Author: admin

Ruchi. Ruchi. Yes. Where are you? Yes, what happened? Actually, I got a call. Whose call? From the Police station. Police station! Didn’t I tell you that we have to go? Do we have to go today? Yes. Come on, get ready and tell Aayu Pihu to get ready quickly. Let me tell them. Yes, tell them too. Yes. Friends, the Police have called us to the police station. We’ll show you what happens next. And, if you haven’t subscribed to our channel then please do. The subscribe button must look like this. And turn on and choose all. Alright,…

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You know I could just tell you the truth I boxed up her files from the last project since we have to leave tomorrow was there a memo somewhere I knew we were headed west but we weren’t scheduled to do so for another month yeah you know the rep who was supposed To go to the hotel that we’re going to his wife is having a baby oh yeah apparently uh that’s a little more important than opening the hotel yeah I don’t get it priorities I just I don’t get it what’s this uh that is a little…

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Gamers welcome to my Boulders the day has finally come Super Mario Ros wonder is out let’s check out the entire game so I have played a little bit of this demo at a Target store yes I actually went into a store and played it but uh All right here we go let’s see new game I’m excited man I have been so excited to play this game for for such a long time I say such a long time it’s been like what four or five months but I’m pretty pumped I have no idea who to play…

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What is it global warming I’m always just like what what is that what is that cuz it’s about glaciers no it’s not yes it is global warming they cool off the world that’s what I To w welcome back oh my God yeah like let’s just do the intro together cuz honestly it’s not just Trish anymore like I like kind of like tricked you into being my co-host like every month I just keep bringing she says trick to me like I would not sneak into your house And beg for this opportunity I keep I just want…

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Have you ever stolen anything no not Really pens I have so many pens but just Pens what’s the worst thing you’ve ever Done that’s private are you religious no my family is but we’re not Close this appeals to me because I know it’s not the best thing in the world being alone not that you are alone but you are doing this alone are you writing that down I I didn’t mean like you are are alone I meant like um I don’t think being alone Is a bad thing I meant if family is important to someone…

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Happy birthday to us!Spot the difference between October 2020 when we manage to open our shop, just 5 days before the UK went into lockdown #2, and now in October 2023!To celebrate that we have made it to 3 whole years of trading in the beautiful Corn Exchange, Leeds, we are going to be adding some bonus items to your orders until October 31st 2023.Spend over £20 to receive an RGG fanSpend over £40 to receive an RGG fan and two small patchesSpend over £80 to receive an RGG fan, two small patches a BLM patch and enamel keyring!*Please note,…

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