Author: admin

Sky-Vue Skateland is celebrating the completion of the 2022/2023 school year, marked by a highly successful year of roller skating STEM field trips for students in eastern North Carolina. The Roller Skating STEM program engaged over 2,000 students from 26 schools, offering a unique and captivating learning experience in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. By combining roller skating with hands-on STEM activities, the program fostered curiosity, critical thinking, and teamwork among students, helping them develop essential skills for their future academic and professional endeavors. Students had the opportunity to explore concepts of motion, energy, friction, and physics while learning to…

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It isn’t always easy to get your family to do healthy activities. If they aren’t the outdoorsy type, you can pretty much forget hiking, jogging, camping, and so forth. However, that doesn’t mean all hope is lost for getting them off the couch and on their feet. Roller skating is fun for the entire family and gives everyone the aerobic exercise they need. Roller skating can burn anywhere from 300 to 600 calories per hour, making it just as good for the heart as cycling, swimming or jogging. It is also good for strengthening muscles while being a low-impact workout…

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Whether you’re thinking about joining roller derby or you’ve just signed on to play, there’s so much gear to get your head around! It’s like another world and a whole new language. And just like any sport there’s gear for beginner, intermediate and advanced skaters. Here’s the most popular must-have upgrades for beginner derby players as voted by us. 1. SISU Mouthguard To play derby you’re going to need a lot of protective gear – including a mouth guard (sometimes referred to as a gum shield). Mouth guards can be very uncomfortable for newbies who aren’t used to wearing a mouth guard…

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4WheelFitness is a Worldwide Roller Community and Events Forum. The goal of the 4WheelFitness Roller Community is to connect skaters all over the world. Help me create, curate, and share the wealth of skating communities, events, locations, styles, and knowledge with the world! I am asking skaters all over the world to contribute, create, and ENJOY this database full of skating resources, events calendars, chat rooms, and so much more! What I need now are contributions from all of my skaters out there! Help me make this a comprehensive resource and community for all things skating.Where do you love to skate?It…

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Pt 2 in a series of posts by our instructor (and airline pilot), Sabine 23rd March, 2023 London Heathrow – Houston, Texas Flight time 9h 47min Time difference 6h After weeks of rain, wind and freezing temperatures in the UK, it is so nice to spend a few days in warmer climes. On arrival it’s 27 degrees but a super blustery day threatening thunderstorms. We settle for the 27 degrees! After a fun evening out with the crew, the plan for day 2 is rollerskating. The ‘Dairy Ashford Rink’ down town are excited to meet me, and one of their…

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If you’ve been following our socials, blog posts or purchased skates from us in store, chances are we have discussed skate bearings with you before. Bearings? Don’t Know Her Bearings are the donut shaped ones that fit inside your roller skate or inline skate wheels and allows the wheel to spin on the axle. If you need a refresher on what they look like click here and then come back.All wheels require bearings in order to work.Each wheel needs 2 bearings – one back and front. Put simply, bearings help you roll good. If your bearings are old, dirty, gross…

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We will be attending the annual RSA Convention the first few days of May. This is always a good chance for vendors to show off new products that are coming out and we’ll be sure to take plenty of notes. We hope to be sending out info from the show with pics and details of what’s announced, so if you aren’t there in person pay attention to our emails, facebook, instagram, etc as we share what we learn. We received another batch of wheels from Piper and now have almost all of their quad wheels. Here is a list of what’s…

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Amazing how busy our calendar becomes during the summer. We all look forward to school reopening in August and the return of a routine schedule. Happy 247th Birthday America We wish all our skate families a happy and safe July 4th. We are thankful to live in America, the land of the free and home of the brave. May we be guardians of the freedoms we enjoy because of those who lived before us.  Closed for Vacation We will be closed for vacation, July 1-7. We’ll reopen on Saturday evening, July 8 at 7 pm. Enjoy your July 4th holiday.…

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We just got a fresh shipment of NSC helmets in 3 colors and all sizes….these have been flying off the shelves but we restocked so get yours now!! Only $125!!! Free Shipping within the Continental US! NSC Aerofit Speed Skating Helmet | EasternSkatingSupply Source link

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When you’re out and about and spot someone zooming by on an electric scooter, you might be curious as to how fast they’re going. You might even want to know if you can clock at a similar speed on your own e-scooter. Here we’ll take talk about How Fast Does An Electric Scooter Go and give you a few tips on how to get the most for your ride. Let’s find out! How fast does an electric scooter go? An electric scooter typically has a maximum speed of around 15 miles per hour. However, some models may be able to…

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