Author: admin

Good morning everybody what do you have here yeah rollerskates from a do you like rollerskates we’re gonna open the rollerskates that I got for Mateo he has been asking for rollerskates I don’t know where I don’t know where you got it from but very randomly it was like I Want rollerskates so I found some we’re gonna take this party outside I know but you have to put on shoes your shoes go inside the roller skate because your feet are too tiny [Applause] [Applause] yeah you’re trying to skate good job baby high-five already they’re all scratched…

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Talk about the fallout today yeah and chris it’s that gut feeling that you have when you see something you know is wrong and all you can really do is just hope that now that so many other people have seen it too something drastic is done to make sure it doesn’t Happen again and so far the more people that have watched those heartbreaking moments the more outrage there seems to be not at 15 year old camilla valeeva but at those responsible for caring about her and we talked about it yesterday that moment when she left the…

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I call this the inner ankle Bend and it’s a problem that a lot of beginners have when learning to skate it’s happening because you’re on your inside edges so you need to focus on being completely centered on your frame it could also be your skates you want to be Sure that your buckles are completely tight because if you have loose ankles it could cause that bend you might also be on those soft boot mesh-like skates those are really floppy and a lot harder to find your center of balance on when you get the hard boot…

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Rollerskating this year under Astrid a little nativity Marilyn ad apartment akunis the Shia are Pichet Imelda Donna in the morning show you are TDI ethereal France Alaric emotional Kuna rollerskating Lanka championship now a lot iro to palana official championship eduardo cunha a Ranga Indian team la a camellia Liam opposite Anna Coney be Jubilees be Jairaj indium suji Odom a comma Kannada a +2 with roller skating in a guy in a till is in order them the names with a my national coverage our pattern data so they she a Donna if you know Tom the nape…

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My friend introduced me the road skating at the age of 45 minutes not very got to be kidding new roller skates at the age of 45 come to fat out I went that Friday night the next day I went and bought me a pair of roller skates and I didn’t Roller skating ever since you make connections and I met Joan and Donner and it’s just a wonderful social thing to do people always congratulate us on those skills and want to know how did we get started and why do we do it I mean when I…

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Skating is becoming a popular sport in mombasa with a sizeable number of sponsors chipping in to help the youth on this day over 200 children converged at the Treasury square in Mombasa to compete in at something that is turning out to be one of the most fastest developing sports the participants were Drawn from a Mercer County Kelly fee and koala counties officials of coast sports federation said they’re introducing the sport in the area to kill boredom and idleness amongst the youth during the ongoing long holidays in East Africa Kenya is the only country in the…

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