Hello what’s up everybody’s we are live from Midtown Manhattan time right now is fourth 59 PM’s New York Times and today is a Saturday august 19 2023 welcome everyone and thank you so much for everybody to check it let’s go enjoy Isaac azee Z oh all right thank you for the Champions
You just been for a while never see you I’m glad to see you today it’s doing good thank you so much appreciate it ask questions no no hello how are you doing nice to see you here let’s go take a walk and turned on my uh soapy good afternoon
Nice to see you here thank you everybody for your shopping today done yeah oh wow now I know you have knee replacement sorry to hear that America hello wow neither placement it’s so scary and nervous about knee Replacements no no oh I don’t like new replacement that’s what uh I know but it’s
Uh that’s what I’m talking about is like surgeries when my knees dislocated meniscus and the doctor told me ah I have to do a surgeries and then uh I say let’s see uh I’m thinking about it and then like since 2008 tint to 2016. all hello yes in 2018 and then uh
I did not do surgeries but it’s my knees when I do a jumping jack I do a running I do kickings and then my knee gonna pop up these locations pops out when my knee pops out and I you know what I do I asked somebody pull my knee here and
When they pull my knee my knee going back so I feel a little bad uh sores painful about a couple days and then after that my knee is fine but I used to walking everything be careful when I turning or I’m walking or something it will be uh my navel pops out
But right now I went to uh therapy I went to therapy and then I took the nutrients my knees feel a lot improved I went to um so right now also plus I’m not teaching hi Paul I’m not teaching I’m not do kicking I’m not do running I’m not doing jumping jacks
I just do a regular walking and I go into a physical Therapies it is like a lot of improvements proved me a lot in Dallas yeah I got a lot of proof that physical Therapies and I feel much much much better than juice too and I gotta walk and
I gotta walk I have to limit and I’m going like five hours six hours like before so before I used to walk like five hours six hours AMG but right now I just kind of cut down a little bit I just walking like maybe three hours three and a half hours
Sometime four hours not every day like before DC hello okay guy I’m just talking about the knee surgery and knee replacements but right now it’s okay now okay let’s go walks hey this guy uh AMG what are you doing man watch what you try to say and watch your message hello black popular
Oh you are Ben parks in front of sports 30 second Park yeah they have been they have a chair in there for 30 seconds you talking about Park Avenue right Park Avenue hello BLC hello it’s okay Stardust let me take you to the Sixth Avenue in
Case if they have a street fair today Stardust the lineup all the time because they got a really good suit and they have when they are serve Foods they have a thing around your table and Flash with the foods so that’s why uh Stardust do
So as most of them they know it they try to line up even wait too long but really enjoy it and so convenient for them very popular is hello good evening Kims hello everyone I got two bags today everybody go back to school New York’s next week back to school
Let’s go on Sixth Avenue guys we don’t go in Times Square yet but let’s check on Sixth Avenue is where you have a street here I’m doing good belsies West 51st Street 7th Avenue someone’s check it out on 6th Avenue if they have a streets Fair Maybe not today I don’t know
Because last week they have a street fair there on 6th Avenue Place Jackson disaster you this is fun try to play too I’m here no parade tomorrow no parades Bobby go I’m Barbie girl hello Jay garage Singapore streets food Urban Singapore or Hawaii a lot of stuff today
Is was a really great last time yeah laptops I don’t think they have today I don’t see it if they have they have on Sixth Avenue pink that song okay I wonder let’s go on uh Sixth Avenue and walk to oh 42nd Street Fifth Avenue let’s go on Fifth Avenue look at that
Steaks steak with asparagus ooh mine you eat steak with asparagus oh my goodness that would be amazing steaks everybody likes steak with asparagus and oh tonight USC fights uh see what his name Fair weights or super featherweight better weight than super a better weights they are really strong and fast like a lightning
Lawrence who fighting tonight do you know it let’s go walk past by Rockford Center and then after that going to uh Times Square Ben 10 Race darling and melee yeah I saw her they post on ESPN this guy is new I never watched him before but he’s new
Okay right here Radio City Music Hall right here the most iconic New York City and stay famous everybody’s coming here take a photo pictures at the Rockets the most shows uh with some music hall Radio City yeah and uh and it’s very attractive to all the tour
Tonight is so loud WOW Carlos builds a nice solos sold out tickets Danielle are you winning on top of the Rocks yes Danielle I went on Top of the Rock go and check on my video you would see it my video they have beautiful views 360. 360 and Midtown
