Hello and welcome to Sikkim Chronicles so that state government one of the ambitious project Wellness Park so all STM Hospital compromises projects are almost 14 crore initial costs yes so first and foremost there is a Old St name in the name of right then uh you’re building like
Right uh good morning and uh welcome to the site of uh the earmarked Wellness Park Royal foreign Urban Health Center running this is our site boundary which is going to be 20 feet after the building right you’ll do the existing retrofit building the 20 feet back then yeah
This is your site which is in color is the Outdoor component of the wellness park right Royal Wellness even we were quite amazed that there’s so much land you know two two acres of land in one parcel rail lands your Tibet roadside but you better you native House
Entry and uh you know the primary uh flow of the people will be from entry one which will be from this point and as per the direction of the government or a building of four stories you’re building a force religion zone so it will have access from the Tibet
Roadside right as much a main TCU building machine there’s one floor of complete facility and services aimed at um the senior citizens right there are senior citizens it’s so suffocating at times the mental stress of children and seniors are very high senior citizen clubs which is one level below the road as
Much as they’ll have a large Hall which will have basically a lounge sort of a facility they can cherish about old times even the architecture is so the main um focus will be on the senior citizens welfare and the senior citizens Club at this point over here
We will come down into this and new facility uh young mother lactating mothers daycare facilities this will be a food court your food court will have an outdoor Food Court Extension sitting area it will have a deck area and it will be overlooking the children’s play area all right primarily toddlers
So what we thought was sheltered space foreign will be an old Heritage stnm and then it will be also be um you know a building which will be cherished in terms of architecture on the Smart City Line guide we will be restoring this building
As it is okay so uh let’s come to the entry point so entries there will be a ticketing space senior citizens it will be overlooking this whole sprawling space okay good so uh you uh and what is the like you know I mean year of completion by when you are
Planning to achieve the Target right so uh ambitious project ambitious deadlines design we had already almost started a year back so excuse me detailing fine tunings as per the wishes and uh aspirations of the public key electricity within four months we have to basically get it out whatever so
We worked out your outdoor component of the parts simultaneously other Allied infrastructure will also be generated so okay so there will be facility for yogas and your uh yes this is now a very very vital Trend all over the world it’s uh and all weather Jimmy outdoor apartment foreign
And roller skating was a very good Trend which needed a platform that is slightly more uh you know it is it is totally uh a fixed spot or a fixed interactive we thought we’ll give them a platform where roller skating and all will be encouraged and you see single player
Could spot Buckley is they can go up to the international level foreign so these are all new uh art forms you know performing art form which need a place where they can express themselves at the heart of the um your Wellness Park Aerospace this will be no charge this will be free
Of cost only this also overlooks down into this big long 15 000 square feet cause sprawling grassland exercises so this will be a very very interactive space the heart of the your Park Board so and let’s come to the last slide this is again a takeoff of this your oat
Company so as much a 15 000 square feet of sprawling uh lawn Bunnings yeah right right side rubberized at eight feet go walking space this will be a jogging track basically it will encircle the entire park and 320 meter go uh your order one Circle kilometers
And this park will be rubberized so that your knees don’t get damaged and all and it will go through uh you know different topographies and it’ll be a very beautiful park there is your cherry plant Avenue recordings we want to also give this spark uh uh character any character must say what we
Thought was cherry season timer we could maybe have a festival here right cherry Festival at the park or something like that you know plant and planting Avenues specifically designed to enhance the quality of the park exactly I think this park was much needed for gantio Kinski what we lack
Amongst all the infrastructures is a park or an inclusive Park okay and this is like you know a new project congratulations to GMC team and hopefully your chitty uh and any message you would like to convey to the people as now this would be dedicating to the people of Sikkim yes
Uh so the last message that I want to give is Yo Parma I mean GMC as per the directions of The Honorable chief minister sir I mean Ernest Public Library only requests and like let’s enjoy let’s celebrate let’s appreciate let’s be thankful to the government right only thing is
Thank you so much Mr Gary and congratulations to your team James thank you uh with ashes this is Nirmal for Sikkim Chronicle get all the credible News on the go download the Sikkim Chronicle app