I think diglett’s becoming a bit of a an entertainment hub so we felt you know we needed to bring something a little bit different you’ve got ghetto golf drop shot everybody seems to like that live experience thing these days so we wanted to really calculate you know the
The roller skating thing there’s nothing i know people my own parents you know told me back in the day it was so huge and it’s just a bit of a shame there’s nothing like that anymore therefore we said right okay let’s bring our experiences from the club industry
Into roller skating so we have got essentially a nightclub on wheels so we have you know we’ve got a great roller skating rink um fused with you know great we’ve got a full function one immersive sound system it sounds unbelievable it literally shakes the i say room but you know the warehouse um
And like i say you know it’s just it’s just great it’s got multi-purpose you can come if you want to just skate and you can come and uh enjoy the booths enjoy the uh the back area as well there’s a there’s some street food vendors so yeah you
Know we really wanted to sort of have something for everybody what i would say if you’re a novice maybe come down use our quieter sessions uh sunday might be a great time for that uh but again i mean you know we have marshalls who are going to be making
Sure people aren’t going and doing backflips by the way and keeping it you know to it to a reasonable speed um and and naturally if you’ve got people on the rink who are not probably so uh experienced or confident i.e myself then ultimately that will be factored in as well