Hey groovy babies welcome back to the channel i know it’s been a long time that you saw me but i am back with another really awesome tutorial for you guys and today we are going to be working on the snake walk hope you guys are excited i have three different variations that
You can work on as well as just like the original casual snake rock i’m going to show you what it looks like first of course and then we can hop right into it let’s do it one two three This mug is awesome it’s really hot out today and my drink is still cold so that’s the good news let me show you guys what it looks like okay so that is the original snake walk for you guys um i’ll show you what the other variations look like and then
We’ll go ahead and break them all down for you so the first variation is the same thing except when we’re doing this curve motion you’re going to go up on your heels and then proceed so it looks like this so that’s the first one the second one is kind of like a uh
Exchange and pop let me just show you it’s easier said than done it’s easily easier it’s easier done inside so you’re gonna go out pop switch pop switch pop switch pop from the side All right and then the last one is probably the most popular but also low-key i’m not really that great at it so don’t judge me but it’s um the one where it’s on the toe that one’s a little bit more challenging but with practice it becomes clearer and more easy so let’s just
Do it real quick it’s probably like my best attempt ever i have been working on this one for so long but what i will say is the more that you practice it the easier it becomes and the more fluent that move cup becomes so i’ll show you from the side tada
I will say that there are people out there that can do that way better than me but i do know the technicalities and kind of how to break it down for you guys so that won’t stop me from telling you the correct movement and who knows maybe
You’ll do it better than i do but let’s hop into this tutorial we’re going to start with just the classic snake walk um some precursors that you really want to work on is kind of isolating what that front leg is doing and what the back leg is doing so let’s just
Break that down real quick because this will kind of flow into each and every move so when you’re drilling this i want you to first start with isolating that front leg i’m using my left leg as my navigator right so when you’re doing it try and practice curving in curving out curving in
Out in out do it again from the side the in out in out so that’s what that front leg is doing that’s kind of like your navigator and if you notice like when you’re doing it your hips kind of want to open that back leg kind of wants to open up so
Don’t fight it because that’s what this is all about you gotta open them hips okay so the back foot is kind of doing like a tap motion so it’s going to be out in out in out in so i’m going to practice that while really and just keep that front foot
Going straight for now out in out in open your body perfect show you from the side so out in out open up and out in perfecto so that’s what you really want to keep in mind these two movements are going to be combined together so you’re going to
Want to be doing them at the same time while this front leg i like to kind of start on the out motion like a wide eagle and then i pull it in and this leg follows open follow open follow so as you can see that front leg
Is doing the swivel and the back leg is kind of meeting it at those special points open up follow through open up follow through open follow through hope that makes sense open follow through open follow through okay so now that we have the fundamentals i think another essential
Sorry i’m parched okay so one thing you really want to think about when you’re doing this is your upper body of course in your hips so when you’re doing that open motion you really want to be like here completely open right and then when that foot goes back in you
Kind of follow through with that back foot another good way to practice this is to drill it with like cones or even like stuff that you have laying around actually let me get some cones wait i don’t have any cones uh well another thing that you can do is just
Use stuff that you have laying around so let’s use this here mug shout out to fellow this there’s still ice on you it’s been like an hour i have these things here water mug sunscreen 360 and my fellow mug you just use whatever you have laying around because all you’re going to be
Doing is maneuvering around them so you can use wheels cups whatever it is that you need to kind of practice this drill so Oh god so let’s go ahead and set this bad boy up so you kind of want to have the spacing kind of like your body width my body is here so i’m going to kind of line everything up so that i have space to wiggle through
Perfect okay all right so now that we have everything kind of set up what’s going to happen is you’re going to use these as your guidance slash initiation to go into the next move so the way that you want to go about this is the same motions that i showed you
Earlier but also each motion is going to be performed in between the cones so when i’m doing this i’m going to go open follow through open follow through again open around the first one follow through open follow through so you’re following through you’re opening up around it and you’re
Following through through the cone open following through okay now you have your setup let’s go through the other motions um that is just your basic snake walk so if you want to you can go ahead and practice that and then move on to these other kind of jazzy moves okay
So the next one is with the heel the same thing is happening you’re going to open heel up open heel up open same thing again open heel up open heel up cool so this really helps with like precision and really giving you an idea of where you’re supposed to be opening
