Jammer’s job to try to score points and the blocker’s job to try to stop them the first whistle will sound to start the jam and the blockers launch onto the track
The blockers form a tight grouping called the pack the Jammers race their way around the track and catch up to the pack the Jammers must then fight their way through the pack the blockers from the opposing team will try to stop them while the blockers on their team try to
Assist them the Jammers have now broken out of the pack and must race their way around the track and meet up with the pack again keep an eye on the Jammer in front she is your lead Jammer and can call off the jam room by placing her hands on her
Hips the pink Jammer is now in position to score she receives one point for each member of the opposing team she passes as the pink Jammer racks up points the yellow Jammer catches the pack and is now also in position to score the yellow Jammer will also receive one point for
Each member of the pink team she passes the jam ends when 60 seconds have elapsed or when the lead Jammer calls off the jam by placing her hands on her hips players are not permitted to purposely trip or tackle their opponents players can block each other using their
Bodies and shoulders but cannot use their elbows forearms or hands players violating the rules will be placed in The Penalty Box located on the infield forcing their team to skate the next jam with one less skater the game ends after four quarters the team with the most
Points at the end of the bout is your winner ha [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] in the event of an emergency please make your way to the nearest lighted exit in an orderly fashion the main building exits are located through the pink doors you entered the assembly point is directly outside those doors please notify our site manager if any emergencies arise all right Los Angeles
Welcome to the home of your Derby dolls tonight represent a very special bout it’s the [Applause] versus the Malibu’s Barbies are you ready to meet the skaters coming out first we’ve got Black Dahlia [Applause] Number seven lucky arms 13. Angelina roly foreign 201 Dr Franken heard her [Applause] 212. chop slicks 416 Margaret Squad 424 the Scarlet 8 28 it’s nightmarine [Applause] nine one zero scared tethered Panic wearing 38-25 villainous Berkshire Oh Captain the black dahlias 1918 malice Colin and your captain one three three
Seven Venus Fly tri-trap Vanessa bludgeon’s Atomic blonde and she deviled egg one more time for Black Dahlia all right y’all ready to meet the Malibu’s Barbies [Applause] foreign [Applause] Number six seven eight Carmen Danger [Applause] micro team and the captain of the Malibu’s movie better your coaches are a pack of punch held the kitten and slim Riggins your OutRunner is right and whether you like your officiating fair or medium Fair they’re gonna give it to you well done it’s the enforcers
Head referees sweep the leg Johnny game executioner Hassel black gem refs Casey cojones and suspect ERD pack wraps Oliver clothes off and rumblebee outside pack reps Voltron and morning wood penalty tracker Molly Moonlight penalty tracker assistant Ridley Scorpio your Penalty Box administrator’s penaltina and E.T Henry on the
Whiteboard D cup rappeth over eyes in the sky Metallica Lynch Ricky Ricardo on the scoreboard it’s lady Mac death and your Runner and ALT is Wild Bill haircut one more time the enforcers all right we’d like to thank our EMTs door repair team the track monkeys and
Of course our rad crew our DJ today is DJ MacBook Air I am Eva Lee and this is Trixie biscuits uh we’ll be your announcers for this evening now the Derby dolls acknowledge that we gather on traditional and unkeach oh sorry land we ask League members and the Derby
Dolls Community to honor with gratitude the Keech and tongva people elders and the land itself and now I got one question for you where we have a very special first whistle guest for you today if we can get your uh attention to the middle of the track
From ABC’s a million little things and Amazon’s with love a stand-up comedian who can also sort of stand while wearing skates which we’re gonna test out later yes everybody it’s Cameron Esposito [Applause] [Applause] yeah some quality whistleblowing right there outstanding in fact I heard a house of black say that Cameron Esposito
The quickest first missile training ever here oh you know you got to be careful do that quick they might just keep you on the infield though that’s right sorry Cameron you’re an enforcer now of the 2023 baby doll brawl summer brawl and right now the skaters with the Stars
On their helmets those are the Jammers the lead Jammer right now is night Marin jamming for the black dahlias when Nightmare and enters the pack any member of the opposing team passed is a point lead Jammer can either escape the full 60 seconds of the jam or call it off at
Any time by putting hands on hips opposing Jammer is out the nightmarron all the way up to the front oh went into the infield not exactly sure if there might have been a cutting penalty there well you know nightmarron gets on the track behind everybody else so as not to get
That cutting penalty gets the hands on the hips and calls off that jam three boys for the black dodios whatever Cameron Esposito everybody Make Some Noise Los Angeles foreign [Applause] It’s always so fun when we have a cool first whistle guest it is that is so cool I always really enjoy it I’m sorry right now they’re putting Barbie in the Box everybody in the Box do you know what that means so Barbie’s in the box with an arms penalty and that means
They’ll be skating one blocker down for this Jam so that’s a bit of a disadvantage for them that’s right Wicked hex gets that arm’s penalty you get an arms penalty by reaching out your elbow to hit somebody hitting somebody with your forearm or hand uh anything
Like that so don’t do it folks don’t do it good advice daddy long legs out and lead for the dahlias yeah both Jammers are out like I said you can tell the lead Jammer there’s a person in the middle pointing at them within a headband with the same color as the team
That’s daddy long legs enters into the back of the pack with soda Snack Attack wow some poetry in motion literally that’s right daddy long legs hit a uh very organized back wall there for the Barbies and had to call it off you’re allowed to call it off if you fall down
But you stay on the track but if you go into the infield you’ve got to re-enter the track standing up in order to call it off Don’t worry uh we have our derby Joe sent here breaker thighs happy to answer any of your Derby dolls questions by the way so uh if you’re confused we will be happy to explain it to you so Snack Attack it goes to the box for an illegal block
She’s wearing the star that means she’s the Jammer and that makes this area power Jam Power JAM stand it to the black dahlias and that looks like malice Cullen’s job me for the black dahlias [Applause] Great job [Applause] that guy has got a three-point lead and that is about to get a little bit bigger yeah these power jams are very very dangerous for the defending team I’ve never seen 10 points 15 points 20 points [Applause] with only the one Jammer out there they
Don’t have to worry about calling it off so they can go as long as they’re able to for the full 60 seconds of the jam now there’s a question there though there was a penalty worth one of the skaters lost their positioning if that was a back block
Them and we’ll be trading power jams and that’s an incredibly common thing to have happen but it’s just what you don’t want to do when you get an advantage you want to capitalize on it and not give it right back to the other team 10 points for the black dollars
I have to say it but the black guy is drew first blood [Applause] oh but Malibu’s Barbies are about to respond this is their first chance to get on the board yeah malice going into the Penalty Box and going in there with a blow blow blocking penalty sorry and
Uh yep that’s going to make this another Power Jam Power Advantage for the Barbies hi Barbie hi Barbie you get that low block by falling down in front of somebody tripping them or if you like put your leg out and they tripped over it it doesn’t matter
Whether you meant to do it or not if they trip over you you get the penalty now that’s a micro machine co-captain of the malvers Barbies jamming doing an incredible job although you got it’s the uh I see Frankie in the back for the black dahlias
Waiting to throw a uh block there with Venus cry trap [Applause] next after I take a Little Help from their friend there bars and they’re like stay faster Barbie go we would like to have rocket skater Barbie to the track at this moment please okay oh really nervous of re-entering that
Pack and Frankie did Take a Tumble on that one not sure if that could be a trading power gym or not we will find out how many was that uh a bunch I want to say seven said boy you can say seven evilly you’ve got a microphone you can say anything
You want seven points and we got quite a few penalties we will have two of the skaters down uh looks like Valley hurl for the Malibu’s Barbies in there with the arms penalty and also a directional block for Carmen danger and then we do have one of the black uh dahlias there
With a stopping penalty was that a frankenherder Frankie so the Barbies are down to just two blockers but that’s all they need to get their Jammer out of the pack first that’s knockout yeah knockout really coming through that that pack with a lot of power chop slips trying to make it way through
Oh take a little crumble at the front Valley hurt holding it down in the back of that pack yeah nightmarron is the pivot and during her oh man doing some great uh job right there other being held to the rail by one of the Malibu’s Barbies
Thank you Nightmare and I saw the eight and the eight and thought it was that’s not even the right team well it’s time I tell you Trixie I’ve been skating with fresh meats I’ve been skating some of these people oh am I gonna make oh my God I’m like no but there’s about
Eight people out there I’ve been skating was kind of regular Envy bottoms though in The Penalty Box for the Malibu’s Barbies with a blocking out a bounce penalty I believe that looks like to me just from that looks like villainous Vixen I’m gonna guess yep this is my body so you know anyway
That’s the lead Jammer she’s in that body and then also the Lead Gym yes and then we got boratatouille it was just amazing also out though but not the lead Jammer yeah one of the things I love about the baby doll brawls is first of all just the
Excitement because there’s so many of these skaters but this is their first bout in front of a live audience but I also love the debut of all of these skate names oh man and they do have some different names because you know sometimes the more Barbie theme but everyone’s Barbie today technically
