How to stay at Five Steps step one marching you want to place your two feet together hands in front with your knees bent and you want to start marching like this step two is learning the two foot line you’re gonna incorporate those marches that we learned in step one and
Then we’re gonna place our two feet together to Glide step three involves having a pair of gloves so make sure you put on your gloves so you can practice learning how to fall so you want to make sure that you kind of lean to the side
If you can because if you go backwards you’re gonna hit your head so we’re gonna start with our hands and knees on the ground and then we’re going to place our foot on the ice and I’m gonna put both hands on top of my knee to put
Pressure on this foot to push myself up and step one is learning how to stop so what you’re going to do is you’re going to place your two feet together and then you’re gonna Bend and push out to make snow nice