Author: admin

A Los Angeles Derby dolls vout consists of four quarters each lasting 15 minutes these quarters are divided into 60c rounds called jams each team has five players on the track in each Jam four players called blockers and one point scoring player called the Jammer you can always distinguish the Jammers from the Other players on the track by their starred helmets it’s the Jammer’s job to try to score points and the blocker’s job to try to stop them the first whistle will sound to start the jam and the blockers launch onto the track the blockers form…

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Welcome to Crain don’t wait a week for a new video join our patreon at the crappin on demand level for instant recap Access Link in description enjoy the Show hello and welcome to watch our crap ends a podcast about all that crap on Bravo that we just love to talk about I’m Ben Mander and joining me today is the wonderful Mr Ronnie carum hi Ronnie how are you well hello how are you Bond L LA D I’m doing so well such a fun week we’ve already been having um yesterday we were on the Jeff Lewis…

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