Claremore police department wants you to join officers in the roller rink yeah pretty cool news on six’s Alyssa Miller is live this morning to tell us about tonight’s skate with the cop good morning Alyssa good morning guys so yeah I’m here at Roller World in Claremore where skate
With a cop is happening tonight I’m here with Officer James Epperson who actually organized this event this is your idea so tell me why you wanted to do this the reason why I want to do this is my Chief came to me a few months ago wanted us to
Be more involved with our community and and the Outreach of it so I was driving by one day and I was like you know what a great thing would be having cops and kids and the whole Community out on the skate rink and them see that we’re human
Just as much as they are and we can sit there have a good time fellowship and then watch them watch us fall as I almost do this is great because we’re on skates right now so we’re gonna skate with a cop or at least I am because you are the
Cops right so let’s get going here a little bit and let’s talk about I know this is open to all ages um tell me where this like idea came from of community outreach and why that’s important to connect with the community so it’s important for us to connect with the community the community
Because you in this today’s day and age there’s just so much negativity about law enforcement we want kids and people to know that we’re not negative and we’re just like you and we’re here to do a job and we don’t want the kids of the community to be afraid when they see us
Coming well and you’re doing a great job here you let go of the wall so this is great you can come out and skate with officer Epperson and there’s going to be eight other or eight total officers here tonight right yeah yeah we’re going to be out here
Hopefully more and their families so not only will you get to know them but what they’re about so that’s awesome and this is at Roller World again this is in Claremore can you tell us the time of this event yes it’s going to be from 6 p.m to 8 p.m
Tonight and it’s free to the public it won’t cost you anything to come in and skate and have a good time all right so let’s just do a little Skating here enough talking let’s go let’s show them what what we got home already spinning some backwards skating
I know you know if we’ve proven anything oh they want to see some spinning and backward skating I don’t think that I can do that I don’t know about officer Epperson no Twirls Tess is just trying to make someone fall here in the next 30 seconds you guys are looking good you’re looking
Around do not set us up for failure on live TV here I think they’re right back to you guys the skates do that yeah exactly I wouldn’t need anybody else’s help on that good job you guys yeah trust me I’m no I’m in no room to talk I am the worst
When it comes to this day we were just talking about this I can’t hardly stay level on skinny so I can’t talk at all they have those little you know like almost like a walker that you can you know if you’re not comfortable on your
Feet it does that might be me if ever if anyone put me on skates I’d have to be the one that’s just like crawling along while all the five-year-olds are like skating circles around me