Whoa this is so cute We just received a pair of roller skates and roller blades for our little girls so we’re going to unbox try them out let you know what we think adorable adjustable rainbow roller skates from four pg jars here’s how they come in the box it looks like it’s gonna be a no
Assembly job here which i love one two these are so cute i am dying here’s how it works this button says push and that’s gonna be how you adjust it so you push it in and it goes back so this is the smallest size and then you push it
And you can go forward really cool how they adjust and you can get a lot more time out of the skates and then you’re also going to have this kind of ski boot type of strap up here you unlock it and then it goes in and out over here
These are a size small which is a 10c to 13. these are gonna fit kids about ages three to six which my kids are age six and this is their shoe size about 12.5 to 13 and that’s spot on with the largest size here the only assembly
Needed are the laces which are inside the laces are even rainbow like so fun really fun led lights on the wheels no battery required and on the side there’s a light that flashes on impact super fun and then here is the break at the front i love the design
It’s really fun there’s the constellations and then it’s all shimmery here are the roller skates so cute i love this little loop they have on the back so you can hang them if you need to hang them in the garage really nice padding all around here the tongue
The sole they seem really comfy so let’s give them to my girls to try it here comes emmy six years old trying out her new rainbow skates whoa this is why we wear protective gear you got it the brakes are on the front on both feet good job there you go
You got it receive a pair of inline skates from wesco fan i’m really impressed with all the stuff it comes with so really cute carry bag here two extra wheels a little bag and all the protective gear now i will say it’s very thin plastic here these are wrist guards
They’re not gonna protect from a broken wrist i don’t think but what these are great for is skinned knees and hands we’ve got some cones for learning maneuvers we’ve got the inline skates of course they are all assembled and ready to go instructions how to wear the skates how
To wear the protective equipment it comes with these two extra wheels and tools these are not extras so much as they are for creating a kind of training wheel skate very cool you can adjust and add a second wheel in this third row that is so neato i’ve never seen that
Before these are adjustable skate if you get the right size they should fit your kid for a few years push here and this inner part goes out and back in there’s just two straps making these really easy to get on up push to make it bigger it just snaps in here
And the same up here look at the tongue on this thing it’s so cute it’s very nicely padded in here this is very hard plastic to support the ankle and the foot the tongue comes all the way out so you can let them air out
And easy to get the foot in and out super cute and they’ve got like bunnies up here bunny on the toe bunnies on the side like bunny bunny bunny and then the break is on the back just like with any inline skate these have led light up wheels i’m not
Sure why only the front wheel is lighting up but that’s the case for both of these skates this is a size medium it says it’s from a 13c to a three youth and just eyeballing it it looks about right 13c is what my kids are wearing and that looks about the same
Sizing seems right these are nice yes let’s go try them out ready to go go mia go we’re in the rollerblades look at that fancy footwork so cute i love the bunny They fit great easy for her to get on and off she’s six years old they seem really smooth good wheels nice and sturdy it’s much easier wow so mia likes roller skates better and emmy likes the roller blades better that’s so interesting you like the roller blades better wow let’s go mia
Show us whoa oh Oh my goodness because roller skating and rollerblading isn’t enough we got a hula hoop and do cartwheels at the same time yeah that means already oh no we can’t get a picture one more time one two three are you okay what’s going on what’s good even the frog okay all right okay ready
Three two one