We are letting our poor decide the name of our new puppy you you have got to stay tuned to see how this entire videos gonna play out we were just checking the comments right now for tsunamis latest Instagram flows to see what names we were gonna get for our new puppy and we
Came across so how this is gonna work as each of them is going to be picking a spa around the pool it’s all up to you whatever name you pick out that’s the name of our new puppy [Applause] Look into [Applause] started we’re actually doing a giveaway because we know a lot of you are doing form school right now we also know that a lot of you don’t have Mac books or on laptops or don’t have a computer to use to do homeschool so we decided to help
Out our diamonds by giving away a side Now what do they have to do if they want would like to participate in this giveaway well ma’am all you would have to do is like subscribe everyone to subscribe turn on suppose notification bell it would not live every time a new video yay so we have that going on and then we
Are gonna be doing our I don’t know if you guys sell Toto this video you probably did that’s what you’re watching it but we are letting our poor decide the name of our new puppy her current name is hope I might keep that name or
Maybe it might change it but um yeah we won’t know you guys gotta stay tuned to see how this entire video is gonna play out because it’s gonna have a few twists in there and you guys know where to miss it so yeah you do not want to miss it what
What we’ll be back also we are having post notifications shots at the end of this video so if you would like your name and our Familia diamond wah all you guys gonna do is turn on those post notifications we are gonna be announcing the giveaway winner
This weekend so you have a few days to enter make sure you guys share with your friends your family members somebody that might just need a macbook computer something to do with school with so now let’s get on with the video hey guys so we are currently filming a video and
I’ma just like to know if you guys would like us to keep hope as the new puppy’s name or if we should change it because I know a lot of you have been wanting us to change it to Dimond or should change it to um like make up a name or if we
Should change it like the Italy do to everything that’s happening and kind of honor them and hope for the best for them so yeah I would like you guys to go ahead and head to my latest Instagram post and comment if you guys would like us to change it
Or if you guys would like us to keep it alrighty guys so we were just checking the comments right now for tsunamis latest Instagram post to see what names we were gonna get for our new puppy and we came across a few comments one including one that said them you know
Like get over in March is dead by now like I just want to ask you guys to please stop commenting those things because they really really hurt us that’s like the worst thing someone could comment I rarely see those like I’ll see them here and there and just
Delete them but it happened that tsunami read it and it’s really hard for her so I would really appreciate if you guys could keep those mean comments to yourselves we do not need to read them or make tsunami cry about it because he is not dead we already know where he is
It’s just a matter of time we’re just letting this quarantine you know pass so we can start you know all that process that we were already in to try to get him back so kindly don’t write those things not okay so I’m just really through the comments and there’s some
Bella voting for the name diamond we have Chloe we have hope we know Lucy we have angel Boni Italy we have Italy diamond hope so it’s been pretty much the same names that we have been ready for the past week and I think we are
Going to be using those so those are the names that we’re gonna be writing in a piece of paper stay tuned to see how our pool gets to pick out a name from all those names stay tuned but before we move on any further I’m gonna show you
Guys our outfits of the day Most voted names I would say all over our social medias this is the names you guys want for our new puppy currently named hope I’m gonna be giving one piece of paper to each of them so they get to choose which paper they want let’s start
With diesel and let’s see what paper he wants to pick close your eyes so how this is gonna work as each of them is going to be picking a spot around the pool to be throwing the paper inside of the pool and then my hubby and I are
Going to be doing Rock Paper Scissors to see who is going to be the one jumping in the pool and pulling out one piece of paper I mean you’re gonna do Rock Paper Scissors ready in the count of three one two three he was gonna jump yeah I’m
Including myself I already know did I don’t know if you guys saw previously a few days ago I jumped in the pool it was really cold It was actually horrible horrible it was super cold so I know but I had I got a feeling that I’m gonna win because I rock paper scissors I always win you may seriously okay ready just one time if you lose you have to jump in and you
Have to pick out a piece of paper without looking ready rock papers if you wanna zone drop Rock Paper Scissors shoot no no you’re cheating Rock Paper Scissors shoot it’s all up to you whatever name you pick out that’s the name of her new puppy now you got to be
Very smart on this because haha pressures on pressures on alrighty so as you can see he is not allowed to see where the kids are or where the papers are going to be draw are you guys ready to let those papers go in and your words get set go
Where is it don’t look back don’t look don’t turn around where is it okay be careful cuz it might be slippery Oh No okay babe we know you can’t see it it’s down good job oh no you could really see what that say okay do you so be careful when you’re
Going in there so diesel paper all right one down okay guys so now I’m gonna jump down and I’m gonna let mine go you can see he’s not looking alrighty okay so everybody come down here so he doesn’t know what location you guys were in all righty as you can see they’re all
Mixed in there he has no idea where they were located hiss you you would not be cheating babe that did you okay that’s a good luck kiss cuz you’re jumping in the water now turn around so now it’s up to you what piece of paper
