Author: admin

Let’s look at somebody’s secrets. One thing you can buy off ebay. Is a stranger’s diary. You can buy the private, personal thoughts of a total stranger right off the internet, and that’s what I did. The diaries usually belong to people who have passed away, and everyone’s getting rid of all Of their stuff, including their diary. This diary was $30 on ebay. When people write diaries, they usually think that no one will ever read it. If you happen to die, I’m going to read your diary. This diary is from the 1930s. It was written by a…

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He he there we’ve had a fun weekend looking after Julie the class bear potato look here’s the photo papa took of when we took daily on a trip and Papa’s puggy Patrol mobile remember Oh Wow It goes and look a picture I drew was having Rudy fruity pop with daily today under the welcome walk apple tree remember time for bed spudster okay chippy dip time for you and dealy bear to get into bed too okay Mama uh where is Dealey hmm maybe she found her the bed Not there did you find her potato Lily where…

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