You know I won’t even pretend that I know a lot about Asian hockey or Asian hockey leagues even on the national level but I do know that no matter where you go worldwide some things never change including our love for the handshake brawl is it sportsmanlike absolutely not is it hilarious yes
Especially when this guy is just absolutely battling some unknown entity so this took place during an under 18 game at the Thailand International between Thailand and Hong Kong Thailand would win the game it would be a pretty Scrappy one even at the end I saw one gesture I certainly recognize in North
American Sports the check the scoreboard Bud right at the very end then in the handshake line although this isn’t on the live stream obviously things got way way out of hand YouTube will remove the video if I show the whole thing I will link it down below though just this one
Guy fighting no one I can’t get over it I’m guessing he had a girl in the crowd or something he was trying to make laugh but so so good the game was actually really tight very physical it would be zero zero until about 5 five minutes left in the third Thailand would win
Three nothing with an empty Netter and I gotta say I would love to see hockey get even bigger in Asia I know the KHL has a presence in China even a few teams the Japanese seem to be taking a liking to hockey I will say I checked out the
Thailand invitational’s website to look at some of the scores and there were some Wild Ones the Malaysian u-15s boys team lost a game 23-0 another one 24-1 but that’s all I got for now I always find it so fascinating to see hockey which is obviously a sport with such a
High barrier of entry and which is traditionally more limited in countries growing outside of North America producing awesome Clips like this and I just like to see how the culture and everything is different around the world but that’s all for me see you next time