Well there aren’t too many Coastal slashers and I found one on tuby and I was quite mesmerized by it so let’s review the Slayer the Slayer Stars Sarah Kendall Carol cotton Brook and is directed by JS Cardone what’s up guys it’s a good day it’s time for another deep cut slash review uh and this is one that I literally just found out about just kind of perusing tuby and by the way tuby man
Sometimes I take that that freaking streaming service for granted one it’s free two the selection is just insane as far as like catalog titles and even like some of the newer stuff that’s on there yeah I find a lot of movies that otherwise I might have to rent uh you
Know cuz I was looking for another movie that I’m going to review after this called Hall man from 2000 and sure enough you know I typed on just watch and there was it’s on tuby it’s on tuby so but while I was on tub browsing around I saw so many freaking like deep
Cut not just slashers but just horror movies in general from like the 70s and 80s much like we find on shudder and you know that’s kind of my sweet spot when I find stuff from the 70s and early 8s then I I really get interested and this
I guess the poster just kind of jumped out at me the layer and you never know what you’re going to get with these movies but uh I figured I’ll throw this on and uh and I’ll watch it and see see how it is and automatically there were
Some things about this movie just really jumped out at me so I I figured okay I need to review this so I’m going to go ahead and watch it again so I can really fully invest myself in it which is what I did and I’m glad I did because we’re
Going to we’re going to discuss it all have when we’re alone in the dark and if it’s only a nightmare why is everybody dead prepare yourself because you will never want to be alone again prepare yourself for the Slayer so first off let me give you a quick plot
Synopsis um basically it’s these four uh young people they are going to this island this like coastal region and they’re just going to get a break I guess from work right and our main character is Kay and Kay is interesting because she has all these like premonitions and even worse these dreams
That seem to manifest themselves right she can see all these things that are either happening or they are going to happen and it really stresses her out it just kind of takes over her her mental capacity and she just happens to be on vacation so she can’t really enjoy
Herself on vacation so then you got her friends that are there uh Brooke Eric and David and and they’re just trying to I guess console her and help her to get through this David happens to be her boyfriend and then the other couple is Brooke and Eric so as we go along in
This movie there happen to be these killings that are happening along the way to be honest especially when I first watched this movie I’m like is this supposed to be a who done it I mean we don’t know who the Killer is we might think it’s going to tie into her her
Dreams and her premonitions but we’re not sure on that either maybe somebody taking advantage of her and I will say this movie does have uh red herrings in there uh you know there’s one spot in the movie where I believe the character Eric uh he talks about this the pilot
That was there earlier and questioning wait did he leave we don’t know right uh and then also you yourself as the movie is going along you start thinking is K maybe a little bit off her rocker could she um possibly even maybe be the killer of this movie who knows and the reason
You can jump to those conclusions is because this movie deals with dreams uh and this is couple years before the first Nightmare on Elm Street you know dreams play a heavy part in this movie and there are moments where you don’t know if this is reality or if this is actually in K’s
Dreams just stay awake that’s all you have to do and you know I’ve complained quite a few times in the past about dream sequences in movies and if the actual I guess dream world has nothing to do with the plot it’s just kind of a um a space
Filler or maybe a way to uh cheaply kill off a main character that we really don’t want to kill off I don’t like that that [Ā __Ā ] drives me nuts but when it fits firmly into the actual plot of the movie then it can be fun and it can play
With our expectations now obviously there are going to be some spoilers you can already tell from the setup of this movie I’ll save that por for like the last Act of the review okay and I’ll give you a warning cuz I do want to talk about some of the the things that
Happened in the Final Act of this movie all right and I’ll even say this right now the actual cover for the arrow video release of this movie does raise some questions as far as the plot goes right there’s this creature on the cover of the movie and so you’re asking yourself
Is this the creature that might be in her dreams or is this an actual creature that’s committing these murders we don’t know so jumping into I guess the backstory of this movie a little bit and there’s very little that I could dig up about this movie um I did just order the
Arrow uh Blu-ray because I want to know more there is like a commentary on there but I know that this is one of those movies that didn’t do that well and it was lost in time and luckily because of physical media check out my DD live clip
On physical media on drum Dums extra my other channel uh and how we might be in deep [Ā __Ā ] when it comes to physical media but thank God for for physical media because this movie was rediscovered not only that but a full 4K scan was done of the movie and for the
First time in like 30 years we actually had a a proper widescreen version of the movie you know before that it was only available in uh like a 4×3 and the print does look quite gorgeous actually now when you’re watching uh you know one of those early slasher movies you’re going
To ask yourself is this going to be sanitized or is plenty of blood and luckily uh there’s only a few kill scenes in this movie but boy do they make it count with just about every single kill scene you got this one scene where uh a pitchfork goes through a
Victim’s back that was all one take you got a kill with like some fishing gear like fishing wire uh you know and and it utilizes the hooks and all that so it gets nice and uh gnarly but also the kills in this movie like I was alluding
To earlier with K’s dreams uh I I guess I could call this The Godfather scene of the movie because there’s a scene where she’s like kissing um her boyfriend in the bed in the morning and then you realize it’s just her boyfriend’s head but that’s not the end of it you with
Her boyfriend David uh a good portion of this movie is after David’s death the other two and Kay are looking for his body because Kay thinks that it was a dream of her finding David’s head in the bed and when they do find his body it’s pretty damn gruesome so there’s plenty
