So apparently I really hate doing this type of videos because I am giving attention and money to these sorry ah person on way we are going to be talking about cutie taken or akka a fatherless person sorry not sorry so if you haven’t heard of her you are a lucky person but
That’s too bad for you because you click on this video and know now what exactly that loser is so she is basically like a short clone of you you I am not going to even finish her knee because I don’t want to sound fatherless you know and
Basically she is in this emo era where she pretends or be Emo honestly that sound completely garbage to me like do you have something else to do besides terracing people and pretending you’re a hacker when you’re not sometimes I don’t think these short creators who fear-monger Their audience yeah that’s
Right I said fear-mongering that’s exactly what they’re doing and that’s how they’re getting paid while use it there and agree to whatever schemes they say luck me I wasn’t born during this time where seven-year-olds go on YouTube then say later in life of how cringe the
Short creators are I’m very happy I am not a little child falling for these schemes and realizing they’re getting profit from fear-mongering so let’s go on with Q type uh taken or loser thefterscels so she made Community post dressing up as a emo honestly I wouldn’t
Care less because I don’t watch her nor do I care about her or what she doing I’m just making those seven-year-old or ten-year-olds aware of her in her schemes she also has been accountable of being a scammer just fear-mongering her audience if you want more proof just
Look up her name then commentary or the dark prepper also I just realized she was Barbie Banks a person I look up to but I guess she wants to be cringe