No no my husband Matt was just murdered and these are the suspects 24 hours ago my husband Matt gave each of them an envelope that said their Netflix show but one of them said killer and I have five guesses to figure out who it is or
I get an extreme punishment I do however have security footage and video evidence to help me let’s take a look at evidence number one look the Killer’s trying to kill him but then keeps hiding it’s almost like red light green light and the Rope is in their right hand which means the killer
Must be right-handed I know what Netflix show I can use for this first challenge squid Game Challenge if you are the only the old game you get immunity and cannot be eliminated this round we’re gonna start let’s both work together since we’re not The Killers get off me touch makes me
Nauseous we’re gonna solve this mystery and find out who the Killer is how do we know it’s not you jinkies the killer could be any one of us we know who the nerd is the killer could concite which means they should be excellent at red light green light green light get her
A plane green light you’re down yes you shouldn’t be bouncy on one foot hey hey guys two people just crossed the Finish Line green light red light congratulations everyone back that flying is moving on to the next round this is the honeycomb challenge you have one minute to get your shape
Out without breaking it or you are eliminated time starts now yes I got a circle I got a star me too star’s the hardest one there’s no way you’re gonna get it what’d you say I’m using this challenge to see which of the suspects are right-handed just like the killer
This would be so much easier easier Spirit to the dead told me Matt was killed with a knife how did you know that a lighter wow you must really want that immunity you have something to hide I have nothing to hide I just like winning right so do you want to work
Together I don’t work with werewolves killings in their blood mad dead in less than 24 hours seems kind of fast slow doesn’t make you innocent 456. he broke it up I can help you you guys have ten more seconds got mine got mine got it I can’t
Believe I did it yes awesome Becca his is broken the spirits of the Dead distracted me number four you are eliminated they said they want more hot dogs he’s eliminated but he still could be the killer he did use his right hand this is don’t choose the wrong path you
Have to make it across otherwise you are eliminated choose your order so Wings I’m number one two three four five six good luck Fred you’re up first remember don’t choose the wrong path he made him past the first step only five more to go that had to hurt that one
Fred helped her with the first two steps but is she gonna get the third getting closer [Applause] there’s no way you’re gonna make that now this isn’t my first squid games this is gonna be a lot harder than I thought okay number four six there are
Two boxes that no one has done yet can you make it across well I know the first few okay okay definitely this one okay let’s go with red oh this is it all you have to do is pick the right box and you chose the right path pause have you subscribed yet we
Are doing a special giveaway later in this video so stay tuned and make sure that you are subscribed with notifications on the right box so I’ll go with the right box yeah you are not eliminated foreign challenge if you lose your marbles you are eliminated winners will play each
Other to be the overall winner and get immunity Potter even even hotter even even raw odd or even even no hand them over 456 you’re eliminated Eden you’re moving on to the final round yes odd or even odd even come on put them in those were all
My marbles that means shame on she’s eliminated take her out I don’t feel so good probably because you lost it’s down it’s down to the final two and whoever wins this gets immunity before I make my first guess as to who the Killer is even Rod even they’re odd even or odd odd
11. using her stranger things power even they’re off even it’s odd it’s still anyone’s game even or odd even it’s all my marbles that means you just won squid game and you get immunity it’s now time for me to make my first guess after who the Killer is
Since eleven one I am not allowed to pick her because she has immunity so okay okay she’s obviously not the Killer Katara she wasn’t the killer but now I have to have I cannot vote 11. but there was someone else that was the runner-up in this very strong in all of the challenges and used her right hand the whole time and that isn’t it I think you
Are the killer open your envelope I am not the killer so I guessed wrong the Killer’s still Among Us what okay you guys head up because there’s another challenge and I’m gonna find out who this killer is I cannot believe Enid was not the Killer and now I only have four guesses left
Hopefully this next piece of evidence will help because these challenges are getting even more extreme [Applause] killer tried to get Matt when he was eating a sandwich but he walked away too quickly now the Killer is eating a sandwich oh they don’t like it what do they not like in the sandwich peanut
Butter the killer doesn’t like peanut butter this next challenge needs to involve gross foods that I can add peanut butter in I’m using a Netflix show that comes after Tuesday ew what’s this looks like a party to me whatever is in front of you and beware it’s very gross oh
I do let them enjoy the food one of you and let the feast begin what’s on the marshmallows looks a little strange to me eleven I’d stick to the mouth if I were you I’m gonna go with some marshmallows keep an eye on 11 right now she is acting very
