Uh Sebastian drumdums I I missed the whole beginning of the stream what happened to you on Twitter um to give you the quick down and dirty nothing crazy it wasn’t like bad or anything it was just what I was talking about was I didn’t expect the engagement
I got with that tweet uh I’ll show you again real quick since I was basically for some this tweet like for me anyway it kind of went crazy on Twitter and I was getting a lot of nasty comments for even dare saying what I did about Halloween is to be fair I
Said Halloween ends better than Scream Six the more I think about it by a country mile okay I think that’s what got people and I didn’t even say this but there was um a guy on tick tock that has quite a massive following much bigger than my following on here and um
He he made a video and posted this tweet on his tick tock and um he was really respectful about it though but he was just saying you know there’s opinions and then there’s and he was basically saying there’s no way in hell that um Halloween ends is better than Scream Six
By a country mile you know and you know he believes that and that’s fine but he wasn’t disrespectful or anything so I didn’t get upset by that at all the funny thing is if I can tell you that guy that some of you might have seen The
Tick Tock video and he doesn’t even know this that guy that did that Tick Tock video he uh I guess he lives here in Orlando but when I came out of talk to me that movie talked to me um he was standing outside the theater and he wanted my out of theater reaction
So he recorded my out of theory reaction and he uploaded it as a tick tock video little did he know that I’m the guy that posted the Tweet so on The Tick Tock I I did comment something on there I don’t even know if I haven’t checked I don’t even know if
He saw it but I’m the guy yeah yeah so I’ve literally been in two of the guys videos without him he doesn’t even know that I was in the other video so but yeah he wasn’t like on on a like a lynching of me or anything like that it
Was it was it was you know good spirited it’s it’s horror conversation and you know what if anything it’s content I get that I get making content right so that’s why I don’t hold any ill will towards him he was respectful and you know it’s great for his channel right
It’s great for his channel and uh hey I guess it’s kind of good for mine too because I got a lot of interaction off of this thing so you know it was just an interesting thing to um kind of you know just human behavior that’s what it was why do
People get so riled up about certain movies right there’s disliking a movie and then there’s just absolutely not only hating a movie but judging others for liking said movie like I’ve never judged anybody for liking a movie I didn’t like yeah it’s been an interesting week it’s been
An interesting week for sure let me let me uh let me take a drink here um if you you could put any two movies against each other and it’s no big deal you know and you’ll get some some uh replies let’s just put it this way when I um
I have a somewhat of a Twitter following you know it’s I think I got like 8 000 followers something like that and some change so you know I get a little I get a little tickled if I get like a hundred likes or something like that on a on a tweet or
Can we call it Tweet now what do we call it a post that’s that’s stupid I blame myself I blame myself and I will admit up front yeah I probably mentioned Halloween is hey the stream elements bought cool I probably mentioned Halloween ends too
Much on Twitter all right I I if I need an intervention go ahead and give me an intervention all right I probably mention it too much and it’s only because the the not the movie itself although I love the movie but the the reaction to the movie
The the emotions that the movie creates um I find that interesting and I you don’t see that too often in horror you see it outside of horror especially with like Star Wars and and Marvel and all that stuff but in horror use you know it usually doesn’t cause this much of a
Ruckus you know so anyway I posted Scream Six versus Halloween ends which one do you prefer I’ll say this up front too if you see someone’s opinion on any given movie could be a movie that’s you know like Seed of Chucky or you know that’s almost universally hated like
Texas Chainsaw Massacre the Next Generation don’t be a dick like like seriously don’t be a dick you don’t have to do that you don’t have to if somebody loves a movie that you hate you don’t have to be an [ __ ] you don’t have to degrade that person you
Don’t have to say that that person’s um has a low IQ or you don’t have to I I’m telling you guys I got some freaking lashings over over and I will say I’m not saying that like it was 50 lashings all right it was a small percentage even
People that disliked the movie were pretty respectful all right I’m not here to say that there is this freaking movement of people that just hate people that like Halloween is I’m not saying that at all okay I’m a big boy I got pretty thick skin it didn’t bother me okay but
I just kind of had an observation about the whole thing like like why would you do that why would you insult someone that you know likes a movie that you don’t like it’s it’s a very strange thing like before I got into YouTube it it was never an issue you know and
And the obvious answer to that is because you you know I didn’t have a platform and it was just me maybe with tops five other guys um but nobody ever stated hey you like Halloween resurrection oh you’re an idiot I guess we can I don’t know if I want to
Be friends with you anymore you know can you imagine saying the stuff that idiots say on social media to to people in your life to your friends can you imagine like Destiny can you imagine uh uh one of your best friends or just a casual friend and that
Casual friend likes a movie that’s completely on the opposite end of the spectrum for you can you imagine saying that to your friend like we can’t be friends anymore and as a matter of fact I think you have a very low IQ and how dare you like that movie you know
I I can’t imagine treating people like that so this is the tweet this isn’t me bragging this is me kind of like shocked at the reaction to this like I said I have about 8 000 followers on um X um it’s pretty respectable it’s not too
