We’re at titanic belfast just lovely down here good grind to skate on sweat left as you can see and just that backdrop as well i mean what’s not to learn I’d been dealing with a lot of anxiety and just you know it’s unprecedented times we didn’t know what to do a lot of people were stuck in the house i loved the gym i couldn’t go to the gym i was trying to find other things to do just a
Random idea really um i’d seen loads of videos on instagram with people skating and with lockdown and stuff i started doing loads of outdoor activities so then i really wanted to get a pair of rollerblades but just didn’t want to go out by myself probably thinking i look
Stupid or whatever so eventually talk my friend into getting a pair i’ve only skipped myself about three months and i just thought i wonder is there anybody else that would like to do this would like to skate just socially so i thought well i’ll do an instagram page so i just
Did i think there’s now over 700 people on the instagram page so yeah it’s really taken off i think everyone just loved the fact that they were getting outside and being social May see in the background there’s children that are learning as well we have full families that come down like children with their mum and dad’s getting as well everybody’s welcome from all levels from the age of five to i think sixty-odd it’s a sense of freedom
And you like it’s like being a child again there’s only a way you can say you know like if you go on a swing as an adult it’s just freedom few people have reached out to me more than a few and i’ve said that it’s really helped their mental health been
Outside being with people just a really lovely community i’m so happy that i started it and met all these people i can’t imagine never meeting them now You