Except for the black dahlias yeah it’s like Russian literature everybody’s got like 16 freaking names Russian literature all right we do have a penalty oh I love blocking penalty for the black dials that’s against uh known as Vixen and that okay that’s a Power Jam that’s right Gwen Lacy another amazing name
Taking the star for the Barbies yeah now look at that pack they’re trying to the enforcers are gonna they’re like telling them where the pack is you have to be within the pack or you cannot do the defensive moves or you’ll get a blocking out of play penalty
Oh yeah shoving shoving the teammate number 94 Gwen she just shoved her buddy into that uh Dolly Dahlia’s Dahlia’s gym evil I can’t talk you talk you know the Junior’s thought was so exciting I left everything out on that fourth quarter yeah the Junior’s about was amazing this
Was the camp about capping off the week-long junior roller derby camp and it came down to the last Jam one point game 101 to 100 amazing well and what an amazing Jam there I can’t wait to see the points we’ve got on that okay of course it’s zero for the black guys
Eight points eight points for the Malibu’s Barbie and that means we’ve got ourselves a lead change Barbies Take the Lead by four points taken to the 19-15 how exciting yeah today’s like almost like the Christmas of roller derby but we do have a penalty though against the black
And dahlias there’s a low penalty right there for Chop slicks [Applause] Oh that’s gay down at Panic out for the Black Dahlia that’s part of our rap too yeah I thought Sherman danger was going to get out there first but uh put a foot down in the infield had to reset behind everybody else lest she get that uh dreaded cutting penalty Titanic panic
Comes to the back in the bottoms and throwing a case Panic into the infield [Applause] Four points for the die is [Applause] We were all tied up at 19 with five and a half minutes left to go in the first we always take a little break between quarters and you can spend that time talking to our derby docent breaker thighs asking all of your pertinent Derby questions you can go to merch and
Get some cool stuff you can go to concessions or the bar and get some things to eat and drink your choices are almost but not quite endless oh the choice is being not made right now are a pill uh timeout being called by the black dahlias now this is an important
Moment for their this is going to be a Power Jam to their advantage right now Malibu’s Barbies they have got Carmen danger sitting in the penalty box for a cutting penalty we’ve got such a we have such a game that’s so close it’s tied 19
To 19. so uh yeah we’re taking a moment here for them to uh use one of those valuable timeouts and we’re going to talk about the raffle that’s right Ava Lee you can get your raffle tickets from one of our wandering raffle sales people look for the people holding the little
Pink tickets in their hands and asking you for money you can get one for a buck five for seven fifteen for ten and 30 for 20. how can you afford not to buy at least twenty dollars worth of raffle tickets you could win a 15 gift certificate to
Grinder Shredder I looked it up it’s a um it’s a clothing store it’s for they say four queer by queer skaters but it’s really for everybody because it’s fabulous and um they have all kinds of shirts and accessories and all kinds of cool stuff all right we’ve got two of
Those on offer 15 bucks a piece four in and out gift certificates good for one meal each three Fall Guys small eight inch collectible plushies in original Pink original yellow and chicken icing looks like not flavored but uh all right number five is a 25 e-gift card to
Benny boy Brewing now Benny boy Brewing is where we’re having the after party and they’ve got they’ve got food they’re gonna have the back patio area long branches so you can because after party and you win that you know yeah and we do the raffle right here so you can win it
And grab your prize out the door it’s all it’s easy peasy just go buy our Apple ticket please we’re a non-profit organization we need the money we do that raffle after the third between the third and the fourth so you’ve got a little time but the time does have a way
Of slipping away from you kind of like the track sometimes all right Power Jam advantage to the black dahlias tied game 19-19 [Applause] knockout knocks that Jammer into the infield Jammer resets in the back and has to start all over again yeah that’s Chopsticks Jammy for the black dahlios
Finally through on the inside Flex has got some fans here tonight Emily oh yeah the crowd went approximately wild as slicks exited the pack well you know it’s hard to go wild in the heat we’re gonna go moderately enthusiastic until it cools down another few degrees not until everybody gets another couple
Of beers in it yeah we got beer over there and wine we have a bar you can come drink stuff Here is an important carb to have during the heat yeah I guess for Chopsticks everybody where’s the Slicks fan club [Applause] and the jam clock runs out on that power Jam Five Points five points for black dahlias and they take the lead 24 to 19. is anybody having fun at roller derby
Sounds like it Emily oh my of course there’s always the people not having fun and those are two of the Malibu’s Barbies they’ll be sitting in the Penalty Box we’ve got a low penalty we’re gonna well we’ve got one against wicker or I’m sorry Wicked
Hex and that’s the uh and then the other one against the Betty Crocker thank you yeah uh Betty Crocker for the low Wicked hex above the shoulders [Applause] and that’s glitter bomb 505. us again the Barbies are down to just two blockers there’s no pack right now there
We go patch in the back glitter ball and the glory of glitter bomb being a Malibu’s Barbie is the 505 is the area code for New Mexico so you know bombs Oppenheimer it all fits together on so many levels I think you need some red string and index cards if you’re really
Gonna explain this to me if anybody has some string and some index cards and can meet me over there at halftime I can explain all of this you at least gonna draw it all out she’s gonna make the connections I’m gonna blow your mind all right we do have oh it looks like
Valley hurl will be in the belly box or the blocking out of play so we’ve got one down for the Malibu’s Barbies I love the pink I want their shirts I want both of the team shirts I love them they’re so adorable so you’re gonna hear
Us talk about the pack a lot the pack is the largest group of skaters from both teams you can’t have all of the black jerseys in the front and all of the Patriots in the back you don’t have a pack you gotta have skaters from both teams and it’s the responsibility of
Both teams to make that pack happen yeah so wicked hex lead Jammer [Applause] oh man pretty clear looks like malice was trying to to stop stop the Jammer in the front but didn’t quite work no Wicked hex kind of went bing bing bing yeah Ricochet rabbited off of three
Different blockers to get through that pack well we’re about to have a lead change because they were down a point and they’ve um definitely got more than that [Applause] coming down the last few seconds on the clock [Applause] oh nightmarine at the end with a nice hit block
A little a little bump a little love tap we’ll call it there was some Fierce blocking going on in that pack with a special mention due to Envy bottoms captain of the Malibu’s Firebase who was uh showed up for work today in the back of that pack [Applause]
Looks like the black dahlias are having a little conversation about who’s going to take this Power Jam all right well I’ll tell you who’s taking the uh penalties we got well Knockouts in there with a low blocking penalty uh for the Malibu’s Barbie joined by brettatui with
A blocking out of bounds and then for the black dahlias we also have a another back blocking in an arms penalty we have two skaters out for that did I get the number wrong with that one oh sorry that was on Wicked hex all right but the important thing
Favorite black dahlias and we’ve got some thinned out that’s the Venus cry trap jamming for the Black Dahlia who are currently down by 11 points we got so many League changes happening here Trixie yeah I can’t keep track that’s why there’s a scoreboard so I don’t have to yes other people can do
That wow beautiful rail to coping motion yeah Venus Venus has got a great Hustle really has a lot of great quick movement and they are coming in for another pass Twitter Bomb trying to hold up at the rail along with Snack Attack [Applause] Look at those Wicked hexes that was wicked hex I was just thinking about that uh Venus looked like they were getting out but boy oh boy Wicked hex came bombing bombing from the height of the low I’d like to talk about what’s going on in pivot alley right now is that like
The best peplum you’ve ever seen in your life you know what a pepper oh my God I just like to say peplum it’s a fantastic coupling it is a fantastic I feel like we need Venus the mall are here to completely like really break it down uh
We do have uh penalties against two members of the black dahlias one and they’re with a double penalty uh tomorrow oh it’s Flatwood it’s got an arms penalty and something else and then uh we also got Venus cry trap in there with a I believe that’s a blocking out
Of bounds oh that was a directional block too that uh um squat got that directional block you get that by moving the wrong way on the track to hit somebody everybody’s got to move in a clockwise fashion you’re not allowed to stop and you’re not allowed to take even
So much as one step in the clockwise Direction yeah okay so the main thing though is this Jam it’s a Power Jam it’s a power jack Advanced to the Malibu’s Barbie that’s right only one team on one jam on the floor one team that can score and it’s the Barbies
Dallas does not want to let the Barbie Go the game clock has expired but this Jam is going to continue until that jam clock is at zero or until the Jammer calls off the jam and that’s Betty clocker on the track had to re-enter the pack without advancing position once
Again get taken to the infield by malice malice is like hey not me I’m not doing nothing you see the Pat the main Pat the package where the most skaters are and that is towards the back so right now the two blockers in front for the black
Dahlias they have got to just kind of they’re waiting for the pack to catch up to them that’s right the engagement zone is 20 feet ahead and 20 feet behind that pack if you’re too far out away from the pack you can’t hit nobody three points for the Barbies
All right that brings our first quarter score 38-4 the Malibu’s Barbies 33-4 the black dahlias we’re gonna take a little break here we’re gonna see oh no you know what we’re gonna do Italy we’re gonna hey everybody check it out we’re gonna throw stuff at your head [Applause]
