Did i should i throw i’ll throw on rentals hey skaters i’m dirty debra harry with the dirty school of skate and sugar roller skates and today we’re at the fountain valley skating center to talk about how to adjust your skates and look wearing rentals i love it
Okay you guys so what i have today for you these two pairs of skates and these two pairs of skates represent two different kind of systems on the bottom of the plates and how you can adjust both because here’s the deal almost every single person that gets their skates especially right now
Gets them delivered to their house and they’re in a box and then they take them out of the box and then they put them on their feet and then they try to skate and they have difficulty and then they send me all these messages messages
Saying dirty oh my god i can’t lean i can’t find my edge i don’t know what’s going wrong and i say well did you adjust your skates and then they’re like adjust my skates and i said did you get them online yes or did you get them from a shop yes did
They adjust them at the shop maybe maybe not i don’t know and i say do you have challenges when you’re skating forward and you’re trying to turn yes does it feel like you can’t turn yes well then you need to adjust your skates so why don’t we just take a quick moment
And look and see if we can’t adjust these skates just like that all you need is a tool or two we’re going to talk about how you only need one tool to adjust to skate like this and two tools to adjust this gate like this
All right let’s look at this one in this skate this of course is your boot this one’s a shoe i mean how cool is this did you know you can get custom skates made very cool you can have your own tennis shoe your own shoe
On the bottom is your plate this is your truck this whole mechanism right here the part that you absolutely need to adjust is this nut right here this nut is called a kingpin nut or what i like to call an action nut when we say action we’re talking about the looseness
Or tightness of your truck so when i say looseness or tightness it’s how wobbly wiggly movement in the truck i’m actually going to come in and show you on the skates that i have on right now these beautiful rental skates so when i’m skating i need to use a combination of
Outside edges and inside edges outside edges inside edge if you’re having challenges edging it’s because your trucks are too tight i want you to bend your knee get yourself on an outside edge as you push your knee and your body weight to the outside you’re gonna see your truck bend or move
Like this much like the axle on a car to the inside when i bend my knee and put my knee over my big toe i can create movement in the truck that goes just like that if it moves a lot your action is loose if it moves just a little
Just a little your action is tight okay glad we cleared that up okay can we also just take a moment to acknowledge the fact that my nails are not in their perfect condition i still have covered nails so sad my nail lady’s going back to business in one week
Thank god i already made an appointment okay when we go to loosen up the action because we’re going to pretend these are brand new so the action’s already super tight the reason why it’s tight is these are factory adjusted mean put the plate on put the truck on and
Either by machine it went and it’s real tight or someone hand tightened them a ton just to make sure that they’re on there real secure so this truck is real tight okay on there real tight i can hardly move it at all when i go to adjust it it is extremely simple
I love this tool this tool is actually made by rydell and they’re a little company there called powerdyne this is a powerdyne 3y tool i think it’s 3y y3 something like that anyway it’s got adjustments for three different things this is going to have adjustments for
Your action nut for your axle nut and for your toe stop should you have one this is a 9 16. so if you have a socket at home and it’s a 9 16 that’ll work just as well okay so you’re going to take one hand
And you’re going to hold it at the toe or the toe stop of your boot i like to push it right into my snack area make it so it’s nice and secure i take the larger one of this three-way stick it right on the actual action nut
And crank it to the left the first time i do it i do maybe one turn maybe one turn okay i’m not going to loosen loosen and loosen up i don’t want it that loose if you have it that loose you’re not going to be
Able to control your skate at all so you just need to loosen it maybe one turn i’m going to test it by holding my boot like this take my hand and see if i can wobble this truck at all to me this still seems a little stiff
I still want a little bit looser action in this so i’m going to take this again stick it on that action nut crank it a little bit and go like that c there i like that because i feel like i have a little bit of action in there
Now the mistake that most people made is they say well i’ve heard that it’s good to have it real loose because i want a lot of action and i want to be able to spin and i want to be able to turn it so i’m just going to loosen it up
A lot here’s the problem if i can take my hand and go like this and move it and i can see pieces of it moving i don’t have that much strength in my hand as compared to my body weight so when i put this skate on and i put all
Of me down you know like i like you to put your body weight down into your skate this is literally going to be uncontrollable i am going to be moving all over the place i’m not going to be a controlled skater okay so make sure when you first adjust your
Trucks that you’re just essentially unlocking them and then skate forward skate forward bend both knees and lean into the turn see if your skates are tracking into the turn if it feels easy if it flows if you go to go into the turn you’re like and it’s still not working you’re gonna