Of blood in this movie and if you know you’re really just in it for the Carnage candy that’s definitely there if you’re if you’re in it for the creativity in the plot that’s definitely there are you going to have some question marks after you’re done with this movie absolutely
This movie has one of those endings that is probably going to piss a lot of people off I didn’t really care for the ending of the movie I’ll talk about that once I get into I guess the spoilery stuff because I got to talk about that
Now our main character K played by Sarah Kendall um she was definitely one of the more interesting characters that I’ve seen in like those early slasher movies uh very vulnerable I don’t think she’s you know you’re like let’s say like shie Vincent and your next no this isn’t that type of
Final girl at all but there’s definitely a like a psychological study that could be done on a character like this just because of her dreams and her premonitions and she’s the main reason all this stuff is happening in the first place she happens to be an artist you know very talented artist
And these paintings that she draws uh before she goes to the island when she gets there sure enough she sees what she Drew this theater she Drew this this theater on the coast and when she gets there boom she sees the theater on the coast so at first you’re thinking is
She a little off her rocker but then all these things start coming true but of course her friends they think you know she’s just overreacting right and why wouldn’t they because normally this stuff doesn’t doesn’t happen so you know they’re they’re thinking all this is in
Your head and I think you just need to take a chill pill also I think this brings up a good discussion about I guess men and women I think women are more uh intuitive creatures than men are and and I think this movie kind of focuses on that a little bit looks like
It came from there must be a leak in the roof I’m worried Eric what if something really has happened to David and the reason I say that is because you know for my married audience out there how many times has say your wife been afraid of something you know please make sure
You check under the bed make sure you check the closets and then you got the husband who’s like honey you’re worrying for nothing okay I I I deal with it in my house right women I think maybe it’s because they have um a great imagination U but I think they’re just much more
Cautious than men are right maybe that’s why women live longer I don’t know so this movie does does kind of hone in on that a little bit and also I know JS Cardone he was um wanting to basis a little bit off of HP Lovecraft um it definitely has those
Vibes uh and the reason being it more involves like the creature that is in Kay’s head whether the creature manifests itself or not we’ll get to that okay this is the part where we go into the more spoilery stuff in the Final Act of the movie uh if you don’t
Want want to know this stuff then I would say you probably want to get out of here but I will say I highly recommend this movie okay it was quite refreshing all right and you know what I’ll go ahead and give my rating for it now for those that decide to leave my
Rating for this is definitely a purchas worthy okay and I guess just quickly like I alluded to earlier a lot of you are not going to like the ending of this movie like the the very ending of the movie and also there’s definitely some shaky like B- Lev acting uh in the first
Half of the movie I think as the movie goes along though the the acting getss better so maybe they shot this chronologically I don’t know so anyway you’re dismissed let’s talk spoiler stuff for the Slayer so the Final Act gets pretty damn intense in this movie um obviously everybody has died except
For Kay so it’s her against whatever it is that’s either in her head or it’s real and obviously we find out that um the creature is real but we don’t see the creature until pretty much um the the last frame of this particular sequence when she’s in the House and the the creature is literally on screen for about 3 seconds that’s it but I definitely liked the look of the creature you know I mean obviously you could freeze frame it and see what it looks like but it’s also on the cover of
The uh the Blu-ray but it’s not just the look of the creature it’s also like the lighting it’s also the performance by Sarah Kindle um you know you can tell that uh JS Cardon said hey I want you to just completely go for it you are insanely afraid of this creature you’re
Losing your mind so this where is where the the production really just like amped up you know in that final scene it’s just very chaotic um it’s loud it’s bombastic uh you know it gets a reaction out of you and it’s pretty freaky actually and I did definitely dig that
The creature was real she like manifested the creature and this is where you can definitely start poking holes in the plot like how did this happen how did this creature manifest itself it doesn’t really explain that stuff but then to make matters worse at the end of all this then a very
Young child um version of Kay wakes up and it’s Christmas morning she just dreamt this whole thing thing and um if you don’t like that ending I agree with you I didn’t really care for it either I think they should have just ended it um
You know after the the big reveal of the creature uh and I believe that uh they filmed that section like after everything had been filmed and mastered and the music was added maybe this ending was just kind of an afterthought like hey wouldn’t it be cool if she
Wakes up and she’s a child right because this movie deals with dreams so I can understand how that idea got there for them but sometimes ideas are bad okay and so that does take the movie down a notch it it’s interesting how one Bon head move can kind of throw a movie off
A little bit but I will say this is one of those movies that uh it kind of stays with you after you watch it you can’t really get it out of your head and uh I also like it because it’s a coastal slasher you know you think of like I
Know What You Did Last Summer or really I Still Know What You Did Last Summer uh even though both those movies take place on the coast I still has like the the thunderstorms and all that stuff and this movie definitely deals with uh you know bad weather and all that it’s
Production value right it’s always hard to shoot in thunderstorms and water and you can tell the like the lightning strikes in this movie were like added and post but that’s okay you know they’re they’re creating a mood and and it works really well that’s what I loved
About this movie so highly recommend it uh already gave you my rating High purchase worthy definitely check out the Slayer if you get a chance also be sure to come over and kill Flex where we talk all day and every day on Fridays Fridays follow me at drum Dums on all my social
Spr me and patreon buy me a coffee any guys thank you so much for watching have a great day drum Dum Out