That apartment right here this first performance We need to do CPR real quick hey wake up do we have any problems none all right sausage come outside with your hands up It’s the Marion County Sheriff’s Department your hands up tell me your hands show me your hands turn around turn around where’s your gun at all you got hands we got hands is there anybody else in the house um no no no not right now all right you’re not under arrest you’ll be
Entertained okay come over here oh my god get my mat Back start giving birth thank you foreign you’re so stupid foreign [Applause] there’s no exit 22 or something I got her baby get myself that’s the mother right there that’s her mother right there hey boss baby keep the light over here the neighbor Right now oh it’s gonna take a few steps back just keep the light right here if you need to switch out let somebody know got you all right hold on let me cut so I can see here oh my God kids are seeing that they’re only here you only hear one shot It’s not the single okay I knew it I knew when I seen him over here playing today I said they won’t do nothing about her and the kids who I am bro um for me let me roll her over yeah up bro this is [ __ ] crazy kids No I didn’t see one unless it’s in another spot Right here then sitting right there watching them all day you have all this flesh right I’m gonna I’m gonna scan her legs real quick oh my God we’re at because they don’t get confused right here stay with them check both beautiful it was awesome how long has she been down uh maybe it’s
30 been 20 minutes now yeah already I got feeling full so I can feel it it’s very faint but I feel it yeah no that’s it foreign Right here we still need to clear it sounded like a 42 or something you ready hey there’s a little boy by my car he’s the one that was the primary witness okay show me which one you were referring to probably hang out where’s my phone she should have been in jail
Did you see him how you holding that ma’am give me a second she’s gonna be in there a minute will you put her handcuffs in front yeah thank you I do oh drop those doors here step out for me real quick all right I’m gonna move my hiccups
We were going to secure your house okay all right let me see your all right lay it together like you’re praying in my pocket we’ll grab those in a second all right yeah because there’s too much stuff actually I don’t know where my keys are [ __ ] all right that’s fine we’ll we’ll figure
It out all right okay I could tell you what I heard sure the kids were playing outside earlier right in this in his yard and what yes ma’am and one of the little kids he left his iPad on the ground and I guess the old white lady that shot the lady she
Grabbed his iPad and she threw a roller skate at him and uh he went all right she came out with the umbrella too and was trying to swing at him or some [ __ ] like that okay and then uh is that what you heard or is that
What you saw that’s what I heard okay well let’s just focus on what okay and what I the only thing I heard was her knocking on the door pretty loud right the lady that got shot right she was dunking on the other lady yeah like to
See what had went between the two kids you know like did you hurt did you see anything or no you gotta tell me anything you got to talk to the kids out you got to talk to the little kid and the older one okay but all I heard was
Knocking and then a gunshot that’s it nowhere no fighting none of that but you didn’t actually see anything no sir no okay all right um I appreciate it over here hey okay this is supposed to be one of the kids that saw it where is he there’s him right here yeah
I want to do the Bellevue Christian Academy order 28. what’s going on my man all right first um okay relaxed nothing happened you’re good what’s your name it’s all right you can take a deep breath take as long as you need again there you go um truth or the LIE
Yeah what’s what’s the difference between a truth and a lie one’s right and one’s wrong okay so if I said if if I said that my uniform is the color blue is that true or is that a lie it’s a lie if I said that the sky is blue is that
Truth or a lie okay uh when you tell me tell me how like you start your day like when you wake up in the morning what is your routine yeah I am a baby either take out my dogs or okay breakfast or I will try to see if anybody’s outside
Okay uh what about okay so so you have like a morning routine that you have all right so tell me what you saw here tonight I haven’t seen much um I was because you were playing around I was on my um electric scooter okay and then my friend’s mom got mad
Oh my SpongeBob got mad at that the lady because she took something your friend’s mom yeah is uh which one was your friend’s mom that’s what’s wrong with this right there the one laying on the ground no one knows when they want to go okay so
That was your friend’s mom she got mad because the other lady had taken an iPad yes okay so what happened and she gave it back the the other lady gave it back yes and then so then she came and banged on the door on Windows okay
That she banged on that and then the door okay and then I was on my electric scooter right here and then I don’t know where I hear a big bang okay did you actually see anybody with any kind of gun anything like that or did you just here
Okay what did you see after that I don’t know I came outside and I saw my first of all yes sir was this was this the uh okay she might be uh she might be talking to them over there um you guys will be around right yeah I’ll be here okay uh
Do you have ID on me yeah sure specials coming as well I’m sorry I mean it’s just my kid who went into the house okay he was all panicking and scared I’m like whoa what happened yeah now I see him all so no well he was he was having a hard
Time explaining yeah like what happened I mean I heard I heard before that I heard something like like a 22. yeah I went up and I’m like I mean obviously I know when I hear you know yeah and then when he said that I put one and two
Together I’m like whoa let me see so I’m walking out I see everyone going crazy the kid’s crying over there starting to get everybody’s information do not do interviews we might not going to go pretty late that’s fine man I mean like we want to get all the answers again yeah and and
I’m just letting you guys know I’m letting you guys know this neighbor here is hot it’s it’s always hot you know there’s a lot of things I come through here as much as I can but the reason why I’m saying it is she’s not safe coming back but
I got you my man yeah all right if we need anything we’ll come knock all right yeah I’m gonna get yeah I’m gonna get her 43. hello all right what is your first name s-u-s-a-n all right middle name what’s your last name Lawrence I love cat Z l-o-r-i-n-c-z that’s correct all right Oh my God say thank you oh my God yeah she’s fine just check on her like every two three minutes just play eyes on it yep I don’t know who’s watching those times um they want you to verify things or they want us to notify the Jazz information
Right here listen he’s got to keep it because he’s gonna have to move I got one point in the paperwork box look through find a crime scene log and just sit in the car with her and start a report surprise we just have all that information
All right let me take a picture of your information he’s gonna sit in the car with her with the crime scene log right here already too oh okay yeah he’s gonna give him one because my shares folders well I have a whole file box in my carpool I don’t know
Um we were wondering do you want to go ahead and call dad so he can at least come over here kid he’s part of their life I guess I don’t know we got his phone number good let’s start that just go sit in the car with her start that get the report and
I’ll get the victims information for you it’s awesome there’s a roller skate right there by my car okay I’m about to go get it right now yep uh it’ll be the cruise lights and the cruise buttons all right foreign