So what check I can see the papers but um can I see the names or I cannot no you cannot see the names you just have to choose a one paper in yes so look where the papers are located from far away and you can jump in wherever you
Want right there for piece of paper ah we’re ready look at them you’re ready to see are you guys excited to see you copies Matt is going to be I got a feeling it’s gonna be Diamond I got a feeling is gonna be Diamond yeah or hope all righty you ready
What name do you think they’re gonna be he’s gonna be picking diamond same as me how about you Italy how about you Chloe what name you think you’re gonna pick up babe which name I don’t know tell me your name you’re getting nervous aren’t you you got this I like the name diamond
Same same okay um one thing’s for sure I’m not gonna go forget that one the one that’s far away no way those two are kind of further away by one where’s the I can three whoa what you can do is go all the way up there and dive in and get that
One that would be really quick no thank you exactly swim all the way back so there’s two right here yeah there’s two here and two over there ready Sure you want to do babe okay okay whatever I guess I don’t know whenever you go oh come on babe just job [Applause] Wave heights if you would have us swim a little bit further over there that one was diamonds there’s no well you can’t it’s already this is the name your name is Italy from now on oh my god it has a special meaning to so that’s the name of
Our new puppy guys so from now on we are going to be calling our puppy Italy which is gonna be really hard because I’m used to calling her hope Italy so where are you I like it yeah yeah we’re like really used to calling her hope so
It’s gonna take us some time but we will get it I hope you guys like that name Salah she that was a high five why did you push him why’d you push him in the pool he was not jumping yes see you should have a jumped and then she
Wouldn’t have pushed you you’re right alrighty guys so that was so much fun my hubby is actually taking a shower and I’ve been raining all day so I could only imagine how cold it was it’s probably as cold as the time I jumped in do you remember that
Yeah that’s freezing cold but yeah what do you guys think of the name Italy no you kind of right what do you think it’s gonna take some time to get used to that yeah but I think it’s a really good name regardless Susan take some time getting
Used to it but it’s really cute it’s adorable it will take some time to get used to but um it’s really nice you know how’s Italy really nice meeting no yeah I’m just got better than that actual place yeah sending them a lot of hugs
And get well I hope you guys all of you guys get better um yeah we have Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy I have to get used to saying help hi you know Italy wait are you being used to your new name Italy Italy she’s totally into that mean
To look at that so we actually came to my restroom because tsunami has been complaining about a metal tooth that she has in her mouth and due to the Cova 19b dentist office is closed so it is very loose so my husband is going to attempt
To take it off with floss um I’m nervous tsunamis nervous but she’s in a lot of pain she’s actually a bleeding now so this is pretty much all we got and I think it should be an easy procedure just because it is so loose already it’s literally learned it’s literally super
Super loose it hurts her so much so be brave Victini to that you get it out already diesel hold her hand He hasn’t even moved anything is there so it is SuperDuper loose it should come out like right away just think of think of ice cream think of something that is close your eyes babe you’re you’re a doctor oh my god oh my god it wasn’t even kissing oh it was a tooth
It was it was a fake tooth I think too but you should oh my god there’s so much blood babe is that normal yeah do you want some um the the cotton balls to put there is no band-aids how do you feel mommy better huh there the bleeding’s not as bad you’re so
Brave mommy how do you feel good huh so much better so that tooth was actually supposed to come out and her last dentist appointment but for some reason he didn’t take it out and tsunami wasn’t a feeling pain at that time so she did say anything she only got removed a metal
Part down here but we found my babe thank you yeah so you want to show her diamonds how it looks is that part of her tooth in there yeah they’re gone cool is that normal [Laughter] why don’t ever gonna get any money from the fairy today because that is in your
Tooth technically I’ve heard that fairies eat the teeth but I don’t think she’s gonna be able to eat a metal tooth oh my god that is a humongous gasping whoa any word you’re speechless aren’t you guys still that is gonna be the end of our video I hope you guys enjoyed it
I’m gonna be moving on to the post notifications shoutouts of the day from now on you guys will be calling the new puppy Italy she’s gonna have to get used to it as well it seems like she’s adjusting already which is incredible um and yeah so if you haven’t joined our
Family and you have not turned on those post musicians be sure to click that a bell because we give out post notification shut up in the end of every single video and you get your name in our Familia diamond walk their first post notification shutter goes to Julie
It’s play 97 ch said added me to your wall please love you as you can see she is subscribed to some Miller diamond she does have those publications on as well as she subscribed to tsunami and how’s those bells on I was able to find her because she tagged me on instagram at
Familia diamond and she also tagged tsunamis Instagram so congratulations your first shut up shut up goes to tsunami Ortiz as you can see she did tag us on Instagram and she posted a picture and she is subscribe and has those close notifications on for both of our thank you so much As you can see she didn’t I familia diamond on Instagram and she posted a picture and she is subscribed to all of her family members and she has those bells on for every single account congratulations you our last post of occasion shoutout see you guys in the next video