Hey every dreamers welcome back to another video i’m very very very very sorry that i haven’t uploaded for the past i think two weeks now but if you guys follow me on social media on my instagram i actually went out of town so we live in houston and um
My birthday was like two weeks ago so we decided that we wanted to celebrate and take a little mini vacation or whatever so on a friday friday i think it was march 5th we ended up going to lake charles steve and i decided that we wanted to go and experience the casino
For the first time so we didn’t technically win anything but we had such a great time and i would totally do it again right um but anyways that was friday we were crazy enough to drive down uh drive down to lake charles and then after that we came back like at 6 37
So we actually slept here in houston again right and then we woke up saturday and on saturday we were like i said crazy enough to drive down to san antonio um so i’ve been to six flags in san antonio about two times right uh one of them was back in middle school
And then another one was with my old co-worker right so yeah she she invited me to go out to six months but we did right and also steve has only been with friends i think also like two times so but we’ve never been together right
So we’re like hey like do you want to go to six flights they were opening up for that weekend uh for spring break so i was like you know it will be fun we’ve never been together or whatever so we decided to drive down to san antonio we
Got there a little bit later than we expected so we didn’t really get like a lot of uh we didn’t get into a lot of rides but it’s okay you know we still had a great time um and so after that like it was already six or so
We decided to you know book a hotel so i was like alright let’s win a hotel we checked in we rested a little bit we got ready and then we went out for dinner and then after that the next day like um again with san antonio and we’ve never been to the riverwalk
Tell me why it was the most beautiful like thing ever like i’ve seen pictures but it does not give it any justice like whenever you see it like first of all like i was so lost like we were like okay on the google maps like it says oh the
Riverwalk is right there so i was like i don’t see anything all i see is buildings right and i was like uh okay so where is it at you know so we parked and we had to like get out of the parking garage and then we
Started walking and um yeah so you have to go like down some stairs uh to go on to the riverwalk and it’s like so so beautiful um thankfully uh to be honest when the time the time that we went it was pretty late in my opinion it was already like 11
But it was empty which was good you know was still covered going on we we were wearing our mess also before i forget yeah if you’re planning on going to san antonio and you know six life they are still implementing the masks so i think it’s a really really good thing
That they are doing that because you know whenever it comes to like theme parks social distancing is not like right there so i think they’re still limiting the capacity i’m not mistaken the day that we went it wasn’t packed at all and they were still wearing their
Masks obviously we still wore them the whole ride um but yeah anyways we’re going back to the riverwalk whenever we were there at 11 it was kind of empty just a few people here and they’re exploring it right um but it was really good and then like around 12
12 30 like more people started coming out i guess people come after they check out of their hotels or you know they’re ready for brunch i don’t know but after they got a little bit packed you know we decided to bounce so yeah it was a really really fun
Experience like i said if you follow me on social media like you’re gonna see all the pictures oh my gosh i’m losing my train of thought because it’s sprinkling right now like it’s supposed to rain today but you guys i feel like it’s very necessary to take
Like a little break from work or just life in general and you know book a mini uh vacation it’s very very much needed but this is where i’m coming with the whole i haven’t posted in a long time right so whenever i do take those little vacations or time off from work
That means that the following week like i’ll work a lot of hours right so yeah i was coming out of work very late going in early coming out late a little tired so i was like i’m not even gonna bother right now it’s reading what should i do what should i do
Ah no i think i’m just gonna have to bounce because i don’t want to risk the equipment you know the camera and stuff but i’m so bummed because this is sunday my day off and this is the weather you guys like i’m sorry it’s not that i don’t want to
Skate i don’t want to upload like i hope that you guys understand that you’re still here i’m disappointed i’m so sad we’ll see when i get to skate hey roland dreamers i know it’s been so long since my last video i promised i’ve been wanting to upload more videos i wanted to roller
Skate and all that good stuff but i just haven’t been able to because of work or the weather or et cetera but you guys i received a very intriguing and exciting email last night i still can’t wrap my head around it i even told steve today because i got the official confirmation
But anyways today here we are at galveston pleasure pier and it so happens that this week is uh spring break so it is kind of packed but nonetheless it’s pretty beautiful so i wanted to bring you guys along and also i’m going to be telling you guys what the evil is about So we do it Foreign All right guys so we are here like literally a few steps away from pleasure pier but comment down below if y’all ever been to galveston island have you guys actually gotten inside a pleasure up here because it’s been like three four times that i’ve been here but though
And that a pleasure here before yeah i’ve been there yeah yeah how is it it’s all right i mean everything’s just expensive yeah oh man steve and i went well let me fix this steve and i went to uh six flags like two and a half weeks ago
And we had fun but we got there a little bit late so we couldn’t really enjoy the full theme park but did you like it then oh it was great yeah i freaking loved it what was your favorite part the corona the coronas yeah right we did have a couple of beers
Yeah because they’re right the rights were only good at first because the adrenaline hits and then you’re like all right if it like i’m gonna die i’m gonna walk down 10 10 seconds later then you’re like all right i just need to open my eyes and then for real you
Just gave me a long time yeah whenever i was like i would say 13 i was kind of terrified of going into the theme park but like i said going with steve like it was really reassuring so i felt really saved and we had a great time i cannot wait to
Go back i just need to convince steve to go with me again where to success all right we can go still like three hours we just got him playing with the sand it’s very soft actually yeah but then you walk like 20 feet that way and then it’s all muddy oh man