The Empire State Building just taller higher but here you could see uh 360. in New York City Midtown Manhattan we’re on 6th Avenue of America we love zoo we love this area here it’s very attractive to warm and Midtown so you would love so much during a Christmas time
Christmas time will be awesome beautiful lights everywhere okay you don’t want to stay with me he went away my babies so you don’t want to stay with me she don’t want to be my baby so let’s see the musical they’re carrying a lot of stuff today I got two back shopping around here
I got a different styles somewhere close Radio City Music Halls and BC observation deck or rainbow rooms by some gold diamonds white gold yellow gold diamonds crossy hello the rocks here was a rock first center right here wallery hello yeah the book tickets make you easy
You don’t book tickets you go inside you have to wait in online and you gotta buy your tickets so right here is top of the Rocks red carpet so you go on Top of the Rock so that’s why it’s a nicely look perfect photo up there
You want to look nice when you go in there right because you planted money on it but it’s okay you like the way you look who you are it’s fine you don’t want to be like Kim Kardashian how you doing how you do it I got a lot of stuff man
Here we go Raphael Center everybody welcome to Rockford Center around the world when everybody come to New York City they’re thinking about Rockfest centers that want to come to visit in Rockford Center in the winter Christmas times you got big Christmas trees hang up here and a lot of people coming down
Technical will take a picture your boyfriend girlfriend to all your friends and family that’s why I’m here Top of the Rock right here happy Saturday local Heaven Butler how you doing how you doing Kevin butlers they have a a roller skates when the winter they have ice skates in
The summer they have roller skates you when you don’t know how to do a roller skate it still is good choose a random thing to hold it up to do a roller skates right here so much fun I don’t know how many minutes you joined it all these things come across buildings
For the top of the rocks fire shows in 1862 yeah 1862 that’s a toy store long time over 100 years the wind hello oh a lot of flags so we’ll see awesome plant here it’s going to us in our garden and busy news right there I’m LJ how are you doing
So much stuff not like a big tour I look like a realtor we are too a real two are not a fake tool that’s going to uh Chanel Garden and then after they’ll walk on Fifth Avenues Fifth Avenue is the most famous street in New York City and around the walls Fifth Avenue
What if you’ve got five more down there do you want to go yell mind your business and go home Uncle hello how are you doing uncle everybody take photo feature right here security security guard tell him shoot security guard tell him I see you’re talking about like five more five more huh
And he said he tell the guy say I make I make more money but then you make more money than you right um it’s funny you say he make more money than race he say that we make more money than you right okay race where you make less money than him
But Ray you have his own company I’m just joking around guys at least make something happening oh they got music here this one called uh Janelle Garand no Garden foreign oh my God Ron Diaz Channel Gardens so in London’s UK they have the same styles Chanel Gardens there’s a Korean art back
Flea bites Chanel Gardens issues do fall from fires fire foreign church right here Saint Patrick materials for church welcome to people around the world okay I’m going too much you don’t need to go into see at last statues just going down to the time Carlos can you say hi to Spanish hola hola
The prettiest Empire is building hello John hi John let’s go party let’s go party a lot of music let’s go party six o’clock already nice doctor from Germany the maps where you been man you’re looking for a chocolate talente I just see you here today hello Scott hi Scott hi everybody
We on Fifth Avenue west 50s streets yeah the bill I’m a church Stewart hello Stewart I don’t want this bag Jack I’m not going to work I just got off from work all right at last Rick y Greek mythology Let’s Go and show you behind here the best screenshot from here alas
What do you say Dallas yeah walking like a boss coffees enjoy a cup of coffee rough coffee I don’t know buy a screenshot from here see how this like that anybody to see that boom boom beautiful you are so beautiful to me you you are so beautiful to me let go let go
Oh Victoria Secrets so busy here where the Victoria Secrets store and find Victoria Secret store busy man look at that good stuff you want a hot sauce do you want a hot sauce give it to nice do you need a hot sauce nice we need a hot sauce FIFA Avenue please
Street constructions wow oh no don’t do that oh man don’t do that come on Rubin hello oh mines don’t do that dangerous oh look at that go inside here have fun see you around tease face to face tea around tease toe to toes toes the Wonder horses keep it tonight
Do you need a hot sauce tonight oh waleries I know that’s uh it’s news but it certainly have fun 30 dollars eight thirty dollars one hours you ride that bus I asked somebody last time 30 or 35 dollars for achiever I mean you will come with your friends