Loosen it up a little bit okay then you’re gonna do that to the all four trucks initially do them all the same and then if you decide later on that you wanna loosen up more one truck more than the other based on your style of skating feel free
But basically we’re looking for you to just unlock these things and not have them factory tight okay so three y3 tool this is a super good one the deal that you need is this 9 16. the other part of this is a lot of times people come to skate and they’re like
I don’t know i’m not really fast and i take a look at their wheels and generally what will be happening is i go like this and i’m like oh my god your wheels don’t roll at all why do they not roll because these axle nuts are on here
Factory tight i need you to take the smaller which is the half inch right here and i need you to stick it on that axle nut turn it to the left and let some freedom of movement happen what i don’t want you to do is get crazy
Loosen it up because for some reason you think this is going to make you faster or hear this this is a no no this keeps happening that nut going to fall off that nut’s going to fall off your wheel wheel’s gonna fall off you’re gonna fall everyone’s gonna fall around you people
Not happy you not happy lose your wheel okay keep it tight not too tight you know what i mean gotta have a little spin i just want maybe a little hear that just a little a little back and forth okay every single time i put my skates on i go like this
Do i like the feel of this do i like this do i like that i make sure i’m a little skate whisperer to my own skates i’m listening to them feeling them out seeing if they’re going to be my friend that day because i’m telling you if you skate a
Lot what’s going to happen is your skates will loosen up over time you will find it difficult to do certain edges or certain movements and be wondering why and then you’ll blame yourself when in reality you just need to readjust your skates maybe tighten them up a bit
And then you’ll be able to hold on to your edges okay so know what you’re working with on a daily basis now let’s say you got a skate like this now this is super important because if i just use this tool the 9 16 which is the larger and i
Stick it on the action nut and i say well i watched that video and dirty said just turn it to the left lefty loose and it doesn’t work okay it doesn’t work because you need two tools okay powerdyne also produces this one this is an 11 16.
Really important because you may say i have this wrench at home it’s in my you know toolbox and whatever most of the time if you get this by snap-on or any other tool maker the problem is it’s not as narrow as this you need this really really narrow
Okay what this is going to hook onto or unlock is your lock nut that is closest to the plate so when we do this again the skate is upside down pushed up against the snack area you move over there i move here okay i take my 9 16 and i hold down
My action nut i take my 11 16 right put it on the lock nut and i just crack it open that’s it i just go and open it up then hold on to it i’m going to turn to loosen the action nut okay hold on in there and then tighten it
Back up and then i get a little bit of movement for me too loose but man if there is stuff like seriously moving around that’s not good okay so i oops get the right one on there nope still not the right one there we go i’m going to tighten this up
A little bit more do i like that nope i don’t like that loosen it up i like that hold it on there crank it nice and tight at the bottom basically locking it into place and i got enough movement for me which seems good all right skaters so in review
Just look at the bottom of your skate look at your plate look to see is there a lock nut here no lock nut what you might be seeing here is a cap to your cushion that’s not it there is no lock nut you just need one tool you just need your
9 16 socket to adjust this or your half inch to adjust your axle nut okay if you look at the bottom of your skate and this is gonna be a lot of vintage plates are like this where you will see your lock nut then you need two tools
Okay you need an 11 16 narrow again power diner rydell sells this one and you need a 9 16 for the action okay so 11 16 and 9 16 got these two tools you have can i suggest that you just get these tools okay you
Get them and you keep them in your skate bag every single time you put on your skates you go through and you just wiggle wiggle wiggle i like the action spin the wheels see if they’re in good shape and you’re ready to go you guys it’s that easy you do it one
Time i promise you you’re going to be good to go now if you want more information about how to take care of your skates i’ve got videos out there in my gear playlist that talks about all the different ways to maintain your skates because one of them is the most important which
Is cushions if you don’t know what cushions are just watch the video trust me it’ll change your life if you’re having any kind of difficulty in skating or you want to progress in skating you want to make sure that you’re wearing the cushions that are fit for you
And helping you to perform all right skaters well that’s what i’ve got for you today if you don’t follow me on facebook or instagram please do i’m under dirty debra harry on both and uh that is what i’ve got for you today i just want to say that i really am
Super excited because every single time i go outdoors skating right now there are a ton of people skating outdoors and i love seeing you i’d love to see all the brand new skaters your brand new skaters of skating welcome we are happy to have you and if you have
Any questions for me put them in the comment section please subscribe and like and share this video if you are so inclined and i’m extremely grateful and i can’t wait to see you guys next time alright now go fix your skates You