Again i’ve been here a couple of times we’ve been to texas city in second city i think i’ve i’ve been in the water but it’s not the best so we really don’t like it okay so we decided to come and check out the place right now like i said i wanted
I want to roller skate so we’re definitely gonna do that but right now we’re gonna go back in uh to the car and we’re gonna get some stuff that we need to use for a photo shoot so we’re checking out the place right now and see how that goes
That’s why i have my makeup done obviously you guys know me that i hardly do my makeup but when i do it for like a special event or a special reason so that’s the reason right now from the famous movie tourist gun [Applause] oh yeah all right guys so i’m trying to
Plug in my podcast it’s called the houston underdog it’s on all types of platforms like spotify app podcast right now yeah why not i mean i’m just kidding you got monetized already don’t tell them they don’t know yet well this is this is you can put this
Clip afterwards so yeah i might as well put my ad in there yeah all of his information don’t worry is always listed down in the description down below whether it’s our instagram our you know portables business website yeah i’d like to make sure that everything is down there on the description box below
So if you guys want to check them out go ahead and do that take steve anywhere i feel nervous because again it’s a different place i’m not used to it there’s a lot more people obviously there’s a little skate park so i’ve been telling maria to uh go to
Random places because she’s like so comfortable with just the parking lot near where we live and she needs to get off her comfort zone because well you guys can probably tell it’s like the same old parking lot and everything i’m telling her to just go to different
Places make videos and if you guys agree with steve me moi um comment down below and uh and if you guys don’t agree and you want me to be in my comfort zone you know feel comfortable or whatever okay so comfort zone if you agree with me let me
Know in the comment section below and if you agree with her about skating at her comfort zone place um comment down below again comment down below yeah because uh i don’t know i just i get bored of the same thing so that’s what i tell her all the time
There’s a tennis court over there and i see some roller skaters some young roller skaters hey thank you look at those puppies they’re so cute is it okay to record them they look so cute i was thinking i haven’t been rollerskating oh okay nice cool okay
See you have a nice day i hear a lot of stories about people rotating when they were younger and they just stopped it was a thing that’s why yeah true that is so true how can i forget that that was their main point of entertainment huh i was kidding
Probably yeah before social media and everything they’ll hang out true all right how do you feel right before how do you feel nervous all right go ahead go break a bone i mean break a leg i mean don’t break anything right there oh my gosh okay i didn’t totally forget [Applause] almost [Applause]
Ready go [Applause] oh this looks pretty beast yeah keep going keep going up the hill yeah we try to get some speed so you can go up just roll down it’s not just rolling down i can’t stop yes you don’t have to stop that’s the worst thing you can do when
When you’re going down a hill it’s not even look it’s just this high you see this high last time i went on this uh at the park it was a lot steeper than that right at the key squeeze oh my gosh look at that
Look this is how steep it is let me show you how look look this is how steep it you’re not the is with the roller skates on your feet okay let’s go back how do you think i’m doing so far um on an honest skill you’re doing mediocre which is normal
I mean you don’t know how to like dance or anything like that yet so right now it’s just uh [Applause] that’s we’re just doing the regular skating stuff you’re right i had to convince maria to get over here because i missed it first of all the hill’s too steep
She just went up the hill right now It was that short of a distance that there was no reason to to record now this is like the main street here it’s called sea wall in galveston you see right there sea wall boulevard oh my gosh you’re that nervous yeah did y’all see that oh my gosh i couldn’t stop
Let’s go let’s go you went to a roller coaster it doesn’t get any more faster than that nothing oh i think i remember seeing a video oh my god told you you’re slowing down oh my gosh you’re such a wimp dolly keep going fast fast faster [Applause]
Yes because it’s a little bit down here no oh my gosh you’re so bright your shoelaces your shoelaces are so bright okay ready for the photo shoot yeah all right let’s go all right you guys we are heading back home it’s already gonna be eight o’clock uh we tried our best when
It came to the pictures right baby yeah it was terrible it was super windy and he was trying to use his umbrella for lightning and it was just flying away but you guys let me not make this longer than it used to be i wanted to let you guys know that
Because of all the support that you guys have given me since day one since the very first time i uploaded my wrong skating video like that video took off really i didn’t expect it to go the way that it did i mean for me to like
Hit the 1k subscribers and then you guys already should know that youtube has um two thresholds um you have to meet the one one thousand subscribers and you also have to meet four thousand watch hours uh within the period of twelve months for you to start being in the youtube program
That means that your videos can get monetized right you start getting paid for them um so i started uploading again in august because those that have been my friends or been around since like 2018 i uploaded i think my very very first video and it took a while but then i did stop
Uploading so that’s kind of my fault but i was like at 250 subscribers from 2018 to 2020 in august and then uh i hit the 1000 subscribers in when did i hit it like a week before my birthday which was like in february i have all the pictures so i will be
Posting them here um i want to hit them but then yesterday i got an email talking about hey like maria your channel just met all the thresholds you are ready to get you know monetized um for your videos so you have to you know um agree to the terms and conditions uh
You know just follow pretty much paperwork and stuff right to make it official so that was yesterday um and so today yeah like for sure for sure my videos will have ads on them so That only means that it’s because of you guys and your support so it’s it doesn’t stop there like this is just the beginning my baby the goal is for you to quit your job yeah for you to do what you like to make it to the end of the
Video don’t forget to subscribe like and comment um i’ll see you guys next time bye guys bye baby