Foreign Resorts they’re rollerblades and it skates about as well as me good evening welcome to Blade and use your number one Broadway news show and damn do I have a good episode for you today there is a bunch of new skates that came out I’m not talking just new colorways talking
Brand new molds for plastic skates multiple one of those new boots is coming from the brand new company called standard skateco now this if you have me living under a rock you’ve probably heard of this one it is a new company run by law the guy behind the YouTube
Channel back to blading as well as the Brand’s 50 50 and chroma a great dude who knows what he’s doing who makes excellent products there are so many reasons to be excited for the skate uh the main idea behind it though is to be a skate for everyone and also the new
Standard of skates if you’re a bit of code Showdown or you’ve seen the leaks you would have seen the Prototype 3D printed version of the standard skates in a little box at the trade show there which was an excellent way to do this we still exactly know what the skate’s
Gonna look like we see some clear features though like the black line the sole plate and it’s kind kind of looks like a mix between a lot of skates we love but all this ultimately did was leave us with a bunch of questions as to what the skate is about and what’s
Happening but lucky for you guys are managed to get an exclusive interview with law where I got a bunch of questions from the community here and he answered all of them and we got some crazy info here that’s got me so excited for these but we’ll come back to that
I’ll cut to that and if you’re at the end of the show so stick around for that we got another boot to talk about that’s a brand new mold and that is this self leaked pick from faction skates faction num for the carbon skates that they make
With the idea behind the brand being to make a skate you can really customize and tailor to fit how you want it meaning every kind of part to it it’s interchangeable right here they posted this picture which at first you might just be thinking hey it’s a green
Faction skate but actually this is a plastic boot that has been confirmed to be happening with a planned release for later in December this year if everything goes to plan uh I talked to Clark the guy behind faction and he told me that he wanted to make a plastic boot
To fill the price gap for like a lower more affordable skates which is very similar to what Laura’s doing too so it sounds like this Gap in the market that we’ve had for a long time now where uh with the price of skates going up where
You seem to only have the choice between the really cheap or like somewhat expensive there’s quite a big gap in the middle there and it sounds like it’s about to be filled with multiple options for everyone uh which I’m really glad to see because I did make a video about how
Royalties have made skates kind of unaffordable for a lot of people factions go for this case they have it to be around 250 or less and it’s also going to fit into the faction ecosystem meaning it’s compatible with all these sulfates liners and cuffs and stuff like
That which honestly sounds so good I’m hyped to hear that thanks again to Clark for giving me the inside scoop it’s an exciting time for building so many new blades but we’re not done there there’s a lot more new skates to talk about Jacob Jewell is getting a Pro Skate from
Trigger which is good to see Trigger has been hard at work again with this new colorway it looks like a nice black skate with the minty green highlight it’s a cool very cool color white frames on the uh kind of old school looking boot trigger as a company run by a great
Dude they have great royalties for their teams and it’s cool to see them still chugging along that’s not the only new product for them I can’t wait to see this new edit to promo these by Jacob Jewel by the way he’s an insane skater but they also release this big wheel
Skate here at 80 flat Rick skate which looks so nice I don’t know if this is new it might not be new they might be making this for a while but I saw them post that this is available at Loco skates shout out to local skates we love
Them but yeah I’m excited for this one it looks like a skate that I can see selling well looks nice as a rook Escape it’s not the only one so we got some leaks uh there is a few uh skates hovering around from razors that haven’t been released they’ve only released the
Shima escape and they seem to be sitting on the actual Pro skates for their pro team which we can give them for to the end of time but there’s been some leaks about a New Soul plate in particularly a New Soul plate for the Razer Colts and if you look at it here
It’s kind of interesting they seem to get be getting rid of like a there’s no I don’t remember let me see what’s the cult look like yeah they got rid of the backside plate okay they’ve gotten rid of the backside place you can see here
And it’s just one piece it has this kind of weird little swish in it it looks nice though it would be cool this is the only picture ever I don’t know if it’s any wider or any bigger still got that 45 degree strap Groove too that no one’s
Really using but uh it’s cool to see them still innovating especially the old skate like this it’s been a long time since I’ve seen a brand new sole plate for a skate that’s mold that this is sold this isn’t the only leak we have this is the only one I’m going to show
You though because uh it’s razors we have a leak for a new Pro Skate and it’s a Pro Skate for our boy Michael Woodsman which I’m so glad to see that’s coming out so quick it’s wild deserved and all I’m going to tell you about it is you’re
Not going to be feeling gray when it comes out at least my sources are wrong but uh speaking of possibly incorrect sources there was a rims fan page on Facebook that ramley posted this picture of a white and green skate uh like HR looking skate talking about this is going to be
