Author: admin

As you get outside to enjoy this fourth of July weekend with your family and friends you might notice an old American classic rolling back onto the scene too many of us rollerskating as a relic of a different era maybe it recalls a childhood birthday party in a dark disco Rink of the 1970s or perhaps a guy wearing giant headphones and short shorts rolling through the park in the 1980s but one company wants to bring back those days and those wheels NBC’s Morgan Radford has our Sunday closer we’re kind of moving in a world Of our…

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For your viewing pleasure and inspiration we flipped, clicked and searched through the web to collect some new roller skating edits in October. Brunny Hardcore finally dropped an edit that features (almost?) all of their team skaters; featuring Ivey, Megan, Caro, Abri, Katja, Crooks, Garry, Dylan, Ruby, and Zoe. Edited by Alex Corbett and Olivia Coupe. Book Club is a whilesome 18 minute edit from the east coast. Some quads, some blades and some visits in the library. Filmed by Steve Nichols and Emily Childs. Editing and art by Emily Childs. Homesick is a little surprise edit by Kiersten Nichole.…

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Un revoco del holandés y tales de souza el patinador francés son los protagonistas de la última final de esta tarde [Música] gracias [Música] guau y salida nula en la primera de las puestos silence of silence gris por favor el público peligroso y guarde silencio en el boleto de las salidas silencio todo El público [Música] segunda salida nula los nervios amarilla para el italiano francés francés ahora ha sido para el holandés lo que no sabemos si anteriormente tenía nula porque si se acumulan yo creo que no está mirando eso poste acaso los coches estarán revisando seguramente…

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