Author: admin

Today we have decided to set you up on a speed dating challenge [Applause] I don’t want to be with anybody else but Shay I don’t know about you guys but I think Jazzy and Shay so overrated Luke and Josie now that is some hot news I definitely see that there’s some Chemistry happening with me anything in your head anyone else feel like Jazzy’s being kind of rude to her date this is my friend Tiffany milk hello she is from the channel not enough Nelson and today we’ve been chatting about our team and we’ve noticed that…

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Skating Polly’s new album chaos county line is a must listen for all fans of music none there are no bad songs on this sprawling double LP album the band’s signature traits are all present such as great harmonies planning guitars and brutal honesty however the production on this album is Fuller and more crisp with deeply stepped Punk roots founding members Peyton and Kelly produced their first music at a very young age and now both in their 20s their lyrics are even more mature none the album includes bangers like rabbit food and booster seat whether you are…

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