A this is a prototype of a room skate that’s supposed to come out this year and actually linked to 2022 2023 which makes it even more sus but if you look at this picture kind of a bit too hard it looks a bit like a AI image like look
At look at this what is going on here man it’s so weird man I was very confused by this like why is it a fan page I know rims is going through hard times kind of like where no one’s really running the show there right now I
Messaged them and they told me that this is a legit thing that’s happening they’re going to be testing in a private group and that the official manufacturers are gonna make but they told me there’s like a 80 chance that they get made if the if the people like it overall super sus
I’ll believe it when I see it it kind of is very strange for not the non-official rims to be posting this and also there’s just there’s a lot of red flags there it’s kind of a crazy poster this is just a post to get people excited they’re so up the rims boys have
Had it so hard every day I hear someone who’s crying about the fact they can’t give rims so uh this would be pretty unforgivable if it’s alive remedies fan I don’t know if you uh you’ll survive that one but I guess people probably already forgotten about this you might
Be all right speaking about big floppy loose annoying wide bad skates to skates no sorry not sorry rims actually I love rooms by the way I wouldn’t be able to do top size of ones for rooms but uh I want to link you to a really good video
Here by Austin pairs Austin reflected on a skating over the last year and uh I haven’t resonated with Sonic and so so much ever Austin has been doing such great stuff and bleeding recently he seems to be collabing with like all over the royal wedding scene which I like to
See everywhere I see him everywhere he’s very supportive very good positive vibe and the scene and he’s done a bunch of good videos but this one really spoke to me talks about how one sentence changed the way he thinks about scanning and switched him change of skating and made
Him well how he says improve a skating massively in a short amount of time this this is the the sentence here this year this year where are you spending the most time on your States it’s on the ground so why are you putting the least amount of time into that 50 of what’s
Being filled if not more is you skating up to it and you’ve got you know two seconds of your grind and then and then your exes you’re overlooking like the two biggest parts of spending most of our time on the ground we might not
Focus on on that part of it you know it seems pretty important that resonates with me so much the same thing caught my eye from a different person from City blade shot to City blades talking about why he transitioned from aggressive to free skating and it was essentially the
Same kind of idea but anyway awesome pairs of skating is so nice to watch is absolute goals in every single way and this is a really nice video to watch that I highly recommend you check out and while we’re talking about things that could change your life check out
These insanely beautiful straps here by skate stay strapped it seems to be an extremely premium nice 45 degree straps for skates that are so beautiful man they look so good all these pictures they’ve done oh I’m in the way so all these pictures they’ve done of the them
On skates just looks so good dude this looks like it’s worth a bajillion dollars even on these horrible Sheamus Casey actually Shima skates I don’t know why I gotta hate on razors okay I just apparently gotta hate on them but these streamer skates actually looked alright not gonna lie
Um and we can’t talk about straps without also talking about our boy jab roller Vlogs handmade straps here look at these nice premium ones here they look so good they’re all handmade he tests them by hanging from a tree I talked about last time definitely caught
Them you want to try out some velcro straps shout out to the friend of the show Jed rollervlog and we’ll keep the community projects going but with this new sole plate here which features a double Groove which I think is quite Innovative avanta moves here notice that
A lot of people do grooves and different position they don’t stick to the middle 45 degree the the middle backside play you know some people go to the front some people go to the back I think that depends on the frames but he thought why not add grooves specifically for those
Points and lean into it and at this point he told me he’s actually working on one that has three grooves a center and one on each side and that way you don’t have to make your own Groove I like this kind of thinking I like the
Diy-ness of it and uh I think they could be something there if people adopted this this could very much change bleeding in a big way another thing that you should definitely keep in mind though is our boy Tom Moyes he’s up to something man this is quite old at this
Point so I hope he hasn’t it isn’t kind of like he’s trying to make it be forgotten about but if you notice he did a community poll where he was talking about if ten thousand is that Euros 10 000 Euros or Pounds I think that’s a
It’s a good top price for edit comp now this is insane this would be like game changing that’s such a good price who the was Voting no on this by the way dude you’re getting I’m coming for you if you wrote Anonymous but I think essentially the idea I’m talking
Full-time here from what I get it the idea was to uh kind of have it Stella like the videos is kind of a vid you pay a certain amount of money to watch all the top skaters in the world’s edits and then that money goes towards a prize for