Off who wants some free stuff man everybody loves a little free stuff man there’s all kinds of cool free stuff do you want some free stuff has it been a while since somebody threw something directly into your face well today’s your lucky day my friend
If you don’t want the free stuff you can give it to me that’s right Make some noise our wonderful throwing team showing why they’re double threats they skate roller derby they throw stuff they could be pitching in the major leagues probably I don’t know what do I know about baseball I can’t
Throw stuff that good I can throw a fit You don’t want to see me all right thank you once again to stefcon and our throw and stuff team [Applause] all right I do want to take a quick moment though oh no I just gonna I was just gonna say uh don’t forget to buy your raffle
Tickets and buy your uh buy all the siding stuff at the merch group also want to do a shout out though to everybody in the the YouTube channel right now we got people on the YouTube chat Channel we want to welcome you here I want to give a special shout out right
Now to truck driving Kimmy hauling 32 000 pounds of a variety of fireworks from Savannah Georgia to Salt Lake City and they’re being delivered to the Salt Lake Bees AAA baseball team because they have fireworks after their games huh some exciting stuff right there I also want to say uh
Some uh I want to give a little shout out to some of the people we have here oh I’m sorry one more for the people watching online hey micro machine would like to give a shout out to our family watching in Chicago on the live stream so welcome to Micro Machines family
Watching from Chicago into live stream we got more people on the live stream satanic Panic wants to thank Lisa for always watching it and also a shout out to the tub room for the Relentless inspirational chaos I don’t know what the tub room is but I would love to know
More about your Relentless inspirational chaos so and thank you for watching online Lisa my friend um Susie’s watching online hi Susie it’s uh hi to all the the pets to all the um furry creatures yeah in fact we got some folks in that chat room Madeleine Welsh is sending some love to
Coach’s Blondie egg and baby V [Applause] tofuti today says let’s go Dahlia’s coach egg rolls coach egg egg egg egg egg they’re chanting in the chat room I’m not even lying hey egg we got a lot well everyone’s wearing eggs closed those are all eggs Jack suits I
Guess that’s a big thing I’ve learned about it we also got Lily in Wisconsin watching I like Lillian Wisconsin Lily is very cool uh yeah we got some people in the house here though where is John and Victoria glitter bombs people John and Victoria thanks for always coming to support Erin
Ladd at everyone the greens so to the glitter bomb people we’re so grateful that you’re here we also have a happy birthday to Kevin mon aka Mr knockout so uh Kevin I don’t know if your birthday’s actually today or if it was yesterday mine was yesterday but uh
Happy Birthday Emily well thank you and happy birthday to Kevin mon we also got a shout out to the brawl and betties in the house all right where are the brawling betties brawling Betty identifying ourselves welcome brawling betties and the ones watching on the live stream they are Santa Barbara’s
Flat track roller derby league and Knockouts first derby family welcome thank you so much for coming and remember wherever you are support your local roller derby whether it’s banked or flat the Urban dolls support everybody on skates and off skates too Amy Purcell says lucky harms family is
Watching from Seattle oh hello aspartame he says uh sending lots of love l-o-v-e love from the Twin Cities to my amazing Derby wife Snack Attack I’m not just saying it like that that’s how that’s how aspartaney spelled it so yeah I’m seeing a lot of love there for Lucky harm
And why why not after all why not even lucky harms exactly the arms look at your arms that’s a great name lucky Harms a lot of things harms lucky can’t harm and uh just wanted to remind her uh we have all kinds of ways that you can
Support the Derby dolls and we greatly appreciate that because we are a non-profit organization so please buy beverages snacks food and uh it looks like we’re getting ready to start the second quarter it turns out that uh Clinton on roller derby games doesn’t get you a million dollars we only wish it did
Please support us we need the money all right everybody Welcome Back second quarter exciting record reaction here at dollhalla and we’re kicking it off with a Power Jam for the black dahlias Betty clocker for uh the Barbies racked up an arms penalty at the end of last quarter so
Black dahlias kicking it off solo style they got Margaret’s Flatwood on the jam line I believe Margaret’s Flatwood is wearing Kevin dubrow’s original pants for the first Quiet Riot tour that’s a piece of History Emily it’s probably something from a Tim murder uh Burton movie but you know
Just in case valley girl and glitter bomb all in the front line until more barbies come up oh it looks like we got goat Barbie being held in the back you know what other line we saw Margaret splatwood on evely the uh the wga pick a line at Paramount
That’s right coming out to support all of the uh Derby dolls and other folks who are out there protesting for a fair contract for the wga and now a fair contract for sagafter too yeah they’re Union we’re in Uniontown for sure Flatwood though busted through
I mean we got we got a five-point game here that never had they’ve been Five Points what do we got now and that’s how many points of splat got popular number number five the tide game everybody [Applause] 38-38 up we do have somebody in the poly box
For the Black Dahlia so that oh Dr frankenhurter yeah that’s gonna be a directional block is in a box foreign looks like Nightmare and shammy for the black dahlias up a knockout out front wow nightmarron is fast so fast holy smoke if I saw a nightmare and skating
Up like that behind me I would I would not just call off the jam I would crap my pants uh we were we were doing laps you know you have to do so many laps and it’s I don’t know if you remember that and uh I did 23 you’re supposed to do
21. so but nightmare to like 27. holy smokes you did 23 though that’s hot I know and I didn’t die that’s how that’s lapse in what is it five minutes laps in five I don’t know it seemed like forever lapse in front of the eternity laps till
You die it was like a it’s definitely the length of an Iron Maiden song and an epic one of that the enforcer enforcers gesturing helpfully to invite the skaters to take the track please yes when like everybody follow me follow me to the track [Applause] because nobody’s in a belly box [Applause]
That’s impossible oh my goodness going down one after the other like so many beautiful dominoes yeah that’s a villainous Vixen in the back gets knocked down has to re-enter oh look into the infield so just really need to get off I was wrong there glitter bomb really laying that body on
The into that hit followed by another one from daddy long legs on the Barbie’s Jammer yeah I mean they’re technically had to let Vixen go because there was a little bit too high both Jammers out of the path is slowing down yeah it’s Carmen Danger
Oh man vixen’s like I just want to grab a couple [Applause] I don’t think it worked though I can’t tell [Applause] and I think we’re gonna have a little stoppage I have a quick call off here so we’re going to take a moment for a medical Co-op we’ll be right back with you
Scatter up give it up for villainous Vixen everybody gonna uh thank you to our EMTs rich and JJ they’ve been with us for 18 years thank you so much for taking care of our skater uh you know what this is a there’s a real game and uh it’s roller
Derby is a really aggressive sport but it’s also a lot of safety features that are put into the package such as all the protective gear and of course our enforcers who um you know they do everything that’s why they call penalties to make sure everyone’s skating safe and that’s why we have our
EMTs here too but the skaters work hard and they skate hard and uh you hate seeing them one go down but we always take a moment to let them get out to make sure everything is fine and a lot of times you’ll just see him back in the
Game pretty soon yeah when you have a medical call-off like that the skater takes off their helmet they sit out for at least five jams so that we can make sure that they’re okay before we send them back out there so when we get back on the track we’re
Going to be starting off with uh the Brews of the Malibu’s Barbies down one one of their blockers rocked up a blocking out of play yeah we got a one point gamer with hey who all here is room for the black dahlias [Applause] for the Malibu’s Barbies [Applause]
There we go we got some folks giving it up for roller derby we got scary Fisher oh I love scary fish Gary Fisher loves the roller derby I thought scary Fisher moved Gary Fisher is here for scary’s last game before she leaves with her family I know I don’t
Want to talk about it makes me sad okay oh and there’s nothing to be said about with all this exciting run production happened on the track with scar jamming for the black doggies and Gwen Lacey for Malibu Barbies and there goes Gwen Lacy yeah Scott has made it out but the Malibu’s Barbies
They are out first yeah and that’s Glenn Lacy whoa right queen of crunch we’ll call that points Barbie and four points Barbie in fact yeah and remember you can scream you can shout you can stop your feet just do not whistle the only people are allowed to
Whistle are our enforcers in the middle of the track and this next Jam though it is going to be a Power Jam advantage to the Malibu’s Barbies yep Scarlet got that low block yeah so scar is in the Penalty Box and that’ll make one team on the floor
When Jammer who can score away notes the other way around it’s exciting is what it is [Applause] I mean it can be exciting but boy if you have trouble getting through the pack mostly what it could be is tiring oh but not this time not micro machine
Micro machine is out that is the co-captain of the Barbies [Applause] and uh I mean they got a five-point lead right now and I kind of see my micro machine is uh going to do some major damage of course turn two is haunted we all know that some of the you know because
The baby doll brawl is made of up and coming skaters who have not yet joined teams not all of them are familiar with how haunted turned two is and we like to have them discover that on their own [Applause] Vidalia has put a two ball in back and
It seems to be working they are hanging up that gym or time is money in a power Jam yeah that was the Splat Attack on that and the dolly has managed to hold the Barbies to just Five Points anytime you hold a team to Five Points or under in a