Sus and she might be the killer how was it strangely good figure hot dogs are my favorite oh but there’s peanut butter in there all four at one time you sure you don’t mind that peanut butter the blood overpowers it it’s delicious dirt with worms eat up buttercup hopefully you’ll find a husband
Disgusting bloody Band-Aid you got this poppy come on that looks like a skull to me ew This is more like Hunger Games than squid games it’s more like Wednesday foreign monsters no problems a little peanut butter on there so how honestly it’s not that bad you are eliminated
That was supposed to happen the girl must have poisoned them I wish I did it the Killer is dead here so we need to move forward with the challenge but first friend you’re out so can you get rid of the dead body for me Jeepers Creepers hey on my next guest vegan
Stop this one whoa easy 11. take a bite of your pasta and we’ll find out who is being eliminated zamfam I need your help all of these gross foods have peanut butter and the killer hates peanut butter so let me know who you think it is she’s cheating she’s she’s the killer believe
We need to keep playing Wednesday flash you both are eliminated I do not miss out on eating any roadkill didn’t put roadkill did I and a meal those are crickets in a mixture of other things a drink of you guys so we can see who’s moving on I’m doing whatever it
Takes to find out who the Killer is and I only have oh my god did I just drink a leg you’re eliminated there are two that’s here you are gonna rock paper scissors to see who gets to pick first rock paper scissors what game goes which one you picking this one
Obviously we are about to find out who is winning the immunity bite it in three three you get immunity and I am ready to make my next guess I give you all peanut butter to see how you’d react all of you guys did not like the food but one
Person hated peanut butter the most just like the killer which is why I think poppy you are the killer open your envelope this is I am not the killer but you hate peanut butter everyone hates peanut butter I love peanut butter I’m out of here head to my house for the
Next challenge Fabian how did I mess that up the killer hates peanut butter and I totally thought it was Poppy I only have three guesses left to figure out who the Killer is otherwise I have to do an extreme punishment good thing these next challenges are even more extreme
Two more players are gone and I still haven’t figured out who the Killer is I do not want an extreme punishment so hopefully this next piece of evidence gives me something Trying to hit my husband with a pan when he’s playing piano wait hold on let me pause that and zoom in this might be the piece of evidence that I need to figure out who the Killer is this killer has a tattoo and it looks like it’s on the
Right wrist now these players are gonna have to spill some tea welcome to bridgerton’s Never Off I ever remove a layer of clothing challenge I’ll be asking you all 10 questions if you haven’t done something you either have to do it or remove a layer of clothing
All right let’s get going so we can spill some teeth never have I ever kissed two different people in 24 hours does it count if they’re dead sure okay everyone else reveal your answers okay it looks like you two have not which means you either
Have to kiss two people right now or you have to remove a layer of clothing I love my scarf but it’s Gotta Go I’m not kissing anyone never have I ever licked a toilet unfortunately I have three of you have not so you so you can
Either lick the toilet or you have to remove a layer of clothing you can’t do a face reveal yet look in the toilet I’m not doing it I’m not doing it either I guess I’ll take off my glove you guys got lucky but there are still eight more
Questions but right now flash meet me at the toilet lick that toilet toilet toilet before Oh why did you just remove your mask I’m not doing the face reveal yet I don’t know who you are well that was disgusting but now it’s time to spill more tea or remove a layer of clothing
Never have I ever kissed someone with hot sauce you two have not which remove a layer of clothing or you guys are gonna have to kiss each other I can’t see my face yet I don’t really want to take off my glove either so who
Wants the hot sauce I do I mean I don’t want to do this it’s a dump oh wow all right okay okay it burns a little spicy wow you guys really went for that three of these players haven’t shown their wrists yet which means one of them has to be the
Killer never have I ever gotten a tattoo you all have tattoos how did I not know all of you had tattoos well you never said permanent or self-inflicted okay well that didn’t help me as much as I thought it would never have I ever dyed my hair clearly I have right damn fam
Have not again you want that shaved head a little bit pink red two chose to remove a layer of clothing but I know you don’t want to do a face reveal so it looks like I’m dyeing your hair I can’t change my whole look before I do a face reveal the time
Has come it’s you I kissed that we all knew it was you flash still kind of cool though right next question never have let a spider walk across my face I do it every morning you have not you have not okay you guys I’ve got a spider
And jets ready to walk on anyone’s face or you have to remove a layer of clothing that would be too strange all right squid game it looks like you’ve gotta remove a wristbands definitely not taking these off it’s just a wristband no I’m not taking them
