Author: admin

Going on a cruise ship can be confusing for a first timer that’s never sealed before because there are a lot of misconceptions about what a cruise is all about you don’t have to go very far to run into one of the often repeated myths that exist about what a cruise is Like many of these are rooted in experiences from decades ago and others are just plain wrong and suffice to say quite a lot has changed in the cruise industry cruise ships have gotten larger and more sophisticated moreover they’ve evolved past the generation of ships that…

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We are thrilled to be adding an hour to our weekly roller disco. Friday Night Social is our weekly wind down and provides an alcohol-free space for adults to chat and skate in Leeds. We hold this event at the Ramgarhia Sikh Sports Centre LS7 3AP. There are good public transport links and a free car park directly outside the building. It is about 20 minutes walk from Leeds Corn Exchange.New time from October 2023: 7.30pm – 10.30pmTickets £10 entry only // £13 entry + skate hireWe will also be making the following changes:Seating placed in the hallway for skaters…

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