Power Jam that’s just about a win we do our penalties against the black dahlias though and that will be against Dr frankenhurter with a legal work times two oh way to go Frankie now that’s important because I’m sorry I am watching malice versus Envy Adams and that is just incredible now look at
Balance go that was an incredible matchup I really thought that that Jammer was going off the track equally yeah and winter storm Jeremy for the Barbies it’s stuck in the back behind nightmarron but man here comes oh there goes malice is super determined malice came in like a wrecking ball
Yeah got the rocketscapes on we’re in a storm out of the pack not the lead Jammer man balance I don’t care if I’m Gonna Leave jammer at this point I just want to be away from malice so she doesn’t hit me I think wrecking ball was a good way to put it
What do we got what do we get show me some coins ten nine eight seven six five four three two one points are being counted now you’re gonna find the shocking but malice is in the Penalty Box I can’t believe it and oh for an arms penalty
That wasn’t but I guess Andy bottoms will be out for a back blocking penalty but the main thing it’s a Power Jam advantage to the Barbies two-point game Barbie’s ahead by two trading power jams always so dangerous for a team to do Snack Attack especially in a game this close
51-49 but let’s see how that stands up at the end of this gym wow scar was really trying to doing a whole good job of holding Snack Attack to the rail stack attack makes it through smack’s got half a minute left to come around I think that’s good for one more pass and
Maybe even two evily yeah I mean it depends I mean coming through on the high side like that that’s a little bit oh right in the back of nightmare and oh no I’m sorry in the Splat that could splat the dolly is doing a pretty good job of staying together
That’s absolutely what you want when you’re playing defense but what they also want is to speed this pack up evenly because if they keep it slow that just means more opportunities for that Jammer to score [Applause] 12 points for the Malibu’s Barbies wow and we also got penalties against them
We got directional block against Valley hurl and a multiplayer block against glitter Bob [Applause] wow nightmarron like running runs just like running on skates I am scared of nightmare and I also think Nightmare and freaking rules but I’m frightened yeah I’m trying to decide you can be a blocker or a point Wicked
Oh wow Nightmare and trying to make that opposing Jammer a point before they get back to the back of the pack but nightmare has to call it off or else lose a couple points now she’s powerful she’s a mom too moms are power Believers I know and it’s
Like you really like oh they Smiley say hi thanks I love you D Cup come here buddy um so nobody in the Box this time around do you believe but I mean there’s a lot of people think I don’t have time for Derby I’m a mom not true this may be the
Best place in the world for you oh satanic Panic calls it off as Valley hurl coming up right behind [Applause] and whether you’re a mom or not uh you can be a fresh meat skater you can join this amazing League you can get up on this track and do all of this cool
You’re watching it’s awesome and you can do it uh in three weeks evenly that’s the next time that they are having fresh meat tryouts well and you can start Derby porvita tomorrow okay real quick we got a black Dahlia’s penalty though we will be having Chopsticks in the penny box with the
Directional block we have a timeout being called but yes the Derby Port Vita program starts tomorrow that’s a 12-week class it goes a beginner intermediate and advanced some of the beginners have never been on skates before if you want information about Derby for beater or any of our programs check out the Derby
Dolls info area or of course the merch Booth or the bar everyone can tell you about it and we also have a fabulous program called the dolls Nation where you can pay a monthly donation to the derby dolls and you get this fantastic wonderful benefit of uh you get a free
Raffle ticket every game you get like a 10 off of merch and you get a membership card in the nail uh the mail with your name and number on it anyway you can just go over to the bar and you can scan the QR code on the eliminated page at
The bar merch entrance earned from the bleachers and it’ll take you the page to sign up once you do and show them the confirmation message you can get your merch and your free gift pack with all this cool stuff in it right away so wait wait wait so I could join the doll
Nation right now and go get my complimentary merch back right now yeah you would get your mug your Dalmation 2023 pin because there’s a collectible pin you’re in lanyard and card holder and stickers and then you get your card in the middle and you’ll get your free
Uh raffle ticket and if you buy any merch 10 off that sounds like a deal that I don’t think I can afford to miss evenly yeah and it’s great because you’re supporting the Derby dolls which is a non-profit organization and uh yes we are about our Juniors program we’re
About our community programs we are about a lot of different things but we’re about being a part of the community and we’re about empowering people uh and uh and we’re just so grateful you’re here because roller derby is one of the more affordable sports in Los Angeles so support your logo every League
Foreign [Applause] skaters keep their brains protected as they’re knocking around on that track and the answer is S1 helmets S1 helmet’s a symbol of protection they’ve been protecting the Derby dolls since 2009 the official helmet of the Derby dolls get yours at s hyphen o n e oh
My God haunt sending love to us from Bali that is incredible Hans is watching Pocahontas hello come back and visit us look every year noon in October we should be here we also got oh Steve is watching with slime Steve Jobs is fly Fox watching the live stream together
Those two are partying right now that’s the party I want to be at I want to be at this party I want to be at anything with the roller derby knockout lead Jammer Jammy for the Barbies Lucky harms Channing from the Black Dahlia ends up towards the back of the pack Barbies are ahead with a 13-point lead all right a little bit of hustling as a oh look like nightmare I was about to drop a block there a knockout [Applause] and the Jam’s over four points for the Barbies [Applause] I see a Barbie going to the box it’s always nervous
We don’t worry we let the Barbie out of the box after the uh after Jam okay so we got lucky arms in the penny box for the black dahlias with a cutting penalty that’s gonna make this next Jam a Power Jam advantage to the Malibu’s Barbies although they have one of their skaters
In The Penalty Box yeah they are down a blocker at the moment but there goes the Jammer one one eight that’s a gratitude All right so you can see all the package right now it’s kind of a split just another great thing about S1 helmets is there’s lots of room up there for the little rat that pulls your hair and tells you how to jam oh that’s cool that they have that feature that’s an
Important feature I don’t know how the rat can see when you’ve got the Jammer panty on though well you know Derby people we got eyes on the back of our heads [Applause] all right like I said pack keep it a little bit on the slow side but they got to keep moving not allowed to stop on the track yeah you got to keep skating forward one more blocker to be you’ve got to let that Jammer go when you get
Outside at 20 feet yeah that was Angelina roly and there’s a chance it could have been blocking out of the engagement Zone 10 points by the day for the Barbies and the Barbies increase their lead 81-54 there’s that 54 again that’s right they’re getting into their uh dream Corvette and pulling away Valley hurl in The Penalty Box for the Barbies with an above shoulders block that by my unofficial count that’s four for Valley hurl that’s gonna be bad news for the Barbies if it keeps up because
You only get seven you get six and on your seventh you are out of here you have to go tap the after party sticky long legs Jeremy for the black dahlias [Applause] oh Anthony battums was so committed to that block then of course landed but still it’s spectacular oh meanwhile back in the
Pack nightmarron took the Jammer to the rail took the Jammer to the inside got back up and is still just being nothing but a nightmare to that poor Barbie’s Jammer and there goes daddy long legs through again [Applause] I I do sometimes fan pick like a skater
And fan girl the crap out of them but I mean like nightmare is honestly tearing it up out there well Lenny clocker though struggling to get out of that pack but still some solid play sometimes I find myself saying the same names over and over but by God that’s
Because Nightmare and keeps doing amazing crap [Applause] Yeah all right everyone count now do we have the right number skaters what do we got up there let’s go micro that’s what that sign says yeah micro machine jamming for the Barbies got through on the high side Valley hurl during a good job of holding back that
Pack oh although the pack taking a film there into the infield Barbie’s trying to wall it up at the front they take Angelina Rowley just at the very last possible second to the infield and it’s a fall pull for the Barbies game clock is run out on the half but we
Still got 25 seconds in the jam yeah that’s Angelina Broly though made it out might have gotten some points But there’s the call off you guys this might be how if it’s halftime we want to remind you all to check out our wonderful vendors outside we’ve got jewelry we’ve got Sun Catchers there’s there’s wonderful onesies handmade cars all kinds of great stuff and our own Grim Burton is doing
Commissions out there so I believe this is halftime is that correct that’s right seven points on that last Jam bringing the Malibu’s Barbies to 88 against the black dahlias 64. all right we’ll see you after halftime [Applause] foreign hello I am chance the lapper of the tough cookies and I’m here with Oblivion
Westwood the roller derby fan Barbie and I’m here to talk to you today about our foster pets many of us at the Derby dolls Foster adoptable rescue animals and we have three really great ones that we want to talk to you today we have uh Dr mantis toboggan he’s a senior Chihuahua
He loves treats he’s very motivated to learn his commands he loves a good walk and taking a nap in the car you can find him uh through Pacific pups rescue their website and their Instagram is at Pacific pups rescue we also have from Pacific pups Bree she’s a
Really cute uh two-year-old Dalmatian pit mix she’s super loyal loves her loves her person and she’s been working on her walking and getting better at that every single day yes she is named after Bree the cheese if you had any questions again you can find Bree on Pacific pubs or on their