Off he’s gonna take his shirt off roll the Slime room How many more questions do we have this is gonna get all of you guys never have I ever shaved my head looks like all of you are doing it or removing a layer of clothing you have you’re 11. okay fine everyone else either shave your head or
Remove a layer of clothing look what I have I’m ready to shave any of your hands everyone unzip me there’s no zip just do it release me I’m morphing Wednesday no you having a little troubles Fred you okay oh okay Wednesday let’s make a roll to stand forward we’re removing a lot more
Layers than I planned never have I ever been tased half not have not remove a layer of clothing and I’d suggest a wristband or get taste you know I don’t have many pieces left so taste and these are definitely not coming off I’m getting tased here goes nothing
Come on you guys it’s not that bad no no never have I ever broken a bone you haven’t okay I didn’t plan this one I can break your bone right now maybe not maybe I’ll just take off my dress maybe we could just have you jump from like a
Building or something fall down the stairs that always breaks bones that way not break okay Shake It Up take it okay okay please say you have shorts or something under that yeah I have my panel that’s don’t worry Never Have I Ever Had boiling tea poured
Over my head you have not it’s a little bit hot but it has to go down a little bit I’ll just take off a sock yeah that socks the whole time why didn’t you just take have those instead of your shirt I don’t know you guys answered my 10 questions and
Now I think I have enough evidence to make another guess I think that the Killer is the guy who would not show me what was under his wristbands and that is good Game it wasn’t me of course it was it won so the wristbands very slide
Now open that below good team player if nothing was under the wristbands why wouldn’t he take him off just to knock off come off get off me I got it I’m out of here should I put my clothes back on yes of course grab your clothes I just look a
Little bit better with this Sam fam how did I mess that up he wouldn’t show what’s under his wristband but he was not the killer I know these challenges are getting even more extreme but if I don’t guess right I have to do an extreme punishment who do you think it is
Have been eliminated and I only have two guesses left we need to look at this next piece of footage that’s coming down to the wire this looks like another attempt where the killer tried to murder my husband they’re petting Blackjack Sam fam that is the giant clue Blackjack
Does not just go to anybody he has to go to someone he knows really well looks like things are getting strange stranger things banned are not challenged there are six boxes with items inside and you have to guess if they are banned or not if they’re banned
You’re gonna go like this but if you think they’re not you’ll hold up a thumbs up if you guessed wrong eliminated and have to go to the tiny house this challenge is just a decoy so I can get them in the tiny house with Blackjack and finally figure out who the
Killer is here’s box number one the snack time Cabbage Patch doll Sam fam play along do you think this item was banned or not I’m gonna show you something cool it can eat food yum yum yum now it’s time it’s time you think this item was banned or not in the U.S
The mouse actually could eat the fingers of kids looks like no one’s going to the tiny house yet box number two a Care Bear or is it now was this band in the U.S or not damn fam I hope you’re playing along and guessing right it
Looks like you’re riding by you I mean all of you and box number three these are friends of My Little Pony called Pony friends do you guys think they were banned it can get a little confusing you know it was banned don’t worry I still love you Purple Rain Pony here is
The next item look at these fairies aren’t they cute look they twist around do you think it was banned or not comment down Ferry hit oh it almost hit me in the head and that’s why it was banned next we’ve got roller skating Barbie oh look at the
Roller skates look how cool they are banned or not it looks like two of you guys think it’s banned and one doesn’t you two are right fire this next item you guys are on your own so look in the box and decide if it’s banned or not I’ll be back okay together
It’s empty so what’s the item yeah I’m pretty sure Matt has used this a couple times do you guys think this is banned or not I think it’s banned I think it’s not it should be bad because it’s suffocating me but and you are heading to the tiny house
Get over there that was way too strange hey Brett you want to give me a hand oh God ow please bear this it looks like you guys lost the challenge but there’s another challenge right now if you want to get out of this tiny house you have
To get Blackjack not sure where he went but he was in that basket before so enjoy it smells in there but I have to do this because Blackjack does not trust most people and whoever he trusts is probably the Killer dogs [Applause] 11’s Penny Blackjack he never lets
Anyone do that I can’t touch it what is he gonna do It no one can get him come on here she got it what they just got him I hate that I have to open up this door looks like Wednesday head on out to the pool did you see that Sam fam 11 was petting Blackjack which is exactly
What the killer did when they tried to kill Matt and it’s time to make another guess but this time I’m gonna be right I think I think that the Killer is you 11. what it was you I saw you petting my dog open your envelope I am
