Sadie you want to try yes kids are much more advanced these days today I’m testing and reacting to 90s toys like these color changing dwarfs okay I don’t remember this why did they change colors oh oh if they were angry they made them happy wow oh that’s funny
Oh he got a kiss mark from snow why do you think that they should have discontinued these or do you think that they should still have them I think they’re cute but 50 50. baby all gone yes you tip over the bottle and then the
Milk’s gone and then you fill it back up honestly I think zadie would love something like this she’s obsessed with baby dolls right now and if the food like disappears we tested and discontinued one where it like went into her mouth and then into a backpack but
It could also Chomp off your finger so it wasn’t safe for kids maybe we’ll just stick to the normal babies and the fake food do you remember this oh it spun around you guys I did not have this in my childhood a Doodle Bear I totally remember Doodle Bears and then you could
Wash them and then if you put your crush’s name on it it would wash away no one would ever know this is a teddy bear that you get to draw on okay you guys I really hope this works otherwise we’re destroying a teddy bear you can draw on
Him oh can I draw a heart oh heart this is the only teddy bear I’m letting her drawn this is nostalgic and now zadie dropped oh you want red okay she always wants what Mom has so I’ll take the pink I like pink anyways oh yeah go go go go
Go go I don’t know if this is teaching kids the right lessons oh oh oh not on the okay she’s over it what about green do you like a CD baby baby look you guys zadie’s baby and now mommy’s gonna wash it and see if it’ll
All come off can I have baby she’s not done yet she’s not dead oh man this might take longer than I thought here’s Sadie’s final product now let’s see if this actually washes out let’s go oh my gosh I don’t remember this you just like curl it oh you know
What I think it gives you like those spiral curls the curls that nobody nobody’s like I want my hair to look like a poodle today I guess it was cool I never tried that one blue knees oh my gosh I think I remember this is it where
It blows a bubble I Loved These you guys you blow it up and it would just blow bubbles why don’t they have those anymore you could literally blow bubbles I think zadie would love these I don’t even know if you can get these anymore and Etch A Sketch you guys everyone used
An Etch-a-Sketch you could just draw things on it some people could make like really cool art I’m gonna see how cool of art I can do and I’m gonna see if zadie understands what this thing is zadie this is an Etch A Sketch let’s see what kind of art zadie makes look at
Your drawings lady whoa It’s a beep no it’s not a button it’s an Etch A Sketch I think this is too simple for kids these days they’re used to much more complicated things she literally oh and then you shake it that’s exactly what I wanted to show you it’s all gone maybe
It’s like where’s Miss Rachel yeah she’s like I’m pushing a button and nothing’s coming on the screen they’d be so bored she’s leaving this Etch A Sketch you guys okay well I’m gonna draw some to sketch art some people I know could do like the coolest things I was not one of
Those but like it’s still very satisfying my artist died daughters impressed zadie look at my Etch A Sketch do you like it she laughed okay you know what I’m sorry let’s leave Etch A Sketch in the 90s Barbie’s house 2020 versus the 1990s so
This is a 2021. look at it they have a hot tub wow look there’s a refrigerator watch Green tv okay 2020 and an elevator what this is the good life in 2020. now let’s see this 1990 Barbie house it’s a lot less extensive it just folds open
There’s a telephone with a cord those don’t even exist anymore oh there’s there is a TV a little box with a DVD a lot of you probably don’t even know what DVDs were but you would watch movies on DVDs wow you know it’s old school so
Much has changed in like the last 20 years this is crazy it’s still cute though I still feel like zadie would want to play with this you get your mail in the front door no one does that anymore do you remember this Little Tykes art desk
What I never got one of those you got a light so you could look like your dad or your mom like a study desk but it was for art my child even remember that one oh what’s this oh my gosh it what someone just appears in
A house what do you do with that that one’s a little creepy and I’m not sure the point of it maybe the thing moves wow that is vintage that I don’t remember at all ask the magic eight ball a question and you know what you have to
Believe that magic eight ball I’ve had a magic eight ball control my life for a day outlook good I’m gonna get that Magic 8 Ball and ask them a few juicy questions zamfam get ready for some tea this is the magic eight ball will zadie have a sibling it says most likely will
Zadie have a brother better not tell you now will we be bringing someone from the zamfam out to Los Angeles as I see it yes make sure that you not use it looks like one of you guys is coming out to visit us yes you guys know
We have tested this before these fairies you would shoot them up and they’d fly the only problem is they’d land on your head or something they’d hit people in the face they injured kids all the time because you never know where they were gonna go look at this hopefully they run
Oh that one didn’t work mine got so much higher I remember this it was like a Polly Pocket you had a magnet and the magnet moved the people and I think it folded up was that a Polly Pocket not like any of you guys would know but
Polly Pockets were cool they like were little houses that you folded up and you could like bring them to your friend’s house maybe that wasn’t a Polly Pocket but I do remember that oh yeah these things used to yeah they were off the market though because they used to say
Creepy things those things never gave me Good Vibes low fat milk oh they were like Transformers okay I never had these but these are cute it’s like I don’t drink milk I’m a workout milk carton remember this classic game oh yes I totally played this we would
Throw it and you catch the ball it’s just Velcro so it like sticks to you it’s so much easier than a mitt I wonder if zadie would be able to catch a ball using one of these I think I’m gonna try these have velcro and I think this might
Be able to teach Ziggy how to catch go throw it okay do you want to put one on your hand ready catch oh yeah take the ball off jump oh throw it up catch it throw it up and catch it we’re going for sleep you only
Understand how cool this is if you are a true 90s kid okay I’m glad you can rest throw it I don’t know what she’s doing he’s worked though all right it’s been 20 minutes and let’s see if this bear stop it’s perfectly clean it’s so clean
Oh my gosh this is the love hack right here I don’t remember this a McDonald’s thing so what would you do you would smash bread and then you’d roll the bread you’d smash it I don’t know why you’re smashing the bread okay I am so confused about this McDonald’s thing
Strawberries for no reason and then what you’re calling that hi that’s just bread with strawberries that’s not a pie not even comparable oh a ship I don’t think I had this is it supposed to break oh it was like supposed to break you put it in
Water and it breaks like the Titanic not sure why you’d want a boat like that in my everything counts as exercise mom era yes a skin a skip you guys skip it were in my life I was so good at skipping I think they’re called ankle Skippers but back
In the day it was called skip it zamfam have any of you ever played or any of your parents played with one of these here skip it so you get your workout you’re a 90s kid oh yeah go Sadie go go go hey Sadie she found the barricade I just
Washed that totally yet let me know which of the 90s toys was your favorite and click and watch this video or this one you get to choose which one do you pick