Bad you know it doesn’t matter if I even if I have like six followers doesn’t matter but so normally if I make a uh a post I’d say I range from like 20 likes to maybe uh maybe a hundred likes on a good day you know maybe 100 likes on a good day
So that post you can see the engagement um the views three hundred and thirteen thousand views 1400 likes uh you know and so on and again this isn’t me bragging I’m not like crazy about that or anything I’m not like saying yay I got all these no it’s Halloween ends
That’s not drum domes that’s that’s Halloween ends and scream six to be fair and scream six but that is the Ruckus that can be caused over Halloween ends and I would even say Halloween kills was pretty controversial but man ends is another whole ball game another whole ball game and
Um I think that’s power when a movie has that type of power to strike a nerve strike a chord in I’d say love and hate although I do you know the the people that hate it tend to be angry at the people that love it I don’t see people that love it being
Angry at the people that hate it just for the mere fact of it being a movie and you don’t you don’t like it I mean all of you guys could lie or dislike or hate Halloween ends and that’s fine that doesn’t bother me I think that’s that’s that’s cool you know
If anything I love that we all have different opinions on the movies but rarely does a movie come along to bring forth this much anger in people and um you know I guess the reason being is the number one reason that I saw was just because it uh
It didn’t give them what they wanted you know and I that’s a fair complaint um most of the complaints I saw was that Myers wasn’t in the movie and um yeah and you know what I mean you could look at this you got your freaking Friday
Part five you got your Jason Goes to Hell I’m talking about just movies that’s kind of step outside the norm of the franchise Halloween 3 obviously and I have only three was far more outside of the franchise than Halloween ends was okay maybe that’s part of the problem Maybe
Um maybe they should have knot had Myers in this movie at all I don’t know but you couldn’t make it part of a Trilogy so I don’t know I could go down a freaking uh Rabbit Hole trying to decipher human behavior because you know that’s that’s the thing that interests me about this
Is the uh the um the the anger and like I said on um uh X I I had uh I had a few people in there that were and I’m paraphrased I can’t remember exactly but just some pretty harsh words you know questioning um my my IQ
Questioning why I could dare even like like this movie and then also comparing the two movies um there’s no way in hell that Halloween ends oh my God my alarm would just run off it’s time to wake up foreign man I set that alarm I meant to set it
For like 20 minutes because I like to get a little nap in I said for an hour and 20 minutes good thing I woke up when I did but yeah what I was saying was like how dare you even put Halloween ends against Scream Six out of all the movies
You know I could even understand if they said against the first screen okay I get that’s that’s a groundbreaking movie um very good but you would swear that some people thought Scream Six was like the Godfather of horror okay and that’s what I that’s what I thought was interesting I’m not
Here to say anybody’s wrong for thinking that scream 6 is uh better than Halloween is absolutely not absolutely not but like Holly said there controversy it always gets people talking it always gets people talking you know and maybe that’s why every few streams I do like to
Talk about movies like Scream Six and Halloween Scream 6 does Garner its fair share of um chatter too it does and scream six did piss some people off okay I mean I’ve said I saw screen six for the third time and this is what kind of prompted
Me to make this post because I I um where’s it at I have my here it is um did you guys get this the the Scream Six blue um steelbook 4K steelbook beautiful beautiful cover um I hadn’t watched this movie since the second time I saw it in the theater I
Was like you know what it’s it’s a nice time it’s been it’s been a good amount of time let’s go ahead and watch Scream Six I decided let’s go ahead and watch Scream Six uh hadn’t seen it since the theater didn’t know what I was what to expect
Because if taking you back when I first saw this movie if you saw my Auto Theater reaction oh my God it was weird because I was kind of like was that the worst screen movie I’ve ever seen I was literally thinking that as I left the theater
I was I think I I was just kind of in a fog and you can definitely see it if you watch that video that I’m like what the [ __ ] just happened you know and um from that I got quite a bit of um what’s the right word is it anger I
Guess I did get some anger at me for well the anger came when I uh went and seen it the second time after kind of letting it process a little bit and it is Scream you know this is a big property like Halloween scream is important to me just like
Halloween is any Halloween movie I have to go see it twice any screen movie I have to go see it twice when I went and saw it the second time I enjoyed it I guess that’s the best way to put it um but I didn’t you know I wasn’t like
Through the roof with it I didn’t think it was like amazing or anything I just I had a good time with the movie okay and I think screen movies you always watch them twice you know or it’s a different experience with the second watch because you know who the Killer is okay and
To cut me some slack the first time I saw Scream Six it’s a lot to take in because you got um three killers in the end and then you got two other killers in the beginning of the movie and you’re like what the what the hell is going on you know
So when I watched it the second time I felt the need to sit down and talk to my audience about hey guys I just watched this movie a second time here were some things that I liked a little bit better here’s some things that still annoyed me
Um and definitely the plot armor still annoyed the hell on me but I think the wound wasn’t as heavy what’s up guys you are at the end of the DD live clip uh what I do is I like to clip these out if I think the the topic is important or
Something that’s newsworthy so thank you for watching and uh if you want to watch more you can you can go over here you can go over here click on one of those and uh yeah and uh hopefully I can do this for 20 seconds which I think I did
Okay so yeah thanks for watching guys