Instagram at Pacific pups rescue and then we have the cutest little gray kit uh cat with us as well Mr Darcy so we have a doctor and a mister in our available pets for adoption this round and Mr Darcy is through kitten rescue La he uh is very motivated by playing with
His toys he loves to cuddle and he is uh fostered by a house with other cats so we know that he does great with cats and their Instagram is kitten rescue LA and your their website is please take time to adopt and not shop
Uh there are a ton of available pets in our shelters here in Los Angeles and throughout the country and the less animals that we buy and the more that we rescue the more animals to live their lives so if you’re interested in any of these three pets please reach out to any
Of the organizations that are currently rescuing them you can scan the QR codes for more information it takes you directly to their page thank you thank you Viv um at 10 minutes before the third quarter we’re going to be having our coaches of the Malibu’s Barbies as well
As the Black Dahlia so stay tuned thank you very much see you soon a Los Angeles Derby dolls bout consists of four quarters each lasting 15 minutes these quarters are divided into 60 second rounds called jams each team has five players on the track in each Jam four players called blockers and one
Point scoring player called the Jammer you can always distinguish the Jammers from the other players on the track by their starred helmets it’s the Jammer’s job to try to score points and the blocker’s job to try to stop them the first whistle will sound to start the
Jam and the blockers launch onto the track the blockers form a tight grouping called the pack the Jammers race their way around the track and catch up to the pack the Jammers must then fight their way through the pack the blockers from the opposing team will try to stop them
While the blockers on their team try to assist them the Jammers have now broken out of the pack and must race their way around the track and meet up with the pack again keep an eye on the Jammer in front she is your lead Jammer and can call off the
Jam room by placing her hands on her hips the pink Jammer is now in position to score she receives one point for each member of the opposing team she passes as the pink Jammer rocks up points the yellow Jammer catches the pack and is now also in position to score the yellow
Jammer will also receive one point for each member of the pink team she passes the jam ends when 60 seconds have elapsed or when the lead Jammer calls off the jam by placing her hands on her hips players are not permitted to purposely trip or tackle their opponents
Players can block each other using their bodies and shoulders but cannot use their elbows forearms or hands players violating the rules will be placed in The Penalty Box located on the infield forcing their team to skate the next jam with one less skater the game ends after
Four quarters the team with the most points at the end of the bout is your winner foreign [Applause] [Applause] hello I am here I’m chance lapper with tough cookies we are back at halftime at the baby doll brawl um here we are with health kitten uh coach of the Malibu’s Barbies how are you feeling about your team today coach feeling great I think everyone’s working
Really hard out there and it seems like everyone’s you know a little bit nervous but hopefully having fun too and I’m having a good time so we’re witnessing a lot of beautiful moments in the box of some maybe hand-holding some deep breathing would you say that is maybe a varsity Brawlers thing
That is definitely something that we do we like to keep it calm we like to keep it positive that’s definitely something we’ve adopted from Varsity Brawlers in hopefully helps our team too um I would say baby doll bras are known for their power jams what did your team
Do to really prepare for how many power jams happen in a baby doll brawl we really worked on strategies for par gyms um keeping it slow if it’s for us really working on our defense if it’s against us so yeah I think you’re doing a great
Job of controlling the speed a lot it’s very strategic Derby how is it to collaborate with your other coaches other teammates um we’re all really good friends so it’s great I think we have really great chemistry I love working with them we all bring something of our own to the
Team thank you coach nice nice sunglasses I think you just have to wear them the entire time yeah well thank you thank you um carry on carry on next we have we’re doing great next we have Atomic blonde um the back dahlias hello thanks for watching
Um I am seeing a lot of powerful Jammers on your side how are you feeling about your team right now it really couldn’t be happier with how well we’re skating they’re working together so well I can see they’re really finding each other they’re having some great walls and yeah our Jammers
Are they’re either getting out first or they’re not giving up which is really what we’ve worked on is just just going to the whistle blows that’s what it’s all about would you say maybe that’s a tough cookie mentality to never give up we won’t crumble we won’t crumble folks we won’t crumble um
I would also say uh there’s some some cheers and it’s kind of hard to hear some of the chairs that are happening on your side um can you tell us maybe what y’all are saying in the Box um so one of our cheers on our very first practice we this little Lake
Possum was in the truck like by the trash right by where we were working out so our team became like the possum team and they got all the coaches these like little possum dolls so one of our chairs is um Awesome Possum Tales of strength um and then some of our cheering has
Just been like screaming and coherently which I think is pretty goth and um just helps get a less of that nervous energy like it’s hot and you know you got a lot of builds up and it really helps to scream your your little brain out and that’s what you’ve
Been doing and uh this Warehouse has great Acoustics to just shout and like hear it really reverberate around the track it’s very powerful um I mean it wasn’t too long since you skated your own baby doll brawl how are you feeling as a coach for the first time in this capacity
Um it’s really exciting it’s it’s kind of surreal I think my body still thinks I’m supposed to be out there but um no it’s really great to coach it’s really great to get to work with the the newer generation of skaters and get to know them um and their different styles and all
The different things that that they bring that maybe I didn’t even see coming up um yeah like it’s it’s a lot of fun it’s definitely challenging but um it’s been a fun journey and it’s ending on a really good note and how does it feel to coach alongside a teammate she deviled
Egg as well as your Derby wife Vanessa Legends um it’s great I couldn’t ask for better coaches um it’s nice because we’ve been able to bring some of that cookie mentality with me and egg but baby bees also wrapping fight crew and has really good thoughts
And I think it’s nice to have a mix of multiple teams um to get you know a different group of perspectives thank you so much Blondie and we will start the third quarter soon I cannot see the clock but this is Chance the lapper signing out I’ll see you at the
MVP awards after the fourth quarter foreign [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] thank you all right everybody welcome back to the second half of exciting roller derby action here at dollhola y’all having a good time man we’re so glad to have you here want everybody in the chat room over on YouTube I hope you’re all coming back
Games getting started if you can hear me grab your beverages hey Us by the way I don’t know if our Barbie uh captains can hear us but newsie and Ruckus want to say how beautiful and how great the Barbie coaches are I’ll let you know right now records and newsie I did tell
A couple of them personally so I will make sure that shout out is given to all of them and we just want to say how beautiful all of our teams are today although maybe not having the best time would be penalty Barbie otherwise known as a valley hurl in the playing box with
A blocking out of play penalty Valley hurl knock knocking on ejections door got uh five by my unofficial count I’ve never met ejection Barbie before objection Barbie has to go hang out with scary Barbie I think and that is Nightmare and Nightmare and into the infield has to re-enter the
Pack without advancing position and Nightmare and out Envy Adams and be communicating with her pack letting people know oh man sweet moving to the infield and calls it off yeah you see nightmare in coming in they just you want it to end four points for the Barbies the Nightmare and never stops
The nightmare may end when you wake up but nightmarron not till the jam clock has expired all right we do have a low blocking penalty against the Barbies are getting a lot of penalties I have to say but it’s the first one for Gwen Lacey low block Gwen’s gonna be sitting this one
Out that looks like Daddy Long Long Legs coming out of the pack joined by Snack Attack both cameras out of the pack remember the jam is either 60 seconds long or when the Jammer in the lead puts hands on hips to call off the jam and that’s what we see there although
He’s stolen there Sonic attack looked like they had made it in fact what they did zero points and then because Barbies don’t steal legal lead they don’t what were they still they’re already Barbie you don’t need to steal anything about everything they have credit cards and stuff they own their own stuff because
They have careers where they’re paid equal there’s no pay Gap in in Barbie land not like the real world [Applause] malice out for the black dahlias calling hanging Back In The Cut sees that opening on the inside and charges through to get lead jammer for the dahlias yeah it looks like lucky harms
Is trying to cut some room on the inside to get through malice into the pack calls it off before knockout can get into the into a point scoring position [Applause] we do have a penalty oh my goodness we have a low-blocking penalty against the dahlias gotta be against nightmarron
Hello Nightmare and think of what you’ve done nice to see uh villainous Vixen back out there skating after having that medical call off earlier oh we’d love to see the want to see that everything’s fine a lot of skaters down people having to do some quick feet moving to avoid bigger Falls
Margaret splatwood joining up with 131 daddy long legs to hold that Jammer into the pack yeah it’s frankenherter who is jamming Frankie as jamming for the black dahlias up for the high side gets a little bit of an assist from the pivot strong Barbies are trying to do a good blocking line wow
And that gives a chance for micro machine to get out and Lead Jammer micro machine who had that amazing Power Jam back in the second yeah Frankie looking for him to help from the teammates but man micro machine although Splat Splat ain’t having any of that splat’s
