Author: admin

We are delighted to host a market of creative skaters – all these creatives are at different points on their roller skate journey, from skate curious, through to seasoned skater! Take some time out and put the joy back into shopping by gifting beautiful and unique art pieces. It is vitally important that we support this creativity and hold space for connection.In the same way that roller skating is a hidden talent – you only know someone is a skater if they are actually doing the activity – creativity is also often hidden. We love to celebrate creativity in all…

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How how big is a road trip like this early in the season for a team yeah it’s good just to get the boys together um you know and here obviously a little spread out where everybody lives so it’s hard to get everybody together we had a nice Halloween party last night but um You know just getting in the hotel getting on the plane a couple dinners be uh good team performance through three games you know obviously offense is clicking um at times the game looks really really good and then um you know there’s just been…

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Heather McDonald has got the juices scoop when you’re on the road when you’re on the go juicy scoop is the show to know she talks Hollywood tales for real life Mr s serial data and serial sister you’ll be addicted and addicted fast to the number one tabloid Real Life podcast listen in listen Up Heather McDonald’s ju scoop hello and welcome to Juicy scoop I have one of my return new favorites but an old favorite of mine Brad Wallock welcome back to Juicy scoop thank you heather for having me back and tell everybody tell the nice…

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For hello hello hello here I am how’s everybody doing it does it look like I sent a message like monkey man come to the Fireside I am just chilling I am looking for less drama you know better good times open communication Sally I’ve missed you I hope you’re doing okay and you know Monkey man from boss cross okay Pugsley is trying to get on my lap that funny she really is it’s she knows she’s doing her own thing I already had her fed I even I haven’t cooked her her own egg I sliced it up…

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