Author: admin

Thank you very much I gotta tell you is balances professional Foreign foreign officer foreign foreign foreign foreign uh money is remember thank you foreign as you get any milk she is foreign roller skates yeah whichever America is um foreign foreign foreign foreign Foreign foreign foreign foreign uh um you guys foreign accident Ally accidents I think nothing is speed catches foreign elements Uh uh um thank you foreign foreign hey Google popular news foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign storage our videos foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign Number foreign Hawaii foreign foreign Our brand championing Guru tomorrow…

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Let’s jump in we can do anything I by your side give it a try and Jump Right In let see what this day will bring jump jump let’s jump in let’s jump in come on jump in let’s go outside enjoy the day play something new together we can love but We can play in every kind of weather so don’t be fighting don’t be shy cuz I will be right here and by your side stop the adventure let’s it begin all together now let’s jump in let’s jump in we can do anything I by Your side…

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Newschannel 8 at 5 30. as the economy continues to struggle and small businesses try to survive one bay area operation is doing more than just skating by as news channel jennifer lee explains it’s a business from an era gone by and it’s actually thriving It’s a fun thing to do it’s in a safe environment how many are you paying for it’s tough for even the glitziest businesses to get on a roll in this economy okay every fourteen dollars but in the tightest of times chanel bellato’s bread and butter is booming All right you guys are…

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