Been doing a great job throughout this gym of carrying up with a friendly skater to really you know be a force multiplier and hold that Jammer back oh yeah they do a great job teamwork is the name of the game out there one on one does not really fly in
Roller derby you’ve got to find a way to get together with your teammates because you are many times more effective that way I know I always like to have a partner everything’s better when you have a buddy oh and two people in the pulley box kind of buddies but from the
Other team we’ve got Whitney hex and The Penalty Box for the Barbies with an arms penalty and an R to the arms penalty against the dahlias and that is against the Dr frankenherter making this Jam a Power Jam Advantage for the Barbies there’s only one Barbie on the floor and
One Barbies that can score nope that doesn’t work either but it’s worth a shot lots of Barbie everywhere is Barbie my Barbies were usually on the floor one Lacy lead Jammer only Jammer [Applause] did you have Barbies evenly oh my goodness I have I still have my Skipper Barbie [Applause]
Skipper Barbie that gets tits I did but I don’t have that one anymore oh man I love the Skipper Barbie that gets tits I know I think my friend Carolyn had it I had my sister had it I would sneak into her room to play with it yeah but I
Can’t tell one of my friends had it wow if you don’t know what I’m talking about there was a skipper that like oh if you pulled her arm back she would get taller and she would grow breasts I’m giving you a hint right now she’s in the movie
No more spoilers I haven’t seen it yet that’s all you need to know okay to look forward to that it was a formative experience of my childhood right now though the Carnage going on in this pack is incredible wow 10 points for the Barbies [Applause] that’s a double scoring pass Barbie
Oh mouse was sitting in the pilly box and relieved to say nope not you yep the penalties are all against the Barbies we’ve got a bucking uh back walking penalty against envy battums and we also got an arms penalty against Betty clucker but the Barbies made it past the century
Mark 104 to 68. [Applause] yeah Barbies are taking over the trip game they are but they’re gonna have to watch their penalties evenly or this could uh stop being Malibu’s dream Derby game and turn into a nightmare oh my god well play Trixie that’s right I am giving myself the
Highest of fives for that one you can do your Victory lap while I talk about bratatouille coming against the wall of black dahlias man and uh oh man here comes their Jammer both the Jammers out right now this is one of those moments you’re looking at the coaches what are
The coaches saying well on the infield it’s also important which pack is at the back which team is at the back when you have a close Jammer War like that you don’t want your blockers to be the first ones that you pass no you don’t all right four points for the dahlias [Applause]
Senator quick check on the points here [Applause] we got eyes in the sky we got eyes everywhere all right they’ve talked it over the enforcers agree seven points for the Malibu’s Barbies four and we got Venice cry chap in The Penalty Box so the failure reform penalty for the black dahlias
Chop slicks Jammy for the dahlias foreign [Applause] [Applause] but actually went High passed everybody yeah I gotta say I believe we’ve got a black Dahlia’s cheering section over here for sure I certainly see a lot of people block I gotta figure out a better way to say that evenly because I said it and I still don’t understand it
Well if it’s an imposed I just read your mind I know your thoughts I mean I know what you know but we’re talking about them the good news is they’re not listening to me they’re just cheering on Daddy Long Legs the lead jammer for black dahlias yeah they’re skating on these amazing baby
Doll Brawlers man Carmen danger coming in there pretty hot hey don’t forget we got the raffle in about five minutes so make sure you got your raffle tickets everybody there’s some really killer raffle prizes and we do the raffle right here so yeah if you changed your pants during halftime go
Back to your car and check your old pants that’s where your raffle tickets might be I changed my pants today isn’t that exciting news that I shared with you thank you I changed my pants because I rode my motorcycle here oh excuse me and I can’t wear my gold Shimmer pants on it
Or maybe it’s probably a bad idea nightmare in WoW attacking that track just such speed and aggression in uh that’s right I just I cannot say enough about nightmares yeah incredible oh man and you shall no Nightmare and by her trail of Barbies wow four more points for the dahlias [Applause]
Eighty three four the dolly is 116 for Malibu’s Burmese four minutes left in the third We do have a penalty against the black dahlias with a low blocking penalty that will be scar scores in the penny box scar coming to us from their Renegade Roller Girls [Applause] and Scarlet going to the Box four low block for the dahlias they’ll be down one blocker Titanic Panic jamming for the dahlios the snack attack for the Barbies and we’ve had a Jammer race and we had a league change there that happened so fast yeah once again it was all about
Momentum and the Barbie’s even had track position it’s usually better to be on the low there as she goes through the turns but the uh black Dahlia’s Jammer just had much more momentum and was able to steal that lead yeah I think right we almost had a call out because of the equipment
Malfunction there I believe somebody lost perhaps a uh toe stopper or something all of her clothes off though with really quick uh reflexes caught it I think all of her clothes off lost his sleeves though I know I mean he leaves about 12 years ago more than 12 I think
Wow lucky arms jamming for the dahlios oh the crowd loves it they can’t get enough of those licky homes who can knock out being taken to the rail I mean held up by everybody by slicks oh lucky arms nobody saw harms coming able to do that lucky horseshoe who turns two three and
Four and pick up all of those points and speaking of all of her clothes off I got a shout out to Lily in case you didn’t hear me earlier Lily in Wisconsin shout outs from me though but I’ll say it’s from Oliver it’s really for me
All right we do our penalty against the dahlias in The Penalty Box we have malice in there with a back blocking penalty that was Collins Coaches running out there to make sure they have the correct number of blockers okay one yeah okay [Applause] Splat all in the last line of defense for the dahlias but Valley oh makes it through for the Barbies but Daddy Long Legs not to be left behind for long [Applause]
Daddy long legs possibly the only Fred Astaire movie that’s also an insect really or an arachnid or arachnids insects I’m sorry I shouldn’t make insects jokes oh my God is this leftover from Doom bug or something don’t you I can’t make insect jokes do that scar however scar can be the lead Jammer
And doing it for the black dahlios that’s what is happening at this moment [Applause] and Liz Glenn’s out though [Applause] was at an apex jump or a cut I am not sure scar into the infield I think they’re gonna be like cuddle it up yeah [Applause] speaking of terrible jokes I had a
Halftime joke all lined up for the dahlias and I forgot to bust it out what was it I’m gonna leave that as an exercise for the reader yeah I’m I’m believing you know because we got a skater named Black Dahlia so I’ve actually recycled through all these
Black Dahlia jokes and I think you weren’t announcing at that time so we’ve done them all Trixie I’m telling you I’m sorry I’m not a completist I missed all the early episodes which means I can’t follow the lore I know you know uh I could make somebody like
Tell you I love Black Dahlia though at lucky Harms in the paneling box with an illegal black uh black guy are the founder of the Derby World Cup by the way along with the robin Gray’s off to a derby doll skater also black daughter the founder of New
Zealand roller derby which is how we got Anna Lisa or anime to kill involved a whole lot of history with her micro machine jamming for the Barbie’s lead Jammer and we have Carnage over here in the packs Ash’s ashes We All Fall Down in the straightaway
Yeah cry baby doing the best to do a block there on Micro Machines Splat up in the pack along with daddy long legs I cannot I cannot over emphasize how intimidating that is when the skater is tough as cry trap turns around and stares at you as you approach the pack yeah [Applause]
Come on try it I dare you four points for the Barbies and I believe that’s the end of the third quarter is it raffle time I do believe it’s raffle time pick those pieces of paper out of your pockets that’s right I went to add some numbers dig deep
All right our first prize as a if you win you come down here with your ticket and they’ll get you your prize I think it’s like by the merch Booth or the beverages by damage Dame down there you can ask her she’ll let you know all right what do we got
America’s sweetheart behind me whiskey Behavior you want me to just call it sorry oh do you you do call it hi I get your raffle tickets out let me put my we’ve got number eight five nine seven zero one eight five nine seven zero one thank you
You got your gift certificate meet me at concessions all right another gift certificate for gender Shredder fifteen dollar gift certificate get those raffle tickets out we have eight five nine seven six five [Applause] the next one is for in and out we have four full meals for in and out eight
Eight five nine seven nine four once again eight five nine seven nine four meet me at concessions our next winner gets some plushies from Fall Guys they’re so cute they are eight inch collectible plushies original pink yellow and a chicken and that number is eight five nine nine nine nine eight
Five nine nine nine nine [Applause] if you’re headed to the after hours the after party this one’s for you we got eight five nine eight eight five this is for twenty five dollars to Benny boy Brewing eight five nine eight eight five [Applause] and our last but not least is a gift bag
Of Derby doll merch that number is eight five nine nine nine seven eight five nine nine nine seven I’ll meet all the winners uh concessions thank you all right who won a raffle prize by the way I was saying that right it is gender Shredder that has all the awesome
Awesome stuff people just want some gift certificates for there you go all right we got a couple minutes and then we’ll be back fourth final quarter exciting Roger reaction here in dahala I did it but we’ll do it again foreign Look at these Gorgeous Flowers we’re lucky harms look at this gorgeous sign this is this is fandom at its finest all right are you understanding the game can we help you out at all okay cool Google cool who are you here to support all Lucky harms okay if you’re in the