The person whose edit was best who made it for that and uh he was estimated that price that’s what I guess I could be wrong but anyway I would love to see this become a reality I hope Tom hasn’t moved on from it he’s a man I’d love to
See this happen that would be a huge moment for blading Keep It Coming moving on to another very important story I had this video here of how a skatepark is built car for my feed not too long ago it’s all about how to build a skate park
Right it goes through all the people involved but then it ends the big twist at the end is that it is brought to you by big concrete to be creative working with concrete and there are multiple job opportunities waiting for you get creative explore your concrete
Career today I can’t tell you how much that threw me off to hear the end of that video be like explore your concrete career today they’re targeting skaters they’re targeting us to be to join this freaking construction field what the what kind of weird advertisement
For a job is that and just throwing off so hard but anyway I had to tell you about that we must stop you must put a stop to Big concrete they’re up to no good right now I’m telling you and then for my role winning games out there where you’re going to
Update on Frankie Morello’s new rolling game he’s been working on honestly this video here is really well done it got me pretty excited for it uh it turns out that Frankie has completely self-taught and completely made this video game on its own fueled by someone tell him and
He couldn’t do it which I love but honestly it’s someone who’s kind of been following gaming and like these kind of games there’s a few red flags here I see this earlier but uh essentially the game isn’t finished yet uh and he plans to get to that later
This year and get it out on PlayStation 5. and I know I feel like that’s a massive task I wanted to prove me wrong but I don’t know if we’re going to see this game anytime soon I’m not gonna lie I’m pretty excited for it though it’s a game
That’s not focused on rollerblading it just has role being in it it could be very big for bleeding if it goes well and also it’s super impressive that Frankie can teach himself this and make it happen that’s a very uh rollerbated thing to do you know self-motivated and
Uh prove me wrong Frankie please prove me wrong I Really Wanna I wanna believe in this project um very good video by the way speaking of more games so there was this Kickstarter that was too slow to cover here for a new uh Royal Wedding game
Called Mizu spout how many ways can you spell Mizu by the way like what the but um it was a cool kind of Lo-Fi rollerbating game it’s not 3D it’s like what’s the name for it it’s like 3D 2D uh here’s a cool trailer for it but yeah
It’s essentially like this it looks pretty fun very uh kind of simple and nice and if you’re interested in definitely check out their YouTube they haven’t given up on Instagram keeper trying to do it anyway and they make insanely good videos man I was watching
This the audio is a bit all over the place but uh the video itself is very good like as well as it you you’ll be hooked you’ll watch and uh it made me have a lot more respect for this game I can see the work that’s been put into it
Let’s go to see plating on the slide but the one game I am really looking forward to is obviously bomb Rush cyberpunk this game I think is about to come out any moment it comes at quarter three this year it’s the uh new kind of like knockoff but sequel to jitset radio and
Recently the team behind it has been put daily posting stuff about the game which makes you think it is about to come out man it must be so so soon I was I was thinking that one of their first posts here that had like a code in it like I
Was thinking like is this some kind of date it’s not a date uh it’s just the score but uh this is about to come out I’m gonna drop everything if it comes out while I’m in America I’m gonna be piss but uh yeah anyway we’ll stay tuned
For that okay now I’m gonna show you my interview with law if you didn’t skip past the spot and you hear me right now you should definitely comment that I definitely love razors let’s make it even worse I definitely love how razors treats their protein because no one in
The same mind is gonna only comment there right anyway well four of our shells will be um uh you know tested if not already confirmed in production by hopefully by the end of the month wow so this so they all that just 3D printed shelves that
Are being tested right now how are you keeping those yeah like under lock how like how are you stopping people from spotting them and leaking them I feel like we see leaks all the time so you saw the initial prototype that we had at the grainsgiving event I’m taping them
In a checkerboard duct tape uh so if you see him you see it you don’t really know what’s going on you’ll see it and there’s a lot of homages to different skates that we’ve seen over the years but it is a distinct look there’s a few features that are
I’ve never seen an escape before and I think that it is going to differentiate it from a just from a look perspective and I want to keep those under wraps I don’t want people to see that so duct taping it yeah kind of like a a car prototype yeah
I think is the best way that we’ve found to uh to test without having people actually find it yeah yeah the chicken look was cool too I remember you first super cool that’d be sick yeah I gotta figure out a way to do it even if it’s
Just a quick you know like a limited run yeah oh that’d be so so cool so it’s a flat boot that’s going to have like the room for a heel shock absorber right heel pad yeah that’s correct but how you can have different options for it is it
Going to come with like different options that you can choose or is it like a do-it-yourself that’s a good question we haven’t gotten to that point yet um I don’t know what the price for the additional shock absorbers will be if it is reasonable we’ll probably throw