Weather yes this morning like feel like in winter this morning feel like in the winters I I got on my works early in the morning seven o’clock so like beautiful weather uh San Patrick Tios azee beautiful Church in science Saint Patrick it’s very famous Church in New York City I see
I took breakfast name is centers oh yeah sounds good right Corrigan food you’re talking about pork and food hurricane Foods oh Carlos your white one go inside there oh yeah could go and the church welcome to everybody around the world it’s very nice beautiful in size centuries so many
Things that’s very interested hello yeah it’s very interested it’s sad Sip Avenue store right here they got everything inside Fifth Avenue Louis Vuitton Gucci so many stars fashions inside the Fifth Avenue yeah gorgeous Pretty Woman walk down the streets bloody woman nice purse you want to see some purse as
For ladies not small man okay Moses uh you show up for their ladies because the lady the most expanding around the world so looking interested about Fashions everything look at that yeah that’s very nice get some of them she gotta go get it yeah I’m gonna follow her get some oh really
Man feel very fashion really fashions walking here sapping Fifth Avenue that’s nice perfect oh yeah nice clothes for the summer for a woman’s a lot of nice clothes for the movement here ready for the parties awesome summer fashions top of the Rocks Rock passengers really nice I love that too even I’m a
Man but I still love I love Fashions oh look at the red ones look at that rats ready for the parties it’s nice it’s Saturday nice parties that’s awesome somebody maybe like a black dress it’s amazing too we live professional oh look at that Perkins Fed Up the foods enjoy it some Maria
Surprise they don’t have fall stuff in the window by now no no yeah not yet still in the summer Maria Apprentice hello they’re still in the Summers who are going to interested by the clothes for the for now they will be interested for the summer clothes
Not for the winter or not for the falling it’s too early I don’t like walk this side here because it’s the signal is not good so put outside of matter all of being started in the store you’re going to the customer costumes and the costume store they have it
Everything for ready for the holidays some people still celebrate for that costume too like uh what I say like funky tomboys boys they got all the different fashions depend on people like it and this New York city so many store at Fashions art Broadway shows movie theaters
A lot of things even if uh Nike NBA magazines from New York City that’s why that’s what makes New York famous around the world I have Fifth Avenue it’s a famous street in New York City now I don’t think that any Street that’s famous than Fifth Avenue store I lose
They sound like a a German language right German language when they say hello last time I asked somebody in Germans in times where how are you gonna say hello they’re gonna say Aloo hello thanks man what happy hello thanks man I see you could say happy happy girlfriend days
You could say a happy girlfriend day happy girlfriend day fans baseball we’re talking about bass from Boston pretty women walk down the street about noisy busy all the times in New York City that’s how it is uh Maria yeah you should come into New York City to see Christmas tree
They got a Christmas tree every year in New York City and we’ll see a lot of beautiful lies in New York the New York would in the Christmas times the most amazing lives like like like like make you smile like like make you happy like like make you bright like lights
Hey hello here uh Diamond District we could buy diamonds gold jewelries diamonds got engaged married fake merits real married you could buy diamond anyways if you want oh my goodness oh Snoop Dogg Snoop Dogg Snoop Dogg Adidas store they got a big area store on Fifth Avenue too to Fifth Avenue Surprise
Clothes because most brands and even expensive people still want to buy it no matter what I think people’s thinking about like you gotta span it yeah foreign say that this guy would say to Rey is better if he Clips like that nobody gonna give him a Monies
Maybe Ray he gonna give him his money I just lose the pill that’s what he’s saying Mr Wolf Mr Wu looking for a buffets some Buffet but phase went to bankrupts now because nobody go inside joining with Ray companies so it’s become a disappointed both of them bankruptcy NBA Store right here
And up up NBA’s NBA perks make the app from osalia sound like a act but it looked interested nice clothes wanna buy it I love the pockets a lot of pockets I like I like buy some of them they have more Pockets though the more Pockets you put some stuff inside the pocket
Interested right it’s brand new shoes too see a lot of teenagers like to wear that wand for Trump hello Five Below one dollar to five dollar Beyond it you know what it means one dollar to five dollars I got a Best Buy store here quality crit like crops I believe so
