Author: admin

Sadie you want to try yes kids are much more advanced these days today I’m testing and reacting to 90s toys like these color changing dwarfs okay I don’t remember this why did they change colors oh oh if they were angry they made them happy wow oh that’s funny Oh he got a kiss mark from snow why do you think that they should have discontinued these or do you think that they should still have them I think they’re cute but 50 50. baby all gone yes you tip over the bottle and then the Milk’s gone and…

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What did you guys think of Real Housewives of New Jersey season 13 episode one today’s video is going to be a recap but I’m also going to share some gossip that dropped after the show last night we’re gonna listen to some things it’s gonna be so much fun the fans right Now are really in a split there’s a group of fans that last night some stuff came out that Melissa was lying about and so they really felt like Melissa wasn’t being authentic on the show and then there’s a you know Watch What Happens Live took…

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Một [âm nhạc] câu Anh đâu biết đâu hỡi anh về Bây giờ anh ấy à [âm nhạc] ừ ừ [âm nhạc] hai [âm nhạc] đứa đâu hỡi ơi về bao giờ thấy qua A ừ ừ [âm nhạc] ừ ừ [âm nhạc] ừ ừ [âm nhạc] mọi người câu anh ăn cơm đứa nào Đó đây về bên em giờ em ạ [âm nhạc] ừ ừ [âm nhạc] em [âm nhạc] về bao giờ thấy qua A ừ ừ [âm nhạc] ừ ừ [âm nhạc] hai [âm nhạc] đứa đó đây về bên em giờ anh ấy à ừ…

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