Another one in the box and just say hey you want to try something firm or you want to try something squishy you know um I don’t think that we will include different heights in the Box we’re working really hard to keep this at a manageable price I feel like skates in
The last few years have gotten a little bit more expensive than I’m feel comfortable with and I understand the companies doing that but we’re we’re working really hard to keep that price down the new standard is for everyone yep yeah and that includes all different types of feet and includes all different
Budgets yeah and keeping it at a reasonable price to start with keeping it option so that you could buy on boot only you could buy them without the liner yeah like I don’t think I’ve talked about this but we’re not going to try to be the next big skate company
We’re going to be a more of a limited release more of a smaller one you know I don’t need to take over the industry I’m really happy with the mark that I’ve made in the industry making quality products but I don’t need to sell thousands and
Thousands of this skate I want to sell enough to cover our costs and to make sure that people that want skates have skates but I don’t want to flood the market you know I don’t want you know I never want to see them discounted because there’s just so many
Of them out there and I feel like some skates out there are getting into that zone and and maybe we will in the future but I’m gonna do everything that I can we’re aware of the problem I’m gonna do everything that I can to keep them High resale value high quality limited
Availability like this should be something that you look forward to the next drops I see plans long term to add more sizes right I’m not going to say no um I don’t know that we’ll do mid shells I feel like a shelf for every two sizes
Is probably the right call yeah I get that other brands might want to come out with an in-between shell break totally fine like if you get to that point where you can come out with shelves for every size like you’re winning yeah there there’s there’s a lot of people on
The top and the bottom though that don’t care about that middle like you can accommodate them I want to make sure that every again it’s for everyone for everyone I’m sure that everyone can fit the skate yeah it’s just a pause thing yeah the one I hear the most is the
People and the lodger in daylight they have no options right now it’s like just m12s that’s it yeah yeah which is crazy yeah but it’s super interesting and I I feel like if we do it well we could we could make a big dent in that market
Yeah there won’t be one at launch for me it’s super important that people know that these skates are gonna fit or aren’t going to fit before they spend money getting them sent to them because I just hate I hate wasting money and it feels like that is just a complete waste
Yeah you should know if the skate’s gonna fit before they get there so we’re going to do everything we can to make it easier for you to figure that out stay tuned obviously there’s a lot more to be said about that if you were adding more
Sizes when you’re gonna do it which way would you go first you think would it be small or large probably large um I feel like small has more options already large has a very vocal minority that yeah I would love to support sounds good they’ll be happy to hear that for
Sure yeah yeah and no promises obviously yeah obviously make this a success and I gotta recoup the crazy amount of money that I’m putting into it but yeah um it’s on it’s on the roadmap uh is this someone else helping like with the design and also is these skates involved
So I don’t know anything about these Skates um I I know of them I’ve seen the Instagram posts you know over the last year or so um I don’t know anybody there I don’t have any associated with them design so Stefan does all of our design uh Brando
Yeah he is you know a really good friend like that art design stuff like that that’s yeah that’s all my work uh you’re in the factory the factory works so the skate’s gonna come in three ways it’s got the boot only no-liner boot only with liner and then like ready to roll
It’s ready to roll I’m gonna have 50 50 frames in chroma wheels for DVD wheels or no um it’s got a brand new frame so we have a brand new frame for standard new Wheels new hardware new mounting plates new everything wow so the ready rule will be completely standard again this is
I wanted to make sure that it was separate because I want to have writers on the team that don’t skate for 50 50. yeah yeah it’s super important to me that this isn’t the 50 50 project or a Chromo project it’s a it’s its own thing
Oh they’re going to be so like flat or anti-rocker yes so I don’t mind sharing that um we will sell them anti-rocker as our Baseline so one of the things that we’re working on is a skate Builder and you’ll be able to create your setup on our website if you order direct or
Through one of our launch partners and you’ll be able to add additional Wheels if you want ah okay wheels and the frames all that stuff isn’t going to be available aftermarket so one of the concerns that I have is sledding the market with frames I think there is a
Demand for aftermarket frames and I don’t want to flood that market with our stuff so you talked about yet a new new mounting hardware is that just for the sole plate it’s all ufs so it will be ufs um you know I’m a huge fan of ufs till I die
Um but we have custom Hardware so instead of just using t-nuts like other people do we had issues I’ve had issues in the past with bolt stripping with t-net spinning we designed new hardware that eliminates that problem oh yes and I’m pretty excited about that is it like
A new kind of ufs as well as ufcs does that make sense to do frame mounting it’s ufs um so any ufs frame will fit um and the sole plate will mount to the boot so we’ll have the bolt that goes through the frame through this whole plate into
