Author: admin

All right i’m tax rebate moyes and this is watchlist and consume get a chat about some rollerblades and edits some podcasts and a load of gear you can buy beehive skate shop salt lake city utah there’s a new skate shop about nicholas the mountain goat swan and duran disco bickmore got together I’m like let’s make a freaking shot man let’s give the people some options let’s give them a hub they can come too and buy loads of gear they’re going to have quad stuff urban and aggressive premium gear the affordable gear and they’ve also got…

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Hi I’m Lillian and I’m Philippe we are the postmodern family we are Americans living in the UK living a traditional life what’s up we put out three new videos a week so we encourage you to subscribe to our channel we also encourage you to follow us on Instagram Twitter and become a patron on patreon comm slash the postmodern family we are so grateful for our patrons and if you are a patron you should leave us your address so we can send you a handwritten thank-you and thank you for those of you who already have and…

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