It’s teenagers and the kids they like Croc right now because likes it’s more comfortable when we’re in the Summers you know don’t feel like getting hot MetLife building huh Wonderland drinks oh yes Scott uh wear sneaker I like wear sneaker too Scott let’s go across the street right here we are sneaker too
Something that’s not bother you we are something that comfortable especially in come New York City would take a lot of walk thank you where are you going somewhere some states try in the cars but New York a lot of walk when you’re going to take the Subways you still walk
From up and down up and down take the bus still go and walk Wonderland Wonderland Dreams by Alex Smith Urban outfits West Urban outfit making Australia from Australia Urban outfits Urban outfits they like too A lot of people like that close to Urban outfits you know thank you yes AJ you know
Oh that’s once when the bell some some meat one Vanderbilt submit where flip-flop sandals in the summer you could wear that flip-flop and sandals but in the Falls you can wear it because it’s getting hot Grand Central terminals right there boom photo once some submits ones when the bills
Go to check out my videos I want to visit up there oh yeah Carlos Rockville Center is still they are famous Christmas trees that smell every Christmas yes yes every year Gorge 500 buildings yeah that’s my song You’re gonna hit my thumb s up you’re not going to sleep people go and
Play again that’s what I do no pause Chrysler buildings most beautiful and iconic New York City that’s quite a little building oh what’s the Chrysler Building is the most iconic New York buildings there they are famous before Empire State Building this one is once Vanderbilt we went there and visits amazing
So let’s go walk on the streets and go in Times Square and public libraries with the Flying Fox behind it makes a lot of movies from that libraries called Ghostbusters sex in the series Lewis making from white marbles where you girls Ghostbusters one hour race six o’clock
Oh the library is open today oh wow wow amazing it’s still open as well come to a tour a libraries whoa and ride a bike and sing the songs like a pop Style hey boys hey boy I Just Wanna Have Fun as you can see I Just Wanna Have Fun listening
It’s cool a tour Crews big tour crew right here he’s like let’s go we’re on Brian Park welcome to the Bryant Park the more attractive tour around the world than the Bryant parks where it cleans like a four-star bathroom they have fresh flowers classic music and they have a
Bathroom guards just keep watching keep cleaning go one by one lions inside the parks Brian Parks they have a movie nice performance for line up for the bathroom they have musics they have they have Music Inside uh Brian Park let me show you a little bit picnic Performance New York City
So they have music inside there sound like operas let me show you up there weddings reading readings place I’ll show you up there Opera musics a lot of people sit down there this is like the opera music show free there’s a reading place right here for a chair and tree so let’s go
Show you here tonight it went tonight Alessandro Laura in concert right here that’s why they have a show performing tonight he’s standing from there foreign foreign or a special concert of Italian favorites hello happy thank you wow thanks so much happies twenty dollars no happies thank you so happy
Rainbow let’s go to Times Square Pro hello happy thank you so much appreciate it for twenty dollars thank you for your support and donation thank you uh beautiful views in five state buildings that Bryant parks Hotel then stop moving the cameras Mr Ness we’re around what’s up
Everybody like to see this or you just want to go into Times Square do you think you’re gonna enjoy this or just go in Times Square though stay a little bit okay hold on they have winner one more okay one more it’s free show you’re going to see it you buy tickets
Ollie and Brian Park you could see for free oh I’m not listening what you want to do bent before you told me do not move the camera now you tell me go to Times Square just show you a little bit okay one more song relax oh what’s up okay guys we gotta go
Stunts you’re gonna start singing now sing it now ass hello hello you love this uh I think most of the IRS thank you so much one more song okay just one more song just one more clap everybody’s and everybody clap clap everybody claps forever okay guys oh my God
Okay that’s it okay let’s we gotta go make sure I got a little gray ball everybody good we gotta go in Times Square now oh they have I don’t know wait on hello thank you foreign most people come and joins have so much points and got a lot of free stuff
Always had things going on in Bryant Park Urban hello hi to see everybody here foreign they have two table ping pong you could come and join have fun play ping pong and dingles Rafael and dingus Foods drinks bakeries her song coffees teas milkshakes smoothies everything hello think it zooms
Go Times Square Bank of America tower foreign Times Square Sixth Avenue Avenue of America a lot of people busy and especially today is the weather so nice to see how it’s busy yeah not even catch up in Times Square you’re more Times Square is more busy than that everybody walking