The boot so it’ll be a really responsive right um you’ll see the mounting hardware I I can’t say much about it yet but we have future goals with the mounting hardware this is like stage one um but definitely um know that you’ll be able to write any
Frame out there with this boot so it’s just completely very exciting someone had caught that you’re talking about possibly doing like a pro sole plate kind of thing similar to Amusement was that we we talked about Soul plates um on the last gear talk I don’t have
Any plans to do a pro sole plate I don’t really know what a pro sole plate is going to be I’ve noticed that in the uh and the pictures of the skate that you had at bit of cold Showdown as well as even the artwork there’s like a a line
Above the sole plate is that just cosmetic or is it like a some kind of function to that people realize that maybe it’s like a thud kind of softener it’s it’s cosmetic um we’ll have more information on that in the future it’s it is a cosmetic thing it’s not a functional thing so
There’s no like huge shock absorber that’s built into the bottom it’s going to be a traditional standard you know shock absorber that you’d find in a USD 7 or something like that for the planned summer launch is this going to be I assume it’s going to be pre-orders or is
It going to be like ready to get at the time I already made we will have pre-orders I mean obviously it’s our first production so we’re going to need some help um we have to pay for all of our materials up front and then in order for
Them to release the skates we have to pay for all the skates so we will need a pre-order I hope that it’s only 45 days before you get the skates it’s hard to say with shipping but you never know um we will have launch Partners around the world
Um so Europe UK Australia in the US are already signed up you’ll be able to order from those shops or you’ll be able to order from me directly they’ll be able to do pre-orders as well and um yeah they’ll get them as soon as as soon as possible we’ll be Drop Shipping to
Some of them so that they’ll get them quick they might even get them before I do but we’re doing everything that we can again this isn’t my first time like we’ve done yeah frame launches we’ve done wheel launches I know how the logistics works the only question is how
Long it’s going to take and that’s a little difficult to tell but I don’t want to take your money until I need it will the box come with a manual and uh would it be like a custom Allen key or something like that too custom Allen key is on my list
Um it won’t be at launch but I would love nothing more than design a tool because that’s awesome um there will be stuff in the Box though I like that while I was editing this standard skateco posted their Instagram and update showing off the frame a little bit and at first I
Thought maybe it had a changeable age block like the new Kaiser frames but on closer look I think it is just teasing the frames themselves and it leaks the fact that it’s a 58 millimeter Max wheel that’ll fit it has a so let me read the
Comment I could be better than me trying to decode all these words on here hold up the middle wheel spread is 105 millimeters there’s going to be a 250 millimeter and a 270 millimeter frame uh so exciting stuff massive thank you to law for giving me the opportunity to ask
These questions and actually answering them it’s very kind of them I didn’t even get to say bye because I ran out of my trial in the zoom so uh or even to thank him in person so shout out to him really really appreciate it uh I will
Upload the full unedited version of this interview for my patrons and my members and my twitch sub so if you hit the join button below or you’re a prime subject or gifted yourself on Twitch or you sign up to my patreon it’s only a few dollars
A month and you have actually to that and uh yeah you’ll see the whole thing anything I cut out now you may be wondering what this really sick footage behind me is here it is a new video from Joe Atkinson of him just doing kind of uncut lines in San Francisco and
Speaking of San Francisco I’m going to be there very soon uh as I head to Sprint Cup I’m doing a couple weeks of Street skating around SF and La I’m super excited about it if you see me at Spring cut please come say hey I’ll have
Uh some gifts for you if you’re a Croc gang like me I have some gibbets to give out some rainbow skate divots that you can have as well as uh some limited edition sticker stuff that you’ll only be able to get off me if you see me at
Spring Cup wouldn’t be able to do it without the help of the community here then a few main people from the community as well so massive thank you to them it’s definitely a bit of distraction but this was a really good video by the way it’s a new kind of
Start it’s a different style to what you expect from an edit and it’s uh it’s quite mesmerizing to watch like misma Rising you know so I definitely recommend it Randolph and I’ll link you to a video from friend of the show happy tooth this is latest part it’s filled
With some really thick and different unique skating stuff that I love to see from him uh some crazy tricks on ledge by the way but the main reason I’m linking to it because the Ender is so messed up dude this time he said I’m so dirty Stefan Hawke tracker
We’re coming for you dude that’s up but anyway I want to give a massive thank you to my play news correspondence I wouldn’t be able to do this without them for real as well as the rest of my patrons and members I wouldn’t be able
To go to America if it wasn’t for them so massive thank you for supporting me guys and thank you guys for watching appreciate you I hope you go for escape but click this video okay go watch it go watch it and leave a comment okay