Not the killer but you pet my dog he’s cute he’s cute but he’s aggressive okay you know what eleven you are on everyone else what am I supposed to do Sam fam I only have one more guess which means which means then I get an extreme punishment hopefully this next challenge
Will help but I need to look at security footage there are four suspects left and I only have one guess which means I cannot get it wrong this evidence evidence better be good that’s claiming on the rock wall at our warehouse the Killer’s on the trampoline look at the
Killer fly into the pit they’ve done that before Matt didn’t see him so we need a challenge to see if they can recreate those types of shapes that they did going into the pit impossible I think not this is The Flash jumping through impossible shapes challenge draw
A shape I just can’t believe you took your mask off and did a face reveal they all know who I am now who has the heart I do looks like you are going Bridgerton let’s do it Bridgerton can’t believe I have to jump in a dress And the heart is still intact what’s nervous about this can I fall like I’m dead sure Jumping through impossible shapes both of them could be the killer where’s the Piranhas we’ll get those next time you got the L but whoever built this don’t feel because this L is backwards no it’s not not bad Fred it looks like all of you are a lot better at impossible shapes
Than I thought L’s for winners looks like you got the hardest one flash d for Zam fam C for easy with the power of Flash Look what just came up your envelope it says flash it means you’re not the killer I don’t have to waste again but I’m sorry you’re done no look at my face we all know who you are I’m so glad I didn’t have to use my last guess because
I only have one left and I cannot let it go to waste three suspects are left and I hope this video evidence will help me make my final guess it looks like the Killer is sneaking inside our house and look when they open the door they
Switched the knife so they can open the door with their right hand we can confirm that the Killer is definitely right-handed oh no they’re waiting for a Mac this must have been when Matt was finally killed okay zamfam I only have one guest left so this next challenge is
The most extreme ever and there is a price for one of you subscribers and I’m not trolling you welcome to trolls don’t choose the wrong door challenge behind three of the doors is a reward but behind one is the punishment and you’re not gonna want it so everyone pick your
Ball the color will determine the door that you have to open we’re gonna start with red all right Fred open your red door here we go whoa I can’t believe I just won an iPhone I’ve always wanted one you didn’t win an iPhone sorry Fred all right Bridgerton Open Your Door
I got loads of money you want a ton of ten thousand dollars and yes yep it what the heck sorry I gotta give it to the zamfam Wednesday you have a 50 50 shot of getting a reward or getting a punishment Open Your Door was that the reward that was the
Punishment Wednesday but look at me are you the Killer I wish I was okay zamfam I have known Wednesday for a long time and I know when she’s lying and right now Wednesday is telling the truth so I’m not even gonna guess you you can leave because I
Am confident that you aren’t the killer it is down to two and I’m not sure which one the Killer is so before I make my final guess I think I need to ask them a few questions I only have Fred are you the killer no are you the
Killer no what were you doing yesterday solving a mystery I was doing my makeup and getting my hair done what was the Killer’s weapon of choice a knife a rope thank you for answering those questions wait here and I’ll be right back both of them said they were not The Killers but
When I looked in bridgeton’s eyes she seemed a little stuff however Fred knew that my husband was murdered with a knife maybe I need to look back at the footage maybe there’s something I missed before I make my final guess it doesn’t look like there’s any more video footage
When Matt was murdered but there’s other videos surveillance throughout the challenge and no way I think I know my last guess okay I am back and I am ready to make my final guess Fred you guessed that the killer used a knife a knife was what killed
Matt did you know that I mean I guess it’s not like I snuck onto a crime scene and Bridgerton you said you were getting ready yesterday what were you getting ready for I just went out with my friends that’s not a crime I think that’s all I needed to know now I’m
Ready to make my final guess I think yes breaker 10. open your envelope you’re making a big mistake because I am The killer yeah I did it which means I don’t have an extreme party you see Bridgerton during the honeycomb challenge I saw you use your left hand but when I walked away and turned around I saw you switch it to your right and then during musical chairs your hand was
Conveniently on the cup that killed Umbrella Academy and finally when I went back into the room I saw footage of you petting Blackjack which is exactly what the killer did the only thing I don’t understand now is how when you took off the glove you had no tattoo because the
Killer had a tattoo oh makeup you covered it up it up I don’t have to do an extreme punishment but someone does who is that who is that why would you guys do this to me Oh you’re kidding me click and watch this video right here make sure you’re subscribed and comment your Instagram handle so you can win that iPhone don’t need the hugs