Author: admin

So rosie’s has been up to a lot recently there’s been this article going around here talking about the company being for sale for 5.8 million euros if someone did come in and buy there’s some non-rollback of some new person i think it’s quite likely that they would end up Cutting aggressive from rosie’s it could look to an outsider like it’s not worth investing in which is very scary for the future of uh aggressive rosie’s broadway’s lovers like it seems so uncertain now all this kind of like confusion caused uh rosie’s to actually make an official…

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All right i’m key stage three moyes let’s just watch this and consume gonna chat about rollerblading rosie’s teased up free skates and uh one of them’s caused a little bit of a stir where have i seen this before i mean you don’t even have to go full csi rollerblade to see the similarities It’s a bit of a bit of a weird choice i mean some people have said that it’s the smoke effect that races have used before but it’s not distinctive enough to separate it from that marble effect so why would you use it and…

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