A lot of tool around the world like New York City come to New York City Carlos Ortiz nice to see you here Carlos Ortiz welcome everybody thank you for your checking tonight really appreciate this everybody’s here you know but don’t forget please hit the like button because you’re new here subscribe
Show your love and support oh last time I I forgot to tell you guys when I went to visit and uh Coney Island This World ticket subways shoes foreign talking like a YouTuber freestyle Luca yes freestyle Love Freestyle too Bonnie hello Carlton’s Garden Inc that’s a hotel knickerbacca is a hotel they have
Rooftop Bar and then thank you it’s more busy though when you got in Times Square 7 30 go home and not staying longer than that everybody keep checking guys 7 30 I’m going home yeah just to let you know and tomorrow we come out again Times Square and walking before God in
Times Square show you a different place explode okay they’ll see awesome Pat bomber hello cat Farms here it’s most busy right here Times Square 42nd Street so many people I’m down to Times Square oh this guy and not see it hit it you make people scared though
Oh my God Scott almost hit me man they just make it they just make me nervous though the guy you know just make me nervous I understand he hit me a little bit I make I’m gonna do falling out yeah Urban if he hit me a little bit I’m gonna fall down
Yes Kelly’s Abby’s scary like a sassy where do clouds telling you fool always yes moments Times Square always fools always full and busy see this thank you everybody I make you guys worries nervous Spiderman like a Spiderman will like Iron Man like Spiderman I want a Spiderman Peppa Pig
You bought a showing how long rise okay oh yes that’s right at least holy molies foreign I put a little bit lean on one side that’s fine all right some of us are a little lighter because Ashley hello Ashley okay thank you for letting me know please
I’m thinking that too but I don’t chance so now I really appreciate this for you telling me thank you lastly princess so this is t-bus they they write you around in the city right around Times Square fifth Avenues I think they charge you like 30 bucks for one hour we’re in Time Squares
That’s what you talk about USC spikes are nice they show the muzzle on that omelette sugar shots glass and lemon oh yeah UFC fight tonight Australian omelette Harman buildings the hard rocks anybody knows hellermann that’s a film’s movie companies Cattlemen that is sponsor for the movies when they
Uh put in a Bryant box for free movie Nights every Mondays and then that will be in up in this month hello Brian at least big companies movie and the hard rocks it used to be a USC WWE wrestling here but now no longers they have a Hard Rock
Cafe they have a store for sale close inside there in the hot rocks right here I have Taco Bell next to it um shrimps and Connie raise chicken fingers and there’s uh ice beams and Ashes would not go wrong now ice cream oh I I did not try that I always I went
There they give me a free chocolate free kitkats the freaky cats for pummies up I just eat it once when I’m tired and that uh pump me up a lot they have a meal shake too inside Hashi store Urban they have our chocolate Mills they have a smoothies have big kickouts
They become shrimps or some shrimps then they sell clothes here but you go on second floor you see the second floor right there bubble gum second floor you have to go on the second floor and never go in there but among his teenagers they love it you know it
Oh yeah we’re in school Hershey’s store but this one is when the grain open I tried this one here two times I come here eat twice three tornadoes right here twice when the grain open is busy today is busy too on the weekends hello they have gaps Store Old Navy’s before they close
During pandemics now it’s open back motor store in Times Square is open box oh yeah hustling hustling I like it they do like a french fries a little bit big Slayer and even a chicken para skills feel like more expensive like three three uh three chicken fingers
And flat Street or french fries they give you small french fries with drinks like 14 12 to 14 I forgot that 12 or 14 that their last times all right maybe in a winter or the falls or maybe Thanksgiving it’s probably Thanksgiving maybe try to go eat that again
When tananda come to visit New York we’ll take him to eat there hello Jack try it it’s not bad this is city bus I’m 20. it’s busy here a lot of people you will see like seven seven or eight o’clock why everybody busy than that what are the crowds around seven eight o’clock
And nine o’clock this street really squeeze up walking feel like New Year feel like it in New Year my aunt always busy in Times Square you see that new year ball right there that’s the balls it’s a new year ball drop here Happy New Year Happy New Year
That’s a New Year boy change colors Kyla we can’t speak portugals I don’t understand Portugal my friends I wish I could speak all your language and then I will be open for everyone’s that would be amazing right we’ll see somebody oh my God oh yes that’s what we’re talking about yeah
See wall hello please come here amazing battles people take photos smile and look under 3DS big screen 3DS everywhere McDonald’s Popeyes jelly beans healing shops Disney Stores up there forever 21. a lot of different celebrities yeah Bruno you always fall asleep tonight I see you wake up Lynn’s friendlies
