What’s next for you?
So, I have three initiatives that I have on my bucket list at the moment.
A UFO Skate Complex! One of a kind. Our community dream is a regional park, with a derby track/roller disco area and a pump track with some kick ass UFO features! I am in the middle of writing a grant for the planning and design which can sometimes cost up $150k once the concept and engineering plans are done.
I have met with many leaders in my community including the City Manager, chief of police, our fire chief, the hospital and many others and have found the need for Human and Sex Trafficking Training. New Mexico received an “F” in Child & Youth Sex Trafficking Report Card.
I have always believed in if you see a need and can do something, then do something, damn it.
My vision is to have as many community members receive training on how to recognize and report human trafficking and exploitation. I envision a two-day summit at our convention center that will include training by state and national organizations. My Attorney’s General Office and the National Missing and Exploded Children along other training for different sectors of our community.
And last but the very most important is the development of a new Nonprofit 501c3 that I have stepped in as president. Our state is receiving a settlement from the big pharmaceutical companies due to the pandemic of opioids and the impact it had on our communities across the state. So a group of passionate people came together to discuss how that money could impact our community. Just last week a private donor contacted the group and believed in our efforts and wants to donate a 106-bed hotel!
Wow, that is amazing!
This is HUGE! The lack of affordable housing, mental health care and rising numbers of substance abuse and homelessness has hit my hometown so hard. Sometimes we see a problem so big and you feel so small that helplessness starts to set in. But when you find like minded people you can break down walls and move mountains.
This hotel will now be our hub for The Hive Chaves County, Inc. It will be the location where multiple agencies and organizations can have space to provide direct services to vulnerable populations including the unhoused, those in a crisis, those needing substance abuse treatment support, and individuals who need coordinated access to vital services in one stop. We will be able to immediately open 30 of the units as efficiencies housing. My hope is to also create a safe haven to human and sex trafficking victims. Our state only has one safe haven in Albuquerque, NM.