Kink and I did a movie together back in the day it was 2002. and um we actually have a clip for contacts roll it oh my God it’s a 2G buy-in Winner Takes all rules are there are no rules I’m down Yes Cameron by the way I heard you said that like something about height and Cameron it’s something like you wished you were taller when you were with her oh yeah oh my God I’m like welcome to my world oh yeah like when your best friend is a
Gazelle and an Amazon but you’re you no I’m really tiny I’m only five yeah three I say five four but you know I’m lying about an inch three and three quarters you aren’t that’s me that’s hold on I feel like Drew is my sister from another parallel universe and I’ve
Always felt that way I told her that I do it’s funny okay but it’s back to back the hair wins [Applause] I I feel like I haven’t had as many parallels so much fun I know right do people ever say when you talk they don’t really hear anything they just I hear words
Aren’t you dreamy [Applause] I when I first I say how I first met you please we were I was sitting on Melrose Avenue on the concrete outside of a hair salon waiting for the bleach to kick in and Drew walks by and I go oh no Drew
Um I love you you don’t know me but maybe I don’t know one day you might and and I did a book report on little girl lost in seventh grade and you made me feel less alone and I just I I love knowing that you’re in the world walking
At the same time as me and it was I was just like wow I love la oh I got a whole new book right now I I do want to write another book actually from a whole new perspective I’ll do a book report I feel like I have so much in common
With you and actually I have a question because I I um like it it’s I know we’re here but I I when I asked the question it’s like popcorn for me personally to learn Lauren I could have really hooked you up I am um is that your copy of the book yes
Look I brought it dead in seventh grade I did my first real book report I chose little girl lost and my teacher was like are you okay yes I’m fine um I became oh thank you Veda thank you so much now we’re complete thank you I I wanted
To start like when I had my kids all of a sudden I couldn’t play anyone else I think I needed to be my kid’s mom like that mission felt so clear and when the show came along and the opportunity one of the things I didn’t
Want to do was like be like I was born today and I have no back story I understand that completely and I think you do an incredible job of it also because you’re such a lovable person and you do have a backstory and you haven’t hit it and that’s another
Thing we have in common because I’m I know my kids are going to know all of me either by what I tell them by what they hear out of my mouth or what they see that I’ve already said before they were around that’s the thing and I didn’t
Know when I was younger and I was partying and having and I won’t I don’t feel bad about the narrative like I I even this craziest stuff I experienced like okay both of us partied like starting at week nine yeah which is like I know it’s like didn’t know I was ever
Gonna have kids yeah no I couldn’t picture it right no me neither and my parents split up so I didn’t think that families stayed together and I didn’t think I would ever have kids and I just sort of lived you know when you’re young and you’re just like immortal and you’re
Just a hedonist having the best time ever I don’t even mix Tylenol and Advil now oh how the pendulum swings what can I tell myself when I’m afraid my kids will do some of the stuff I did great question great question hum