I feel like a Christmas bro oh my God a lot of people here coming back very different diversity I ever like chicken Queens why we are proud Lisa you’re welcome Lisa hello Lisa listen hello hello everybody hi to CEOs thank you so much for your checking everybody hi baby crying so louder
No no no no no baby crying hey tiger English my friend foreign foreign how you doing from Texas I didn’t see you everybody hi Chucky how you doing Jackie thank you now they’re busy all the times hello hi everybody welcome everybody thank you so much everyone for checking everyone to step forward drinks
Everyone else over here and come over here I think that we’re good at the time down one two three pack rule number two number three the approve we need everyone to step up to the arms thank you where are you here Mamacita yeah oh my goodness thank you sir thank you
Thank you thank you everybody thank you so much for your checking tonight don’t forget hit the like buttons happy birthday is all brown IES let’s go Charlotte it is your birthday let’s go shaharis let’s go sorry it is your birthdays coming to the parties beat up the Marty’s going down to the malls
Going down with me on the Halls going down being a boss going down we’d be in the clubs it’s going down hello what’s up everybody salient how you doing Kelly how you doing yeah let’s go let’s go let’s go Poppins let’s go thank you cities we never checking right he’s just
Checking today because his birthday come on be my babies interested one minute one minute Down Show time that’s what he said one minute down Showtime boom boom booms tigers I have tigers Christina hello Christina how are you doing hello Kelly how you doing hello everybody how you doing welcome everybody how you doing
Okay wow wow won’t hold just on it 7 30 Mr Boom 7 30 okay we have more time tomorrow to do because the the train go local on the weekends Saturday Sundays run locals we used to take like 30 minutes you gotta take like one hour that Subway for the trains
That’s what happened thank you top juice you got a snake inside it straight wrong with the kingdoms um yeah 6 54. we’re 36 minutes to go oh quarries and coffees a lot of people in Times Square because the is very very attractive New York City especially in Times Square everybody knows
People are known around the world that’s why it’s Maria Maria hello hey Tigers stop students What the freaking you talking about you gotta go thank you hey tiger you want to stay here or you just want to get off from your the heck out of here
We’ll send you hours you keep do that we send you out hey I don’t know what you’re talking about why you try to uh third star to here you think that you’re better don’t come in here going somewhere that you that you are feel better don’t come in here that’s it
Everybody enjoy it has over 300 people they enjoy except one him except one freaking uh faking account sending now that’s it thank you speaker account Bop let’s back up enjoy joy to your loss Bob you’re right Bob a lot of people have funds everybody happy enjoy it freestyle from tree sound
Waterfalls Ireland Swiss Shop IDC use a little bit press their famous Rusty for the New Years always people like to go and sit down and rest there because they got bad views from there it’s what I like it is busier likes it’s so awesome calming down have fun in New York why not
Die too short lies release your stress stop thinking about somebody bad just enjoy it that’s most people happy that coming down here they love this I want to see people there I could never oh Lisa I know so many diverse cities New York City you know so many people have fun here
Maybe there are guys he never opportunities most these people they come here they’re so lucky so lucky that I could have opportunity to have a chance to come in to visit New York a lot of people even have money you don’t have a locks you can’t come in to
Visit where you want to go so you’re just thinking about this is thinking about that that’s what I’m lucky about someone so proud and respect for all these people to come to visit here and those me before I don’t like to come in Times Square too but it certainly is I’ll be coming
Becoming Addictions on it really loud Times Square so much because the most diversity I see everybody smiling having fun taking photos on social media what about it’s really good in vitamins people enjoy it music louder louder I don’t know hey Lisa they have uh place of project house or they have a hotel
They have place for them stay at okay I heard the mayor they plantings put in some shelters and uh Central Park too they have a shelter for them okay because the mayor they welcome to all their migraines so when they welcome it and when they’re coming here they had to
Provide everything with the shelters they could apply for asylums they couldn’t go to work have opportunities like everybody else oh yeah pops it’s still normal okay when you’re coming here you don’t thinking you’re not afraid about take a photo you could take anywhere anywhere this is a really tours and public to all
