All right yeah yeah yeah Charlotte my PS penis flexing you know we are here with hotnewhiphop hey smoking on that New York gas [Applause] Book no quarter young befo but I’m smoking awesome today sir Burt just like the [ __ ] from like jungle boys weed and [ __ ] right side I’m gonna beat my [ __ ] career sorry I know this [ __ ] Vela I mean for me it don’t I don’t know I just be like
Smoking [ __ ] I don’t care like that like that but like if it I definitely I’ll smoke no like everything at County is gas you tell me it’s not like it not matter really I’m always smoking good like joint some like Dutchess it like that yeah I was definitely swishes way making it day
Swishes – yeah wait wait I bet it really wrong [ __ ] all the homies would roll backwards I’m ready really know how to roll you roll back there’s and he’s he just learned like six men want to go to the ice cream truck out here not one of them a
Strawberry cheesecake dance yeah I was like damage to taste so quiet right now I hate your brain tripping yeah I forgot what I was doing I think I had went to school or some [ __ ] I ain’t starts one a week so I was a late bloomer I start to
Like sophomore year like everybody else was just starting to smoke this [ __ ] I don’t know I forgot I think I suppose some Sour Diesel and we smoked that out of potato oh my god they say no nothing and we used the potato and actually getting me high but I never forget they
Did on a smoked out of a potato but in my vein on certain occasions apples he caps baked those in little smokers smoke some wax our oil burner another everybody smoked that crazy I don’t soda can no effects yeah that’s that we had to soda candy apples all
That [ __ ] yeah yeah [ __ ] it opposed to give me high as [ __ ] here facts but uh I’ll say what is in them Korova cookie she ever done ever try those I ate like half on one burner and I was like to sleep for two days I couldn’t
Even get up in the morning I was still tardis pluck guys shout out go to ready money yeah yeah let Oh [ __ ] again what about like what you want but you’re like go to watch everything Popeyes when I’m out here Peruvians the spot but yeah almost I
Thought I saw tato prove me about four or five days yeah jumping yeah jumping occurs sometimes I could come to exclusive with the home Lucy Michael get a steak from a little steak house or something so do they sound of sprite sprite man you know you talk to out a
Has so many hi mom yeah you have too many all right let me see you said do you know who you’re talking to I just what we hi other thing you get that wow wow we’ve I’ve been dumb high I mean when you mix it away you were like
Ten of the judge think it’s a wild moments had edibles is like the high animals of death is for like for me to jump of the day yeah it was one time we put a bow quality stand a twosome tussin ex got a two-liter oh yeah we pulled it
Up and I just smacked and we were smoking gas – I was pretty high that day that was two days I think it was gone he was definitely dead I see why didn’t he look like this is there you did we’re smoked all day treat it like a leaf man they like you
Don’t rip them y’all like do it too hard don’t hold the back wheel and isn’t it over you know the mom just don’t pay attention don’t smoke don’t smoke I smoke I smoke my own bless yeah I’ll just smoke I want a smoke I’m gonna smoke column of smoke tell me this
Brought up do you figure it out buck with it play with it like a toy you learn how to wrote it I promise you [ __ ] you there’s bottle a minute pass one of them will come out right when you don’t know how to run oh yeah that’s how
You gonna learn though you really got to get a fire pack start running up some we start with some movie wrote that pack I mean I don’t know 5 you gonna get one at least and then you gonna start you’re doing they have to keep you roll your
Back was a like a cone Jim you get the best hit don’t really affect like my [ __ ] naturally become if you just kind of use the leap and not rip it it kind of naturally comes out like a cone up you’re like exactly or if you like
Really want to roll a backward and you just don’t know how get some scissors and make it look like a Swisher and you’ll be alright save [ __ ] break it out by hand I hate use a grinder you’re getting like the weed on in your mouth fish not even now
Just hate I don’t know granny begin it be grinding it so strong and I hate [ __ ] they be like oh you’re gonna Peppy’s [ __ ] sign burning burn him when he don’t wonder his only one block going around just need to hold it for like how to mail off a Smuggler’s I suppose I’m
Telling you a man my pet peeve when this [ __ ] hits my blunt and give it back to me into my box it was a bit in the middle cuz he be holding me like like squeezing love baby peasantry side burning [ __ ] man that’s the only therapies I believe we all be given but
There’s so much we barely back down burning it but now that I just wrote another one I just wake up I definitely smoked a backward I probably like shower and do everything meet up with the homies and then from there I’ll just lose count I don’t know this is all day everybody
Like came back with yeah at least everybody they definitely smoked like an ounce a day every day for 20 and I like today when we do get before 29 today we get like super hires you die every day something is really wait so for 20-odd and smoke Tim last week
Maybe we do dish it yeah [ __ ] that I’ll be trying to not smoke on 4/20 I danced my one so every good huh honey baby baby should be so