Lucky Harvest fan section please raise your hand lucky Harvest fan section there we go gorgeous this is Lucky’s first game with the Derby dolls yes yes all right I I see some of malice crew you’re deep in there though if you’re part of malice’s crew please stand up laughs there we go
All right can I ask can I ask who are you here to see um we’re here to see Angelina Rowley and chop slicks Angelina Rowley and chops legs be still my heart this is I think their second baby doll bro maybe I skated with them in the past they’re fantastic people We got we got all right everybody SWAT fourth final quarter because I enroll into the action here let’s make some noise around that chance was in there doing some in-person interviews so yeah we got to give it up to the rad crew for making that possible it’s really so much fun to
See uh to see them out there interviewing the audience uh we got some bad news for the Mala Brews 818 Valley hurl has been ejected from the game oh my God we have an ejection Barbie picked up a track cut and a low block in the last uh Jam of
The third so the Malibu Barbies will be without Valley hole services for the rest of this game wow all right Andy bottoms followed by slicks both Jammers out [Applause] boy it is so scary when both Jammers come in that fast because you got to feel like oh my God somebody’s gonna get
A backlogging county but they split one went High one low and everybody went through to the tune of two more points for the Malibu’s Barbies 129.88 the uh black dahlias they’ve got some ground to make up but it’s they’re perfectly capable of making this up we got villainous Vixen jamming for
The dahlias looks like against a glitter bomb oh the Barbies [Applause] a Butte of a block by skatanic Panic holds up the exit of the Malibu garvey’s Jammer but they’re out yeah right now the great three wall being put up by the Barbies making it oh definitely trying
To get some assistant from the dahlias to break them up [Applause] foreign don’t take out Ed we need Ed [Applause] glitter bomb makes it through I’m looking a little tired but very determined super determined no points for the dolly is and five count them five big points for Malibu’s Barbies [Applause]
You were saying we needed we need all of our enforcers crew and if you would like to be part of that crew you can be a roller derby referee all you need to do is uh email Reps for more information it’s a great way to meet some great folks and
Be a part of this game all right Gwen Lacey out but here comes nightmarron grin Lacy sees it calls it off just wants to get off the track as soon as possible remembered an important appointment somewhere I need to be somewhere and it’s not here [Applause]
Do you have a penalty gets knock out of the Barbies with a low block love blocking Barbie number 10 low luck there it is gosh shout out in the chat room too the rad crew from Emma Carrillo truly loving all the extra content thank you rad crew rules
Daddy long legs out for the black dahlios Snack Attack trying to make it through for the Barbies man I tell you these packs and they’re really doing a great job in their micro machine and atomic blonde we’re going to the the back line which is technically the first line of defense
And I gotta reiterate folks this is a baby doll brawl these skater some of these skaters it’s their first time skating in a bank track roller derby game in public and I cannot believe the skill the teamwork yeah just the fearlessness that’s on display in these packs yeah none of
These skaters some of them had some experience some come from other leagues but a lot of them join us through our derby barbita program we have a new session starts tomorrow you could be on this track tomorrow if you wanted to be you just got to go to and
Check out the information on Derby for Vita or just asked one of our derby dose Center at our merch table or info table we do have a penalty against Splat he’s in the clean box of the stopping penalty for the black dahlias but there’s always one ways to get involved with the league
And this looks like fun to you go to to learn more Chopsticks out lead for the black dahlias and uh Wicked hex though out of the pack as well nightmaron trying to clear a path for slicks yeah I did a lot of these skaters didn’t get drafted onto our teams pretty soon
I’m pretty sure oh believe me if I’m one of the captains right now I am taking down names and making plans oh yeah you can see some of the captains of our teams looking around definitely we do have a back blocking penalty against night Maron of the black dahlias I
Thought we were going to see that one Nightmare and ran for it to try to break up that wall and break it up she did but not in that legal way all right scar jamming for the black Dahlia’s out lead but micro machine makes it out of the pack for the Barbies
Now the majority of the Pat the pack is where the majority of skaters are a little bit of the pink line and back black and front yeah what you just saw there was uh scar trying to call it out but scar was in the infield you cannot call it off from
The infield you’ve got to get back on the track on your skates before you can make a legal call up what an incredible game I mean these skaters have worked so hard to come up to this level and we’re so proud of them and we’re so proud of our training team
We have the most incredible training team I’ve been skating and they are just so much fun we do have a penalty against the Barbies and that is against that winter storm with a failure to reform penalty failure reform has won the pack you have to get back into the pack you
Must be in the engagement Zone to do stuff that’s right speaking of our training team Sweet Home Alabama who’s instrumental in our dpv program and our Juniors program and all kinds of things says love to see so many dpv alumni skaters live in the dream yeah sweetie
Is one of the the best people I know amazing skater for our screen queens and an incredible trainer and coach and we do have a timeout being called by the Barbies so uh going to remind you this about is brought to you by the Vernon Community Fund the Vernon Community Fund provides
Charitable contributions to community-based organizations and governmental agencies in support of efforts to improve the quality of life strengthen families in a firm of Vernon’s ties with neighboring communities in pursuit of Bright Futures thank you city of burning for being so welcome for the Derby dolls we greatly appreciate it Christopher remind everybody our
Gratefulness for S1 helmets the official symbol of protection protected at Derby doll since 2009 S1 helmets protect your head wear an S1 helmet and keep the good times rolling at the LA Derby dolls official After Party come on down to Benny boy Brewing on daily in Lincoln Heights after the game it’s 21
And over only so um sorry all you cool babies but we’d love to see the rest of you come on down check them out this is our first time if any boy isn’t it it is and Benny boy Brewing it was uh founded in 2022 so just last year with the mission
To create an outdoor drinking experience with a strong sense of community uniting craft beer cider and wine lovers in one Urban backyard so they’re reserving the long tables for us and the Cider House which must rule from 9pm to midnight and then serving until 11 pm or until they
Sell out they uh you’re welcome to bring outside food but please bring your own plates utensils and napkins as well they have ballet and street parking and of course if you won the raffle uh prize of the gift certificate then you’re already 25 ahead so drinks are on you sucker
Yeah that’s at 821 North Daly Street in Los Angeles Benny boy brewing for our after party also remind everyone we have absolutely no advertising budget so please take lots of pictures tell me when you’re having the best time ever and tag Derby dolls take the Derby dolls tag the
Skaters tag me tag evil tag everybody you can think of yes please spread the word we’ve got to give a shout out to all of the volunteers who helped make this league possible most of the staff you’re seeing out here everybody’s a volunteer everybody’s here because they love
Roller derby they don’t just want to consume roller derby they want to make roller derby and that is the ethos that we bring to this game the The Derby dolls are a non-profit non-profit Cooperative organization run by the skaters the referees and people who just love roller derby
You can be a part of it by joining that dull Nation you’re going to see a QR code as you exit zap that QR code and become a regular contributor make roller derby happen in Los Angeles you can do it I believe in you all right we do have some penalties
In The Penalty Box we got Scar in The pilly box for black dahlias within the legal procedure making this a Power Jam advantage [Applause] it looks like they got micro machine jamming in here for this power gym nope I’m sorry that is a one one three effective Wicked hex
All right so they are down one of their blockers in the Pele box what you’re seeing here is the Barbies trying to slow down the path they go to almost a stop until the path breaks ever he’s got to get back together and then they charge forward and then
They hit those brakes one more time the ideal is if they can pick one of those black Jersey skaters off and hold them in the back really slow down the pack and let their Jammer pass a lot of times wow that was pretty clean there for Wicked hex People like this game is long 10 points it’s going so quick for us but you can see the skaters are like they’re getting a little tired yeah we don’t have to work as hard as they do so we’re just like wow this game is so short and
They’re like not if you’re on the track [Applause] man 148 to 101 advantage to the Barbies glitter bomb jamming for the Barbies inside but Nightmare and takes off and I feel like something might be happening on that infield oh mine but not being a Splat we’re trying to oh Nightmare and clear
Through on the inside glitter bomb trying to do a star pass to the the pivot but uh the Splat is like no I don’t think that’s gonna happen the thing about those star passes is they take your attention away and you cannot take your attention away from Nightmare and for one second
No you cannot and unfortunately that is what happened Carmen Danger trying to get it on and that’s important because you aren’t the Jammer until you’ve got that Jammer cover on your head Looks like the Barbies might have picked up a couple but my goodness there was a barrel roll going on in that inside line at the end of that jam wow is all I can say that was incredible how many how many points did we get there for the black dollars I
Saw 13 as the call and sure enough 13 points 114 152. bring it up to 114 that’s incredible I think that they should the Dahlia should have gotten extra points for the barrel roll yeah that was really good there are no style points in Derby and more is the pity