People around the world come to take a photo keep all your memory right you keep your own memories and to show like your friend your families that’s what you are coming to New York series and you show that you have a photo you have a memories this year that year you’re coming here
That’s what about you you should so uh you should appreciate it to a social media in Tyler I know how much thank you Chris want as much as I can um is really quiet but New York City is is what is noise and busy all the time because it’s tourist place that’s that’s
How it is you can’t compare our small towns hahaha that is completely different you never sleep I like you’re right City never slips always busy so when you come and tour rice at least you release your stress because you should enjoy it you take a photo and post up here in Times Square
And they bought it all sets and they voted for you and they told you on times where there’s a problem Butler you could take your photo and post up there foreign New York City is like over 10 million that’s what I got over 10 million populations everybody take photo everywhere happy everybody’s smiling
Happy enjoy it that’s it no photo no photo photo no photo no photo lose you Tom Tom my it’s Ali always looking for Mamacita uh that oh that’s what it’s all about let me show you how are you your ball is there a big screen up there talking about um Happy New Year’s
Five dollars yes AJ five dollars maybe that’ll be no photo no photo no Mamacita no money no honey no honey no picture no money no for no for Manhattan yeah pretty woman’s walk down the street stay in Manhattan Times Square pretty women’s walk down the street my wife
I understand what you’re talking about I’m a wand English by English oh yeah I’m going home at 7 30. remind me at 7 30 I gotta go stay more than that about 17 minutes 17 minutes foreign also I guess hello everybody please don’t forget hit the like button guys we have almost 400
People but you just gotta hit the like button 255 can we go for 300 everybody is let’s go for three hundreds imagine we are almost 300 Muhammad almost 300 hit the like butt guys 57 58 somebody it’s like unlike Goods 58 258 commands let’s go make 400. hey Buddies oh Jerry
How are you doing Jerry’s nice to see you here Jerry’s I’m going home at 7 30 Jerry’s New York yeah that’s why at least this costs nothing just hit the like button show your love and supports that’s all about cost nothing even single pennies nobody gonna steal from your credit cards nothing
Nobody gonna take money from your bank it’s nothing to show that you hit the like button s you wanna do some nice voices uh 267s almost we are close we are close 300 guys uh 267. we’re almost there 267. see one four likes now we’re not one dollar for life I
Don’t think that that’s three three hits two cup you could get uh one dollar per punch do you want dollar for punches do one punch for one dollar you want it first Rim thank you Oh Yeah from Morocco how are you doing from Morocco I just see you here I’m almost I’m going
Foreign 20 dollars we don’t get twenty dollars nah you need up twenty dollars payments These are times increase our times 69s 369. come on guys we are close for 300 269 269 let’s go come on hit the like button Monica hello Monica 276 thumbs up 276. come on guys 276. fly Bots
Ryan hello Ryan how are you doing Ryan to see you here who’s the second servant been quiet now it’s so loud extra twenty dollar okay one 24 photos you don’t pay extra you can’t get a photo 277 now like everybody 277 let’s go 270 eggs we’re almost 300 hit the light butts 279
We got 279 now thumbs up almost close time to go seven more minutes guys seven more minutes important seven minutes thumbs up two and a half hours yeah one in two and a half hours five more minutes two and a half hours you’re right Liz Ard 7 24 I don’t bring anybody charges
Put a photo of glass slides this one for the photo what’s up man how are you doing how are you good nice to see you tomorrow yeah sure like this look nice yeah nice and clean we’re all more interested to take a photo like that oh three pictures
Three songs free photo right here everybody wanna take a photos so it’s for freeze you could take a photo and stand up here it is it’s a personal photographer we got a professional photographers free picture with the sun guys and you do like this show you
You’ll come down and you take like that it’s free free free sign right here tattoo three three everybody could take a picture from here for free Mama behind me all right guys good night everyone see you again tomorrow we come back at Times Square tomorrow again
But before we come in Times Square I’m gonna take you somewhere first before I’m coming Times Square and I really appreciate it buddy don’t forget hit the like button subscribe show your love and support good night worry good night to all the members and modes thank you for your support all our subscribers
DLC tcz everybody everybody thank you everybody thank you so much for your subscribers thank you everybody Buddies see you again tomorrow start at five o’clock start doing live stream advice don’t forget check it out we are live from 5 p.m New York time see you bye bye now bye bye bye everybody bye
Egg pops Byron Diaz nice everyone bye thank you foreign