Kia Ora good evening and welcome to blader news i’ve got a short and sweet one for you today but first off we have a 1620 by danilo that it’s absolutely insane 1620 is one of those numbers you know like growing up skating numbers usually they’re recognizable to you but
1620 is a number i have never seen before in my life and uh if you don’t want to do the math i actually i’m not too sure about this saying this out loud now but that’s four and a half spins
Right which is insane but the fact that he did it on a concrete ramp on a very good clip it’s kind of old now but definitely go follow him if you aren’t following him he’s the man
Getting right into it though we have a brand new skate coming out from Roces called the uh 70 30 here’s the teaser uh is to celebrate 70 years in business and 30 years making inline skates
The skate is an m12 and a uh 1992 so we’ve got the rec skate and the m12 the skate features a brand new lacing system inspired by their first ever product which was a hiking boot
And i think these look great if i had to choose one that i prefer for some reason it’s the 1992 version this one’s calling my name i don’t know why uh this is a limited edition skate there’s
Only going to be 700 pairs of the m12 and uh 300 pairs of the 1992’s and they’re actually going to be uh numbered there’s going to be a number in the liner loop which is very cool i like that very
Good collector’s item good thing to do and uh yeah happy birthday to rosie’s uh but we are not done talking about them there you know i can’t be the only one who that this happens to but every time
They post a picture with two skates it looks similar like this i miss the fact that there is two skates tell me that you’re the same okay tell me i’m not the only one that’s that dumb but uh the only reason i noticed this was two different skates was because of
The behind the scenes pictures here they got posted where i saw this and i was like i like that a lot more than the picture i saw then i realized wait that’s not an m12 it’s two different skates
So anyway maybe i’m just a dumbass do let me know i’m a rosie’s boy i love rosie’s i love how they run their team when they do it right and i love their products i think they’re a good company
So i if anything i’m biased to like them but uh i’m bringing up once again the fact that they are for sale so they were trying to make it sound like they’re definitely not for sale right but
We have some more proof here thanks to us i’m digging from uh our correspondents uh tom moyes a fellow royal bay news boy uh he found court documents on one of the italian financial websites
Right talking about the sale once again he uh did a good deep dive on it and uh i won’t spoil any more than that here’s a patreon on any video should check out i’ll link it become a patreon of
Tom and find out some much better info as well as uh his guesses for where the team’s gonna end up but overall it doesn’t look good and uh it looks extra bad the fact that uh rosie’s kind of seems
To be trying to cover up any kind of any kind of bad things coming their way you know they’re trying to make themselves kind of look a bit better and they’re kind of on the defense which
Is rubbing me the wrong way it makes me a little uh concerned about what they’re up to you know moving on though we got some news uh in the royal wedding world to do with doji cat because
She posted up this is kind of old now but she was uh posted some pictures here where she’s actually wearing some impala skates but uh interestingly enough uh this is kind of buried deep in this multi-purpose you can see it you have to get swiped twice on some pretty horny pictures
To uh find out that she’s wearing skates now the only reason i found out about this post was uh because of uh biz shout out biz he had in a story but uh at the same time i’m calling
Biz out for the fact that he had to go through some pretty horny pictures of her dojo cat to find out that she was wearing some impalas so uh what’s that about biz but also please come back
Biz we missed you okay this is very cool though once again showing the reach of the impala skates and it’s a shame i don’t think rosie’s hit the same market yet with their same star skates but i don’t know they’re cool skates i like the empire skates moving on here’s your reminder to
Get your tickets for winter clash 2023 it is february 9th the 10th to the 11th at area 51 uh it’s been a while since this happened last in person so this is going to be huge and if
You can make it or you have the chance to make it make sure you’re there tickets available now go check it out one of the biggest event in blading it’s where you want to be
And goddamn i want to be there i’m telling you but uh i’m supposed to be going to bleeding cup next year i don’t think i’ll be able to have enough time off to do both never say never though right
Back to products though farmer got a new signature prime frame wall that looks beautiful it’s black and orange and actually he seems to have the whole fit of black and orange set up right now narnia’s
Is a red eye wheels the perfect match that you can get in a pack at 5050’s website but also his new sway that we talked about earlier uh is also black and orange so think how nice that combination is
Going to be that’s going to be the most beautiful skate man here’s another close-up the aluminum part of the frame is actually orange and they look great 5050 doing cool [ __ ] once again uh shout out to farmer uh these skates are dope speaking of dope skates
