Author: admin

A family-friendly value since 1977 big wheel has something for everyone offering precision rental skates a state-of-the-art sound system awesome arcade games full snack bar and pro shop for skaters to take it to the next level for birthday parties holiday parties or community fundraisers we offer fun and affordable party packages Conveniently located at North fifth Street in East Stroudsburg for more information call or visit us online at big wheel skating calm source

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Stadiums are a lot more louder than this come on all right so we know that cricket was an arranged marriage for you your your father had decided already that this is the sport that he will play um when is it that you fell in love with Cricket let’s let’s ask you that Um still figuring that out because I think that’s a very interesting word arrang marriage uh I I was very young that time I was more into roller skating and you know playing bit of tennis and playing football and and eventually my father said you…

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[Applause] stadiums are a lot more louder than this come on all right so we know that cricket was an arranged marriage for you your your father had decided already that this is the sport that he will play um when is it that you fell in love with Cricket let’s let’s ask you That um still figuring that out because I think that’s a very interesting word arranged marriage uh I I was very young that time I was more into roller skating and you know playing bit of tennis and playing football and and eventually my father said…

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Descrease article font size Increase article font size There’s a new indoor recreation opportunity on the way as we head toward the cold winter months in Calgary. It’s about reviving a long local tradition that goes back more than half a century.Renovations are now underway to turn an old casino into a roller rink.Called House of Skate, the project was started by two local small business owners who are also veteran roller-skaters.“We’ve had roller rinks in Calgary for decades,” House of Skate’s Roxy Janzen said.“You talk to anybody who grew up here, they all have a memory of going to…

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