Well you know what they Marina got style points on the board but they get style points in our hearts is what I’m telling you and they also get a seat in the Box Nightmare and sitting down for illegal block which is probably because that skater that uh that she did that barrel roll
Over was down you’re not allowed to hit a downed skater so if she contacted that skater as she did that amazing barrel roll that’s where that legal block probably came to it I am reading the enforcer’s minds here but I feel pretty solid about that one
Which is just how you know that I completely got it wrong wow right now I am just watching knockout working to get through the front of the pack they have to let her go they have to let them go because right now if you see where the pack is the
Pack is where the most skaters are and you can see the enforcers in the middle say where the pack is and they’ve got to get in that so that they can be engaged with each other and once you get 20 feet from the pack you got to let them go and
That blocker was about 60 people was right yeah and of course knockout the only Jammer in the four because the Power Jam wow scar Takes a Tumble so does malice but with some quick feet that Jammer stays up stays alive and keeps on skating not much time left on the clock
Yeah for knockout everybody what do we got Play that’s five points for knockouts [Applause] five minutes left in this game we do also have some penalties happening right now we got winter storm in the penny box for the Barbies with a failure to reform and we got malice Collins in the Pele box with a blocking out of play for the
Dahlias yeah I bet you that was that 60 feet ahead of the pack business that I was talking about there that sounds about right [Applause] having to shake off some friendly fire on Brat’s way out of that pack oh top slick smooth through on the inside line and calls it off
They are doing their best to chip away at the Barbie lead it is so fantastic to see Chopsticks back out there on the track slick skated with the Derby dolls before uh before uh yeah got track cleared back into subpool after the pandemic we’re so happy to have slicks
Back out there all right well not having the best time is uh Wicked hex and the belly box with a legal procedure for the Barbies so we have a legal procedure bar to be in the Box they’ll Miss fix then Lee Jammer jamming for the Giants but right behind man
Envy bottoms vixen’s like oh no this will not be happening using the power of the lead Jammer to call off the jam Wicked hex now sprung from the box but in some pretty bad penalty trouble uh oh gear only three minutes 30 left so it’s kind of six and one half of the
Other there but we want to see Wicked hacks finish this game we’re always cheering for everybody to finish the game yeah very much for a bummer it happens ejections were funner back in the 2010s yeah when we played a song to live and I think Tara there were a little waving to
The crowd like she’s a Vita or something Snack Attack out lead jamming for the Barbies skatanic panic into the infield has to re-enter that pack without advancing position or we’ll get a cutting penalty yeah that was the Barbie’s pivot just gave her just the littlest kiss the littlest shoulder Boop
But it was enough to send the Jammer into the infield yes fly out looking to regroup with daddy long legs since they’re trying to trying to hold the back of the pack look at that four wall up in front yeah I don’t think there’s any path though right now
I keep looking for where is the pack the Jammer does not count when you’re figuring out where the pack is it’s that’s where we have this incredible enforcers two points [Applause] for the Barbies once again I want to thank everybody watching on the Derby dolls YouTube
Channel thank you so much for being a part of this we really appreciate you being here we will be back in August 19th will be the next game it’s going to be the fight crew taking on the varsity Brawlers expect to see some fight crew fans in
The house along with BB fans we do have penalties we got two black dahlias we’ve got a Ratatouille a Ratatouille in the pound box so the low blocking penalty thrown in there with an arms penalty long legs sitting in the Pele box I believe with a low blocking penalty wow
Such quick feet from malice oh my goodness and to be able to pull that out in the fourth quarter evilly after all of this skating so hard in the heat unbelievable performance from malice Cohen yeah really great gen Carmen danger making it out not lead Jammer
And uh we’re coming down the Empire of this game malice though wow [Applause] talk about coming in hot yeah Make some noise for roller derby everybody [Applause] and uh thank you so much for being here this could be it this could be the last Jam it could be we’re gonna find out how
This works is at the end of the last gym if the team in the lead skated clean the game is over if the team in the lead gets a penalty and the other team doesn’t we’re gonna have one last Jam the enforcers the head referee there and
The white helmet will indicate that by making a pumping noise a pumping noise a pumping action with that hand and then we’ll know there’s one more Jam want to get some love to scary Fishers Scariest family Sean the kids I love you scary Fisher oh now the enforcers are probably getting sad because she’s leaving uh the Cleveland official timeout being called well and we got penalties Envy Bottoms in a penalty box is that a d yeah that is a d I don’t
Know what D is for oh my God I think that might be delayed game I don’t know it is the Lamb game wow wait yeah hey metal Kyle What’s d we think it’s D Hey hasselblack where’s my little list all right and while we figure that out scar is also down for an
Arms penalty oh wait it is delay of games oh you found out too I asked Kyle so my information was fresh I went to ask Kyle and Kyle didn’t hear me okay I was like what the hell are you talking about Kyle does not have headphones and is just kind of
Shrek’s name I was like really freaking out over here hey once again thank you everybody for being a part of this I hope you all had a wonderful time I hope you’ve had half as much fun as we have and if this is your first time at roller
Derby I hope you’ve caught the bug please keep watching keep coming back keep supporting the league in every way that you can because we do this we do this for the love of the game but we do it for you too here we go nightmarron Jammy for the black Jordans
Out of the pack micro machine damning for the Barbies into the infield Rihanna’s a pack without advancing position got Rumble Bee telling him where the pack is and here comes Nightmare and wanted to even up the score wow great lateral movement and somehow keeps going through the falling [Applause]
By Aaron 30 seconds left on this Jam clock that passing micro machine the micro machine comes a point the Barbies coaches are saying go go go my goodness wow oh my God you’re right there micro might need a moment gets a hand up from her competitor yeah that’s what we love
To see because all of these skaters they’re on opposing teams but they have all come up together Am I forgetting a hand back to the bench oh man that kind of chokes me up a bit I know that’s not that’s no way to end a great game no it is not but to see the Jammers like that is not make old lady evil cry
I love roller derby because it doesn’t matter what team you’re on we’re all here for the game we’re all here for each other yeah that’s what I say I’m running I’m just rooting for everybody to have a great time and enjoy this half as much as I love it
Oh but Barbie’s in the Penalty Box uh-oh this is a huge opportunity for the black dahlias they’ve got a power Jam this has got to be the last Jam possibly if they skate it clean wow that’s chop slicks out of the pack chop slicks needs 32 points to tie this game
Well it’s a stretch but you know my mic on that one I’m flying out of the truck yeah get that for Chopsticks everybody oh my God so much excitement oh pack still jostling for position as Chopsticks comes around 13 seconds left on the jam clock not a lot of falling but uh
Kid from Envy bottoms oh man leaving it all on the track let’s have a huge hand for Chopsticks and the black dahlias incredible keep your eyes on head referees sweep the leg Johnny in the infield with the white helmet Johnny is gonna hear from all the enforcers
They’re gonna total up the points and they’re gonna look at the penalties if the Barbie skated that gym clean this game is over I I have a feeling that Barbies are like no we’re penalty Barbies they look like they’re thinking about it calling him down
We did have a penalty we had an illegal black butt it was against one of the black dahlias and that means that’s satanic Panic way to go [Applause] here comes a sweet like Johnny with the official word oh my God the Barbie’s won everybody come on down to Trackside to say hi
Barbie and give everyone a well-deserved high five we invite you to get up and come on down stand next to the track give them that high five don’t keep your just keep your drinks off of it let’s give it up for knockout winter storm Gwen Lacy glitter bomb Carmen danger Snack Attack
Valley hurl Wicked hacks Betty clucker micro machine and the bottoms the coaches a pack of punch holeskin and slim Riggins in the alternate rainbow fry your Malibu’s Barbies everyone [Applause] And they came up second on the charts but they’re still in our hearts it’s the black dahliers lucky arms Angelina roly daddy long legs Dr Franken herder chop slicks Margaret’s Flatwood Scarlet Nightmare and skates and mechanic villainous Vixen co-captain of the black dahlias is malice Colin Captain Venus
Cry trap coaches Vanessa Legends Atomic blonde and she deviled egg one more time black dahliers all right I want to thank our enforced Earth EMT install repair track monkeys of course the rad crew and our DJ and our earlier uh whistle guess Cameron Esposito and of course thank you
All of you for being here I’m evely and I’m just coming back up and I’m Trixie biscuit we are going to air the MVPs so we’re gonna go off the mic but you can stick around to watch the skaters award the MVPs of the game to each other it’s always a
Great ceremony each team picks the MVPs from the opposing team so stick around for that all right and remind everyone else be happy be well be back here August 19th for more exciting Road reaction with your Derby dolls Thank you okay is it I don’t think it’s on okay we’re gonna be announcing MVPs and MVP Jammer is my bestie Lacy [Applause] Next we have MVP blocker Betty Crocker [Applause] and then overall micro machine [Applause] thank you okay for our MVP awards best Jammer Ren nightmare best blocker a splat foreign [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] go take a photo [Applause] [Applause] foreign [Applause]