Those hips and how you’re supposed to follow through i’ll go ahead and try and show you guys from the back what this one looks like open heel up open heel up open heel up open heel up open heel up open done so with that you’re gonna be using your hips to widen it
Using your hips to widen it out when you get here open heel let’s drill that one more time show you it in slow-mo jazzy snazzy you got this so next let me take a little sip of this too real game changer real game changer next they’re going to do the one that is
An open and pop and you kind of have to interchange in between these motions so i’m going here popping open changing popping open changing popping open open follow through pop change pop this one’s a little tricky but you want to think of it like this i’m going open
Following through but then i’m going to switch open follow through so it’s kind of tricky but you just got to keep drilling it until you’re killing it okay so open change change change done okay switch switch switch switch it really helps too when you add a little pop to it pop pop pop
And so on and so forth so let’s do it around the cones again open change change done hope this is making sense it’s just about practice it’s going to get your head kind of mixed up but the more you drill it the better it’s going to get okay our last and final variation
Is the one with the toe this one is really all in the hips you kind of want to be comfortable doing that which i am not let’s be real but a good way again to drill it is to start with your toe up and you’re not even going to start
Moving that back foot yet okay you’re just going to have it up and let it guide you toe is up in out in out in out in so that’s not the most tricky part i’d have to say that back foot going like this while you’re on only
Your toes is the tricky part so what i would do is drill that with that front foot down first aka working with your just casual snake walk getting used to that motion and then let it take you from there so you’re going to drill this again
It’s a great drill to help you open those hips so that’s the basic motion again and all you’re going to do is just keep practicing pulling these things together i’m still practicing to this day but you know none of us are perfect none of us know what we’re doing so why don’t we
Just figure it out together so i like to start with this one kind of like sideways so i can really what i like to do is pull it out this way pounce that heel is still doing that open eagle kind of thing i’m gonna go in
Bounce it here wait i did it the wrong way here here here so it’s really in your hips too so when you’re doing this too you can practice just like stagnantly having this up right and get used to you see how my hips are bounce bounce
So you want to kind of get used to that balance okay so just keep practicing that show you it from the side all right so now let’s try it around the cones this is really kind of it’s like fundamental it really helps you figure out what you’re supposed to be doing and
When you’re doing it so let’s go ahead and do it gonna go open close open close open open closed open closed open and you can move these closer if you want to you don’t have to necessarily have them super wide apart this will make the motion not as dragged out
But also you got to be quicker about it so the one thing that i’m trying to work on personally is not really hopping because that’s not really what’s supposed to be happening you really want to make sure that this back foot is kind of tapping
You can lift but i kind of like overdo it so to each of them i’ll show you again from the front you’re gonna go in out in out in out another good thing to remember when you’re drilling this is to kind of meet yourself in the middle so you have your toe up
It’s out in follow through pop it out follow pop it out okay tap i think that just unlocked it for me with the tap so like really think about out try not to lift your foot off the ground too much i’m hoping this is making sense
If it makes sense let me know in the comments if not we’ll revisit it okay but i think this is very fundamental to getting the snake walk down and making it more stylistic again i’m not professional but i know how to break things down in a way to where it’s easy to understand
And comprehend so hope this is making sense i think another way i want to break this down to you guys is maybe i’ll do a pov so i’ll grab the camera and show you exactly what my feet look like in each one of these moves and maybe that will help because also like
From an above point of view you can really see like what’s going on and when to make those movements so let’s go ahead and try it okay so here are my feet so that way you’re gonna go open follow open follow open follow open so for the heel up motion it’s the same
Thing a little flurries are in the way so you’re going to open heel up bring it back down heel up down heel up down heel up put it down and yeah all right that is all there is to it just make sure you keep practicing practicing practicing we all get there through
Drilling and giving it our all and you know just take it at your own pace and do it at your own rate um yeah i think that’s all i have for you guys today i hope it was helpful let me know in the comments if it was let me know if
There’s anything else you guys want me to cover i am also here for you anytime just let me know if you have questions and i’ll do my best to help you out thank you so much for watching thank you fellow for sponsoring this video it’s a nice cool 360 mug
And it keeps everything cool delicious the same taste that it always has and honestly it must like and it fits perfectly in my palm so thank you so much fellow for sponsoring this video and i will probably be using this for the rest of my life cheers
Thank you guys so much for watching this video as always stay groovy peace You