I’m leaving that whole transition in because it’s that sick you can now officially go and get replacement parts for the blank skates the full sizes are not out yet i misinterpreted this as the full sizing is now available but yeah they’re not out yet but you can go get all the replacement
Parts and get sliders the frames wheels and stuff which is good hopefully that means that all the sizes are literally just around the corner uh but yeah checking the website they’re definitely not all out yet but speaking of blank we did mention this last time but yeah they are making a gray
Version of the skate too it’s not a pro skate though it is uh confirmed as a team skate it’s a moon gray color and it looks so nice man and it’s so cool to see rollerblade investing in aggressive
Plating dude really cool these are great skates by the way you haven’t seen my review check it out uh i definitely recommend them if you want to try them out uh interestingly though when i was
Skating them is something i didn’t notice i didn’t put in the review but uh you can sometimes clip the front of the sole plate and i have heard of people snapping it so i’m definitely uh glad that
They do have replacement parts now and continuing to talk about parks eurojew is bringing back some classic wheels these ones from 20 years ago of our eric shrine uh they look great you make some of the best wheels in the game armbar is a poor young skater they’re all the go-to wheels because
They last to the damn core man which is what all wheels should do i also want to take this time to call out this uh fake eulogy account that has the better handle why would you do you know what’s a
Rollerblader because they’re posting rollerblading [ __ ] why would you steal the handle you’re not going to get money for a handle enrollment okay give this a count back now it doesn’t even matter at this point i guess next up it’s something really interesting i come to the conclusion with
And that was uh to deal with which direction you naturally spin so uh my whole life through skating i have always found that when i’m like doing a game escape against someone they usually don’t spin the same way as me they usually can’t do the same spin the wind tricks as me
Unless they are the opposite foot to me being left foot which uh made me start to think that maybe there’s a massive skew and difference between someone spinning clockwise and counterclockwise so i did this poll here and i am absolutely blown away by how skewed the results are you are almost
Twice as more likely to spin counterclockwise than clockwise which i find so weird and for the record i am right footed and i spin clockwise which i think is kind of rare now this could be unique to
Just blading i was saying that just because maybe uh i mean in most other sports like skateboarding stuff there’s different names for just doing a spin like this front side and back side but i’m blading the direction of spin doesn’t matter at all unless you’re doing it to a grind
So you don’t really get taught a certain way and the other weird part i find about it too is the fact that like uh you don’t really get taught to spend like maybe correct me if i’m
Wrong about this like you just naturally pick a way to spin no one really comes out and be like to do a 360 you have to spend this weight you just usually have a technique already so for
It to be this skewed is very very interesting i find it so weird my leading theory so far as to why this is even a thing is because uh maybe most people are right footed right i assume
And uh the first 180 grind you probably do is an ally usually it isn’t a true true’s a bit harder and uh that would be an anti or counterclockwise spin so maybe that’s where it comes from
But i don’t know other than that it’s really weird and i would love to look into this further and if you have any theories please let me know if you haven’t done this poll yet i will try link it but
It’s in my community tab you should go for that should i get this to a thousand people honestly a thousand votes on this and uh hopefully it gets less skewed i did do some uh minor research into
This and uh so other people have done this before and they’re talking about uh in like other sports and it doesn’t seem to be quite as skewed it seems like the people who spin both ways kind of uh
Even it out a bit but isn’t it so strange to you maybe it’s only interesting to me but why do more people spin counterclockwise i feel like that shouldn’t be a thing it should if it’s like
Just a reaction thing that people just randomly pick away it should be a lot more 50 50 right very very strange uh next up i have this dope clip of a heat on skate comp featuring uh not
Only a six sole transfer but instantly followed up with a 540 alley community like it’s nothing out of you can feel the juice in that clip it’s very nice but i want to take this time to thank my
Blade news correspondents wouldn’t be able to do the show without them as well as the rest of my patrons and members uh they’ve really helped me out here and it means a lot that they support me
And uh thank you all once again for watching this episode of playing news you are the best and uh yeah i hope you have a good day go for a skate today and i’ll see you guys in a few days another video peace out links in the description